
Zhen-Mei Wang (汪镇美)

今天是母亲节,格外思念母亲!特将四月二十五日母亲100周年的冥寿时所做小片增添了一些内容,并应要求加上英文再次呈出,以寄思念之情。所选音乐是舅舅马思宏与舅妈董光光1981年1月在美国国会图书馆音乐厅的演出实况。演奏的是亨德尔的D大调小提琴奏鸣曲的第二乐章。<div><br></div><h5>Today is Mother's Day! A very special day to remember our beloved mother! Now we will like to present this digital album one more time, to mourn our beloved mother and to celebrate her life. The music we’ve chosen to accompany the digital album is our late uncle Ma Si-Hon (马思宏) and auntie Tung Kwong-Kwong(董光光)‘s Duo Concert at the Coolidge Auditorium of Library of Congress in Jan. 1981. It is the second movement of Handel’s Sonata in D Major for violin and piano. </h5> <h3>母亲马思琚1920年4月25日出生于广东省海丰县。10岁开始学习钢琴,1934年全家搬到上海后,跟当时在南京中央大学音乐系执教的马思聪学习,并听从马思聪建议,同时学习大提琴。1936年外公调任,她和妹妹马思芸随父母迁居广州继续学习音乐。1937年七·七事变后,全家搬至香港,继续学习钢琴和大提琴。钢琴老师是立陶宛人夏理柯(普罗科菲耶夫的同学),大提琴老师是意大利人 Pellagatti。她与两位老师合作得非常好,进步很快,尤其是钢琴。1938年, 经 Harry Ore 推荐,考取英国香港广播电台演奏资格,每两个月前去演奏一次,这给了她很好的提高机会。</h3><div><br></div><h5>Mom was born on April 25, 1920, in Haifeng County, Guangdong Province. She began to learn piano at her age of 10. After the family moved to Shanghai in 1934, she studied with her older brother Ma Sicong, who was then teaching at the Music Department of the Nanjing Central University. In the meantime, Mom listened to Ma Sicong's advice and studied cello as well. In 1936, as our grandfather’s change in employment took place, Mom and her younger sister Ma Siyun(马思芸)moved to Guangzhou and continued their music studies there. After the “Lugou Bridge Incident” in 1937, the family moved to Hong Kong and she continued to study piano and cello. Her piano teacher was Harry Ore (Prokofiev's classmate), a Lithuanian pianist. And her cello teacher was Pellagatti, an Italian cellist. She had great interactions with both teachers and made rapid progress, especially with her piano studies. In 1938, with the recommendation of Harry Ore, she gained the honor of performing for the Hong Kong British Radio, where she gave public performance once every two months. Such an experience gave her the opportunity to improve greatly.</h5> <h3>1939年,母亲同时以大提琴及钢琴两项专业报考上海国立音乐专科学校的双主科同等学历。因为都是器乐演奏专业,按常理只能选其一,两个系的系主任相持不下,最终学校破格以双科主修录取她,成为了当时国立上海音专的第一例演奏专业双科生。大提琴师从佘甫蹉夫,钢琴跟随查哈罗夫。母亲在校期间每年都考取全免学费的甲级奖学金。</h3><div><br></div><h5>In 1939, Mom applied for a double major in cello and piano at the National Academy of Music (now the Shanghai Conservatory of Music). Back then, since both instruments were considered as “major” instruments, the students can only choose one as his or her major. Because of Mom’s equally excellent performance at both instruments, the two department heads of piano and cello broke into a fight to get Mom as their “major” student. Eventually, the school had to make an exception to admit her with a double major. Therefore, she became the first double performance major at the National Academy of Music. She studied cello under Mr. Shevtzoff and piano under Mr. Zaharaoff. While in school, she earned a tuition-free scholarship for both majors every year -- the highest honor at the time. <br><br></h5><h3>1941年,得知国立音专将由日本人接管,母亲不愿意拿日本人的文凭,毅然于1942年以两门演奏主课的全优成绩提前毕业,这在中国,她是唯一一人。在校期间经常与马思荪,马思宏一起在上海,南京等地演出。</h3><div><br></div><h5>In 1941, Mom learned that the National Academy of Music would soon be taken over by the Japanese. Being reluctant to receive a degree issued by Japanese, she resolutely graduated in 1942 with straight Distinctions in both majors. She was the only one in China who achieved such academic achievement. During her school years, she performed frequently with her pianist sister Ma Sisun (马思荪) and her violinist brother Ma Si-Hon -- in Shanghai, Nanjing and other places. </h5> 1943年,她接受赵梅伯的邀请,赴西安西北音乐学院任教,开创了西安音乐学院的大提琴专业并同时教授钢琴,并举办音乐会。