D105(5.1FT) V-learn小西妈双语工程1907期+112+Eric20.5.1打卡


5月1日是国际劳动节。这是全世界劳动人民的节日。这一天,庆祝活动在世界各地举行。80多个国家庆祝国际劳动节。<div>The International Labor Day is a national holiday which falls on 1st May. It is the holiday of the working people of all over the world. On that day, celebration activities are held all over the world. The International Labor Day is celebrated in more than 80 countries.<br><br><ul><li><b>The History of the International Labor Day</b></li></ul>On 1st May 1886, a strike and demonstration of large scale happened in America, which involved 35 thousand persons. Then it was repressed by the police and two demonstrators were shot. The situation got worse: more people died because of the confrontation between the government and the people.<br>1886年5月1日,美国芝加哥发生了大规模的罢工和示威,有3万5千人参加。随后,罢工遭到警察的镇压,两名示威者遭到枪击。情况变得更加糟糕,更多的人因为和政府对抗而死亡。<br>To remember the great labor movement, the protests of workers broke outall over the world. This was the predecessor of the International Labor Day. In July 1889, the Second International leaded by Friedrich Engels held a congress in Paris which decided to set 1st May as the International Labor Day.<br>为了纪念伟大的劳工运动,抗议活动在世界各地爆发。这是国际劳动节的前身。1889年7月,由恩格斯领导的第二国际组织在巴黎召开了一次会议,决定将5月1日定为国际劳动节。<br><br><b> All about jobs/occupations</b><div>International Workers' Day is a celebration of workers of all kinds. What kind of worker would you like to be?</div></div> 这个主题比较大,选择从身边日常生活中接触的人作为切入点,了解衣食住行离不开哪些工作人员,游戏部分,就从他喜欢的工作出发,假装消防员、汽车修理工、垃圾回收员造起来。感谢各位宝藏妈妈提供的资源,比心。 了解常见的工作种类,他们是谁都干些什么,需要用到哪些工具,基本没问题,小朋友的观察能力还是要比大人强很多,最后讨论下自己长大要做教circuits的teacher,没注意时间视频太长无法上传,再一次证明妈妈业务能力有待提高。 简单做一些worksheets,这是在逃避指读么,哈哈。<div><br></div> Firefighters stop fires and save people from them. <p>回姥姥家,每次必做的事就是跟爸爸洗车,扮演消防员玩灭火游戏,唱儿歌,读字母音热天可以在院子里痛快的玩水,Eric建议我下次把fire塑封一下就可以反复玩,嗯,这次有点匆忙,下次准备好再玩。</p> <p>制作彩虹,顺光还是逆光,仔细看有惊喜哈。</p> Policeman help people stay safe and make sure they follow the rules. Doctors help you stay healthy and strong. A nurse helps the doctor to keep you strong and healthy. The nurse will help you when you are sick or getting a check-up. Construction workers build new buildings and fix the streets when they are broken. A person who repairs and maintains machinery, motors, etc. <p><b>假装修车工,</b>妈妈一通乱讲,拿着发动机构造对照结构讲,被爸爸发现是最早一批汽车的构造图,与家里车不匹配,我还纳闷怎么不太一样,坑娃的妈,就不丢脸放图了,哈哈。</p> Trash collector pick up all the trash cans in the neighborhood. They put all the trash in a truck and take it to the dump. <b>扮演垃圾回收人员,</b>复习2D形状,有个别还是记得不牢,需要妈妈提醒,就是玩起来节奏真不好把握。 Farmers grow food to keep our bodies healthy and strong. Chef is someone whose job it is to cook food. When your hair is getting long, you go to the barber shop or the hair salon to get it cut. A barber or a stylist cuts your hair. A person whose job is to drive a bus. Crossing guards help you cross the street safely. They carry a stop sign to tell the cars to stop so you can walk across the street. When you are swimming at a pool or the beach, lifeguards help keep you safe. It is important to listen to what they say. <p>Teachers<b>  </b>help you learn and teach you new things. It is important to pay attention when you are in school.</p><p><br></p><p>今天回姥姥家,玩的很开心,尽管妈妈刻意多拍视频,一不小心超时长,很多视频无法上传,也玩不转剪辑,业务能力有待提升。</p>