1.Listening:<br><br>0b:08~10循环;牙牙学语一循环;<br><br>儿歌sss:固定十首听<br><br>小猪佩奇:<br>1-43 Tidying Up<br>1-45 Daddy Puts Up a Picture<br>1-46 At the Beach<br>1-47 Mister Skinnylegs<br><br>常青藤爸爸:无<br><br>古诗词:<br>100节小灯塔《赋得古原草送别》<br>读懂诗人才懂诗:无<br>婷婷唱古诗:有<br><br>2.Reading:<br>海尼曼:Eggs<br>牛津树<br>红火箭<br><br>3.Video:<br>小猪佩奇:<br>1-43 Tidying Up<br>1-45 Daddy Puts Up a Picture<br>1-46 At the Beach<br>1-47 Mister Skinnylegs<br><br>电影:无<br><br>其他:<br>百度网盘:小灯塔:无 <div><b><font color="#ed2308">(转Moon妈妈)</font></b></div><div><b><font color="#167efb">拓展1:</font></b></div><b>1.White Chicken Eggs</b><br>White chicken eggs are the commonest type of eggs that we eat. When you just go to the supermarket and ask for eggs, they will give you white chicken eggs that are rich in proteins, calcium and zinc. <b>2.Brown Chicken Eggs</b><br>Brown eggs are also chicken eggs but they are laid by brown or red hens. There is no difference in the nutritional values of white and brown chicken eggs.<div><br><b>3.Caviar</b><br>Caviar is a delicacy of the aristocracy[ˌærɪˈstɑːkrəsi]<br>n.(某些国家的) 贵族; .鱼子酱是贵族的美味佳肴. These are eggs of the fish roe 鱼子(卵)that are treated with salt and preserved[prɪˈzɜːrvd]v.<br>保护; 维护; 保留; 维持…的原状; 保存; 保养; 贮存; 保鲜; . Caviar is rich in antioxidants[ˌæntiˈɑksədənts]n.<br>抗氧化物质(如维生素C或E,可消除体内自由基等有害分子); 抗氧化剂(尤用于食物保鲜); and they contain a wealth of sea minerals海洋矿物.</div> <b>4.Turkey Eggs<br></b>Turkey eggs are obviously [ˈɑːbviəsli]明显地<br>much larger than chicken eggs. These eggs are mostly popular in the country side and they are rich in RDA calcium钙.<br> <b>5.Quail Eggs [kweɪl eɡz]鹌鹑蛋</b><br>Quail eggs are much smaller than chicken eggs, have a brownish colour and are spotted. Quail eggs are very nutritious as they are rich in Vitamin D and B12.<br><br><br><b>6.Duck Eggs</b><br>Duck eggs are white like chicken eggs but they are slightly flattish有点平的 in circumference<br>[sərˈkʌmfərəns]n.圆周; 圆周长; . Duck eggs are filled with Vitamin B complex group. But don't have these eggs if you have a tendency for allergies.<br><br><b>7.Bantam Eggs 矮脚鸡蛋</b><br>Bantam eggs looks like chicken eggs but they are much smaller. Bantam is actually nothing but small variety of hen. However, bantam eggs are much richer in iron and thus great foods for women.<div><br><b>8.Goose Egg</b><br>Goose eggs are among largest bird eggs to be found. They taste very similar to chicken eggs but have much more proteins[ˈproʊˌtinz]n.蛋白质<br><br><b>9.Hilsa Eggs 希尔萨鱼卵</b><br>Hilsa eggs are a delicacy in India, especially in the Eastern parts of the country. Hilsa eggs are very rich in Omega-3 fatty acids and also considered very nutritious for expectant mothers准妈妈.