在西安,因父亲去听她的音乐会而认识了父亲,并结为终身伉俪。抗战胜利后,母亲受聘青木关国立音乐院,教授大提琴、钢琴和视唱练耳。后来学校南迁,1946年到1948年在上海兼任上海市政厅乐队和南京中华交响乐团大提琴首席,同时与拉沙列夫继续学习钢琴。<div><br></div><h5>In 1943, she accepted Chao Mei-Pa(赵梅伯)’s invitation to teach at the Northwest Conservatory of Music in Xi'an, where she founded the cello major at the Conservatory, taught piano, and hold public concerts from time to time. In Xi'an, Mom met our father, Wang Tan (汪坦), for the first time at one of her concerts. They fell in love and became a lifelong couple ever since. After the second World War, Mom was hired by the Qingmuguan National Conservatory of Music to teach cello, piano and musicianship. Later, the school moved to the south. From 1946 to 1948, she played as the cello principal of the Shanghai Municipal Government Orchestra and the Nanjing Chinese Symphony Orchestra, while simultaneously continued to study piano with the Russian pianist Lazareff.</h5> 母亲与父亲简单的结婚照.<div><h5>A simple wedding photo of mother and father.</h5><div><br><div>1949年,母亲随父亲汪坦冲破重重阻拦,奔赴东北解放区,担任中苏友好业余舞蹈学校副校长,并兼任音乐科主任。担当起各科全面的教学任务,组织巡回演出,并担任大提琴、钢琴独奏。<br></div></div></div><h5><br></h5><h5>In 1949, together with Dad, Mom went to the Northeast Liberated Area. Mom soon became the Vice President and the Dean of the Music Department of the China-Soviet Union Amateur Dancing College. During this period, she conducted comprehensive teaching tasks in various subjects, organized concert tours, and performed as soloist for both piano and cello.</h5> 在抗美援朝期间,协助编创了舞剧《保家卫国》等歌舞节目。曾编写了《业余钢琴教程》(上、下册,1955年人民音乐出版社,1984年再版)。翻译了《卡萨斯与他的艺术》,与同事阿巴扎共同翻译了《合唱知识与合唱指挥》。<div><h5><br></h5><h5>During the Korean War, she assisted in the composition of some music theatrical shows that propagates patriotism. She also wrote the "Amateur Piano Course". Translated "Casas and his art" and co-translated "Chorus Knowledge and Chorus Conductor" with her colleague Abaza.</h5><div><br></div><div>母亲于1954年由大连调至中央音乐学院钢琴系任教并兼任附中钢琴学科主任。1957年因工作需要调至管弦系教授大提琴直至1987年退休。</div></div><h5><br></h5><h5>In 1954, Mom was transferred from her post in Dalian to the piano department of the Central Conservatory of Music to teach piano and also serve as the director of the piano major at The Affiliated High School of the Central Conservatory of Music. 1957, because of the shortage in cello teachers, she was requested by the conservatory administration to become the cello professor until her retirement in 1987.</h5> 母亲与老同学们!多年来几乎年年聚会,畅聊,这一张是2007年。现在这张照片上的老音乐家们大多已经仙逝,愿他们在天堂无忧无虑,再聚再聊!照片从左自右:赵方幸,黄飞立,韩中杰,韩夫人,李珏,母亲,司徒志文。<div><br><h5>Mom and her friends of the old time! Almost every single year, they would get together to spend time and chat. This photo was taken in 2007. Most of these old musicians in this photo have already passed away. May they be carefree and reunited in paradise!</h5></div> 2007年6月在俞宜萱家 2007年12月与苏夏老师在广州。苏夏老师几天前仙逝,愿他俩在天堂再聚! 与周广仁先生闲聊。 与黄飞立先生在马思聪纪念音乐会后 <div>大提琴家风范长存!<br>Long live such grace of a cello virtuoso! <br><h5><br></h5></div> 母亲热爱音乐,特别是退休以后,每日必弹几小时,这是与镇美四手联弹。<h5><br></h5><h5>Mom loves music! Especially after her retirement, she practiced several hours a day. This is playing piano fourhanded with Zhen-Mei.</h5> 晚年教学练琴两不误。活到老,学到老。<div><h5><br></h5><h5>In later years, Mom still taught and practice the piano on a regular basis. A long life of living and learning.</h5><br><div>母亲热爱演奏,说自己台上要比台下更弹的好,更有激情,其风格既热情又不失严谨。可惜我们却没有机会倾听她的演奏。母亲的教学认真独创,主张最重要是积极发挥学生的才能,培养学生对音乐的兴趣。她对专业与业余一视同仁,都要使学生“早日步入音乐的殿堂 享受到音乐的美。” 母亲一生不断探索教学方法,晚年时常与我们探讨教学上的问题,特别是思考把弦乐演奏中的理念运用到钢琴弹奏中,使二者有机的结合。