学习单元:复习0A-Unit7 Lollipop 、牙牙学语第一册7单元 卷白菜<br>视频:0A-Unit7 Lollipop;牙牙学语第一册7单元 卷白菜<br>儿歌:音频Unit1-7、牙牙学语第一册第1-7单元<br>Reading:海尼曼易6本(重复一周)<br>中文绘本:波西和皮普系列、可爱的鼠小弟系列10本 <b>1、The lollipop shop </b><div>Jason,look at these lollipops. I want to eat these lollipops.Which one do you like? I like this small one. Can you give the small lollipop? Thank you. Yummy.</div><div>I want to eat this big lollipop. Can you feed me?</div><div>Yummy. Thank you.</div> <b>2、The magic bag</b><br>Look, I have a magic bag. I will put some foods into the bag. For example, lollipops, candies, biscuits or cookies and sachimas. Do you want to get something to eat? Touch the magic bag with your head or hand. Yes, very good. Now you have a chance to open this magic bag. Let's take a look inside the bag. <div>Here is a candy, a lollipop, a sachima and a box of cookies. </div><div>But you are too young to eat these foods. </div> Where is your penguin? Your penguin is hungry. Let's feed him with some food.<br>You can feed him with a fish.<div>You can feed him with some cookies.<br></div><div>You can feed him with a sachima.<br></div><div>You can feed him with a candy.<br></div><div>You can feed him with a lollipop.<br></div> <b>3、Where is the candy?</b><div> I have put a candy in this cup or the box. Which one is the candy in? This box, or that cup. You can guess. Wow, good job! You found the candy. The candy is in this cup. <br><h3>Let's play it again. Where is the candy? Come and find it out. The candy is not in this box. Nothing's here. Yes, you found it. The candy is in that paper box.</h3></div><div>Let's play it again. Cover your eyes. Ok, find it out. Where is the candy? 到处都没找到。I think you can take a look in my pocket. Yes, the candy is in my pocket.</div> <b>4、Counting lollipops</b><div>Jason, I have bought some lollipops for you. Here are the lollipopos. How many lollipops? One, two, three...there are 14 lollipops.</div><div>All the lollipops are here. Which lollipop is big?</div><div>Yes, your paper lollipop is big.</div> <b>5、Where is the lollipop?</b><h3>Let's play hide and seek with this lollipop. Cover your eyes. Mommy will hide this lollipop. Count to ten, ok?</h3><div>Where is the lollipop? Wow, you found it. The lollipop is under the pillow.</div><div>Let's play it again. Cover your eyes.Where is the lollipop?Yes, the lollipop is under the blanket.</div><div>Cover your eyes.Where is the lollipop? You can take a look in your pocket.<br></div> <b>6、Different flavor</b><div><b>No taste & Sweet</b><br><div>All foods have taste. Do you remeber the taste of strawberries, orange and coconut?</div><div>Today mommy will give you some different food to taste.<br>First, let's have a taste of this dragon fruit. How does it taste? No taste, right? Some foods are sweet, but some foods have no taste.<br></div></div> Do you want to have a taste of the lollipop?他马上激动的喊吃吃吃。You should say yes. 他马上yes yes。 How does it tast? 他说香又甜。第一次吃棒棒糖,陶醉的不行。虽然是无糖棒棒糖,不过吃了几口被我收走了。<div>It tastes sweet, right? The lollipop is sweet.</div><div>吃完棒棒糖很配合的跟我又玩了假装吃卡片棒棒糖的游戏。</div><div>Here are some lollipops in different shapes. Which one do you like? Mommy likes this heart shaped lollipop. 他拿了一个西瓜的。You like this watermelon shaped lollipop. Let's eat the lollipops. Yummy.</div> 晚饭后看中文绘本时要看Bizzy bear的消防车那一本,自己看着不同颜色的小车喊到,blue car, green car. 于是就玩起了提问游戏。