</div> <h3><b><font color="#167efb"> 拓展2:The parts of egg</font></b><br>1、蛋壳<br>完整的蛋壳呈鸡蛋圆型,一头大、一头小,约占全蛋体积的11%~11.5%。蛋壳又可分为壳上膜、壳下皮、气室。 鸡蛋壳的主要成分是碳酸钙(calcium carbonate),约占整个蛋壳质量的91%~95%,其含钙的成分与珍珠、牡蛎、牛骨、小鱼乾相同,是钙质的良好来源。此外,蛋壳中尚含约占有5%的碳酸镁(magnesium carbonate),以及2%的磷酸钙(calcium phosphate)和胶质(colloid)。<br>2、壳上膜:即在蛋壳外面,一层不透明、无结构的膜;作用是防止蛋的水分蒸发。<br>壳下皮:在蛋壳里面的薄膜,共二层;空气能自由通过此膜。<br>气室:二层壳下皮之间的空隙;若蛋内气体遗失,气室会不断地增大。<br>蛋壳在醋或一些酸性溶液中浸泡一段时间后,蛋壳会消失,就变成无壳鸡蛋,只剩下一层薄膜。(周末可以试试这个实验,完事了直接煮了吃)<br>3、壳膜<br>壳膜(shell membrane)为包裹在蛋白之外的纤维质膜,是由坚韧的角蛋白(keratin)所构成的有机纤维网。。<br>4、蛋白<br>蛋白是壳下皮内半流动的胶状物质,体积约占全蛋的57%-58. 5%。蛋白中约含蛋白质12%,主要是卵白蛋白。<br>5、蛋黄<br>蛋黄多居于蛋白的中央,由系带悬于两极。蛋黄体积约全蛋的30%~32%,主要组成物质为卵黄磷蛋白,另外脂肪含量为28. 2%,脂肪多属于磷脂类中一的卵磷脂。<br>6、胚盘<br>在蛋黄表面的一个白点,未受精的叫卵子,受精的叫受精卵,受精卵进一步发育成早期胚盘。<br>7、卵黄系带<br>卵黄一般分层,由黄卵黄与白卵黄以同心圆形成相间排列组成,中间有卵黄心,以卵黄心颈与胚盘相连,沿鸡蛋长轴,卵黄的两端由浓稠的蛋白质组成卵黄系带,它使卵细胞维持在蛋白中心,起着缓冲作用,防止卵的震荡,有利于卵的孵化。<br>8、角质层<br>指蛋壳再表面的一层,类似皮肤角质层。<br>9、卵黄膜<br>卵黄膜,鸟类受精卵的一部分,紧贴在卵表面的一层膜。属初级卵膜,是受精卵的细胞膜发育而来,具有保护的功能。<br>10、卵壳<br>卵壳由内层卵壳膜、气室、外层卵壳膜、真壳、护膜构成。</h3> <b><font color="#167efb"> 拓展3:Egg and Salt Experiment</font></b><br>The egg in salt floats to the top while the egg in normal water sinks to the bottom.<br>To Sink or to Float<br>Materials:<br>Salt<br>Tablespoon<br>2 clear glasses<br>Warm water<br>2 raw eggs<br><br>Will an egg sink or float in normal water? What effect will salt have? Place the two glasses of warm water on a table. Add about 10 heaping tablespoons of salt to one of the glasses and stir until the salt is dissolved in the water.<br><br>Place an egg in each glass and observe what happens. The egg in the normal water will sink to the bottom while the egg in the salt water will float to the top.<br><br>Expand on the experiment by mixing the two types of water. Remove the eggs from the glasses. Empty about half of the salt water. Then pour the plain water into the salt water cup up to the amount the glass had before. Place the egg in the cup. The egg will float in the middle of the cup.<br>Make the egg rise to the top again by removing the normal water. With the egg still in the glass, begin slowly removing the water a spoonful at a time. The egg will rise higher and higher as each spoonful is removed.<br><br>The egg floats in salt water because of density. Salt water is denser than the egg thereby causing the egg to rise to the top. The egg is denser than normal water, though, which is why it sinks to the bottom when in the cup of normal water.<br>