她在大提琴和钢琴专业都教出了众多优秀的学生,是中国很有影响力的音乐家,教育家。<br></div></div><h5><br></h5><h5>Mom loved to perform, saying that she played better and more passionately on stage compared to her daily practices in private. Her style was warm and rigorous. Unfortunately, none of us had the opportunity to attend her live performance on stage. Mom's pedagogical style was original and earnest. She believed that the most important thing is to actively develop student’s own talents and cultivate their interest in music. She treated both professionals and amateurs equally, so that students could "step into the hall of music as soon as possible to enjoy the beauty of music." Mom continued to explore different teaching methods throughout her life. She has taught many outstanding students in both cello and piano and was a very influential musician and educator in China.</h5> 与十妹马思芸合作<h5><span style="color: inherit;"><br></span></h5><h5><span style="color: inherit;">Play with youngest sister Ma Siyun</span><br></h5> 音乐三姐妹:从左到右:马思芸(长笛),马思荪(钢琴),马思琚(钢琴,大提琴)<h5>Three sisters: from left to right: Ma Siyun, Ma Sisun, and Ma Siju</h5> 音乐世家 八,九,十:左起,老十马思芸,老八马思琚,老九马思宏,思宏夫人钢琴家董光光,兄妹多年不见,亲热牵手。2007年12月于北京。<h5><br></h5><h5>The musical family, the eighth, the ninth, and the tenth! <br>From the left: The tenth (the youngest child) Ma Siyun, the eighth Ma Siju, the ninth Ma Si-Hon, and Si-Hon’s pianist wife Tung Kwong-Kwong. The photo was taken in December 2007, Beijing.<br></h5> 轮椅车队!<h5>Group of wheelchairs.</h5> 父亲,母亲恩爱一生!<h5>Dad and Mom, loving couple for ever and ever!</h5> 夫妻对打太极拳!<div><br></div> <h5>全家福:在美国同天过生日<div><br></div><div>Family pictures: Celebrate sameday birthday together in America! (mom and Ping)</div></h5> <h5>Birthday celebration, with friends in Beijing!</h5> 同天过生日!Same birthdate! 母亲的生日祝福!简单,温馨! 2008年,母亲手臂和髋骨不幸骨折,手术后在床上多日,下不了床,情绪有些低沉。朋友带来了一位康复医生,医生问她当前最想做的是什么,母亲回答:弹琴。医生将她抱起放在轮椅上推到了钢琴前面,母亲又开始弹琴了!这是一开始恢复时的记录,手臂打不开只能弹一个八度内。<div><h5><br></h5><h5>In 2008, Mom fractured her arm and hip. She stayed in bed for many days after the surgery and was a little depressed. A friend brought a rehabilitation doctor to her place. The doctor asked her what she wanted to do the most. Mom said: “I want to play the piano!” The doctor put her in a wheelchair and pushed her to the front of the piano. And Mom was so happy to start playing the piano again! This video clip recorded from the beginning of that recovery: she could not even open her arms wide enough and could only move within an octave.</h5> <br></div> <h5><div>父亲走后,我们搬到了他为我们选的新家,母亲一直想有一台好一点的琴,为了圆母亲的梦,我们跑了几个地方,终于买到了一台钢琴。 这台钢琴陪伴着母亲度过了父亲离开后的日子, 寄托着对父亲的思念,每天都要练两三个小时。<br><br></div><div>After Dad passed away, we moved to a new home that he had chosen for us. Mom always wanted to have a better piano. In order to fulfill her dream, we went to a few places and finally bought a piano. This piano accompanied mother through the days after Dad’s departure, holding onto the memories of Dad. Mom would practice on the new piano for two or three hours every day.<br></div><br></h5> <div>几年以后,母亲完全恢复,眼睛不好也不能阻挡她,所弹曲子,全部背出。</div><div><br><h5>Mom recovered from the injury after a few years, Bad eyesight could not stop her from practicing — she memorized every repertoire she chose to play.<br><br></h5></div> 2008年父亲的学生一家带母亲去国家大剧院听音乐会,有人说这么大年纪了,从清华大学去天安门路途这么远很危险,万一出事儿怎么办?她笑着说,如果真的是听着音乐就走了,该是件多么幸运的事儿啊!求都求不来的!<div><h5><br></h5><h5>In 2008, Dad's student took her to the National Center for Performing Arts for an evening concert. Somebody was worried for her safety, because of the travel distance. She smiled and said: How lucky should I left this world while listen the music. This is something I certainly should pray for!I</h5><h5><br></h5></div> 与父亲学生的夫人和两个女儿. 同一天在天安门。<div><br></div> 与父亲的学生吴耀东。 与爱徒孙安纳 带他们早日步入音乐的殿堂,母亲教学直到发病上午,这是她的最后一个学生。<h5><br>Being dedicated to guiding students into the world of music, Mom kept teaching until the morning of the day she fell ill. This is her last student in life.<br></h5> 母亲与学生金毓镇合作。金毓镇是母亲50多年前的学生,一直和母亲保持联系,经常到家里来和母亲一起拉琴。我们在美国,母亲有什么需要,他总是第一时间赶到。 在这里也感谢他多年来对母亲的关心和照顾! 与学生沈和群。 学生聚会,抬母亲上楼。<h5>Mom's students carry her upstairs for the gathering.</h5> 母亲学唱歌。听母亲讲,她年轻时曾经跟苏仕林学过几节课,苏仕林要她放弃大提琴和钢琴,专门跟他学唱,保证她很快成名。母亲最后还是放弃了唱,继续了大提琴和钢琴。<div><h5><br></h5><h5>Mom is learning how to sing! Mom once told us that she took a few voice lessons with Shushlin. Shushlin asked her to give up cello and piano but to become his voice major student instead. He guaranteed that she would become a diva very soon. However, Mom finally decide to give up studying voice but to continue her studies in cello and piano.<br><br></h5></div> 跟母亲一起去父亲曾经工作过的地方。<div><br></div><h5>Go see Dad's work place with Mom!</h5> 2006年夏天携母亲去父亲的老家苏州,在月亮湾。能够带年迈母亲出去游历,再难也不后悔。<h5><br></h5><h5>In 2006 summer, Zhenmei took mom to Suzhou, dad's hometown. This is at moon bay. Never regretted even it was not a easy task.</h5> 难得与这么全的汪家人合影. Family picture with dad's family. 2007年北京,与前来参加马思聪百年纪念音乐会的母亲家人合影。<h5><br></h5><h5>In 2007, Beijing, family picture with mom's family at the Ma Sicong 100 memorial concert.</h5> 我们和母亲 感谢老同学方昕,为我们留下了许多珍贵的照片。特别是几张钢琴,大提琴大师风范的。 <h5></h5><h3>镇美的女儿于悌是外婆带大的,跟外婆有着特殊的感情。</h3><div><br></div><h5>Mei's daughter, Ms. Yu Ti, was brought up by granny, with whom she had a strong emotional attachment.</h5> 镇平的女儿萧汀与外婆 母亲生性活泼好玩儿,这是2010年在居庸关王义新家。<div><br></div><h5>Mom has a very lively and fun personality. This is in Juyongguan (居庸关)in 2010.<br></h5> 母亲性情开朗,心宽豁达,心态向上,晚年还是尽量与时俱进,学会了使用电脑,开办博客,写了许多生动的文章,我们把链接放上,有兴趣可以走进母亲的世界看一看。母亲写的口述家庭的历史,使世人对这个走出许多音乐家的家庭有所了解。这是母亲在看外孙女拍的片子。<br><a href="http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/articlelist_1321669183_0_1.html" target="_blank" class="link"><i class="iconfont icon-iconfontlink"> </i>母亲博客链接</a>, 或者 <a href="http://majialaoba.blog.163.com/blog/#m=0" target="_blank" class="link"><i class="iconfont icon-iconfontlink"> </i>母亲博客链接</a><div><br><h5>Mom is a very cheerful person. She was always optimistic, generous and open-minded. She tried to keep herself advanced with the times in her later years: She learned to use a computer, started writing blogs, and wrote many inspirational articles. She shared many oral histories of her family, which has given the world a chance to learn more about this family that has cultivated so many great musicians. This picture captures the moment during which she was watching a film made by her granddaughter Ms. Yu Ti.<br><br></h5></div> 母亲兴趣广泛,这是在学写毛笔字。<div><span style="color: inherit; font-size: 15px;">Mom was interested in everything! She is learning the calligraphy.</span><br></div> 想念母亲丰富多彩的音容笑貌。<br>We miss her smiling face, cheerful voice and rich expressions. 多红啊! 摸摸雪! Touch the snow! 听电话,仿佛看见了对方!I can see you! 给父亲敬香一炷!For you dear! 母亲于2014年十月十三日清晨永远离开了我们!享年94岁。<div><br></div><h5>On the early morning of October 13th, 2014, our dearest Mom left us! She was 94 years old.</h5> 永远的思念!Both of you will always be in our hearts. 仿佛母亲犹在!Feel like Mom is still with us! 父亲的学生亦是母亲的朋友,母亲去世后父亲学生马国馨的挽联。<div><br></div><h5>Dad's students were also mom's friends!</h5> 父亲学生德霖,伯冲,林耕,耀东敬挽 为了纪念母亲百年诞辰,我们特意准备了几个小曲子以寄托思念。因为疫情,两个女儿不能从纽约回费城,六个人只好用ZOOM来聚会,以表心意。这是镇美镇平的四手联弹, 弹的是每次回京都和妈妈一起弹的曲子。 献给母亲,于光和镇美的合作。