<p>listening:英文儿歌,小猪佩奇音频清华汉语二册</p><p>儿歌视频:unit2a 10小猪佩奇</p><p>read:牛津树10本,中文两唐诗1首</p> <p>指读46天</p> <p>There is a kind of insect, white, soft. It can spin silk.</p><p>有一种虫子,白白,软软的。它能吐丝。</p><p>The Chinese, about two thousand years ago, had already mastered the art of deriving silk from silkworms.</p><p>大约二千年前,中国人已经掌握了从蚕提取蚕丝的技艺。</p><p>The silk can be woven into cloth, called silk.</p><p>丝可以用来织布,叫做丝绸</p><p>It can be made into clothes, sheets, quilt cover and hats and so on.</p><p>它可以做成衣服,床单,被套和帽子等等。</p><p>Silk is bright, slippery, comfortable and expensive.</p><p>丝绸亮亮的,滑滑的,穿在身上非常舒服,并且价格非常昂贵。</p><p>Silk is a valuable fabric that symbolizes wealth and prosperity.</p><p>丝绸是一种有价值的纺织品,是财富和繁荣的象征。</p><p>In earlier times, use of silk was reserved only for kings, monarchs and grandees.</p><p>在早期,丝绸仅供国王,君主和达官显贵们使用。</p><p>Now, many of us ordinary people can enjoy it.</p><p>现在,我们很多普通百姓也可以享用。</p> <p>Day1 3月20日</p><p>Baby,I have a surprise for you.</p><p>宝贝,我有个惊喜要给你们。</p><p>Look baby silkworms!</p><p>看,蚕宝宝!</p><p>Actually, I'm scared of these worms. It looks really creepy.</p><p>其实,我是很害怕这些蠕虫的,看起来真是令人毛骨悚然。</p><p>Let's help the silkworms move into a new home.</p><p>我们去帮助这些蚕转移到新家。</p> <p>观察silk eggs</p> <p>Day4(3月24日):The silkworm's home it's very dirty. And leaves were wilt. We should clean their home.</p><p>蚕宝宝的家脏了,叶子也枯萎了。我们需要清理它们的家。</p><p>Removing their frass each day.</p><p>每天都需要清理它们的排泄物,便便。</p><p>Transfer the silkworm on to new leaves with your hands as opposed to (而不是)just letting them crawl over.</p><p>用你的手,把他们转移到新的叶子上,而不是让它们自己爬过去。</p><p>Leaves should be added at least once per day. And ideally 2-3times per day. Once in the morning, once at midday and once before bed.</p><p>叶子每天至少添加一次。最好是一天2~3次。早上一次,中午一次,睡觉前一次。</p> <p>Day11 3月31日</p><p>Look at these baby silkworms, I think they Grew up a little longer.</p><p>看这些蚕宝宝,我觉得它们长长了一点。</p><p>They all look up, and don't move, don't eat mulberry leaves. Do you know what they're doing?</p><p>他们都抬着头,然后不动,也不吃桑叶了。你知道它们在干什么吗?</p> <p>Maybe they're dormant, will be molting.</p><p>有可能它们在休眠,即将要蜕皮了。</p><p>Oh. Look !The old skin. Can you see the old skin? Here.</p><p>噢,看,旧皮。你能看见旧皮吗?在这里。</p><p>They're really molting.This is the second time they're molting. They will be grow up.</p><p><br></p><p>它们真的在蜕皮。这是它们第2次蜕皮了。它们将会长大。</p> <p>Each times it molts,it sheds the old skin and grows a larger one.</p><p>每蜕皮一次,它就会脱落旧皮,长出更大的皮</p><p>Do you know what the color of their bodies is?</p><p>你知道它们的身体是什么颜色吗?</p><p>The color has become more and more white.</p><p>颜色会越来越白。</p><p><br></p><p><br></p> <p>Day 27 4月16日</p><p>See,I think silkworms are getting fat. What do you think?</p><p>看,我觉得蚕宝宝变胖了。你觉得呢?</p><p>????:Yes. It's fat.</p><p>是的。它长胖了。</p><p>Because we take good care of the silkworms. So they are getting fat.</p><p>因为我们把它们照顾得很好,所以它们长胖了。</p> <p>Actually, I'm scared of these worms. It looks really creepy.</p><p>其实,我是很害怕这些蠕虫的,看起来真是令人毛骨悚然。</p><p>Let's help the silkworms move into a new home.</p><p>我们去帮助这些蚕转移到新家。</p> <p>Life cycle of the Silkworms</p><p>蚕的生命周期</p><p>The silkworm metamorphoses into a beautiful moth from its initial stage of an egg.</p><p>家蚕蜕变成美丽的飞蛾,最初始于卵。</p><p>The total life-cycle of a Silkworm ranges from 6-8 weeks.</p><p>家蚕的总生命周期为6-8周。</p><p>The silkworm life cycle goes through several stages, from egg to adult moth.</p><p>家蚕的生命周期经历了从卵到成虫的几个阶段。</p><p>These stages are explained in detail in the following paragraphs.</p><p>以下段落将详细解释这些阶段。</p> <p>Egg is the first stage of a silkworm's life cycle. The female moth lays an egg about the size of an ink dot during summer or the early fall. The egg remains in dormant stage until spring arrives. The warmth of the spring stimulates the egg to hatch.</p><p>卵是蚕生命周期的第一阶段。雌蛾在夏季或初秋产卵,卵大小约为墨水点大小。蛋一直处于休眠期,直到春天到来。春天的温暖刺激蛋孵化。</p><p>Generally, the warmer the weather, the quicker the Silkworm will complete its life-cycle, however, other factors such as humidity and exposure to sunlight are also very important.</p><p>一般来说,天气越暖和,家蚕的生命周期就越快,但是其它因素,例如湿度和光照也是非常重要的。</p><p>Ideally, Silkworms will experience 12 hours of sunlight, and 12 hours of darkness per day, a temperature of 23-28 degrees Celsius, as well as humidity levels of 85-90%.</p><p>理想情况下,家蚕每天将经历12小时的光照和12小时的黑暗,23-28摄氏度的温度,以及85-90%的湿度水平。</p><p>Under these conditions, the eggs should hatch in a period of 7-10 days.</p><p>在这些条件下,蚕卵会在7-10天内孵化。</p><p>However, it is very hard to achieve these conditions without an incubator, and it is common practise to just make do with the weather in the area in which you live.</p><p>然而,没有孵化器是很难达到这些条件的,通常的做法是根据你所居住的地区的天气而定。</p> <p>Stage 2:Larvae</p><p>The silkworm, upon hatching, is about 1/8th of an inch and extremely hairy.</p><p>蚕在孵化时大约有1/8英寸,非常多毛。</p> <p>Young silkworms can only feed on tender mulberry leaves.</p><p>幼蚕只能吃嫩桑叶。</p> <p>However, during the growth phase they can eat tougher mulberry leaves as well.</p><p>然而,在生长阶段,它们也可以吃更硬的桑叶。</p> <p>The larval stage lasts for about 27 days and the silkworm goes through five growth stages called instars, during this time.</p><p>幼虫期持续约27天,蚕蛹经过五个生长阶段,称为龄期。</p><p>PS:刚孵化的蚕叫蚁蚕,每蜕一次皮,蚕龄就会增加一次,第一次蜕皮之后的蚕为一龄蚕,第二次蜕皮之后的蚕为二龄蚕,以此类推。</p><p>During the first molting, the silkworm sheds all its hair and gains a smooth skin.</p><p>在第一次蜕皮过程中,蚕脱掉所有的毛,获得光滑的皮肤。</p> <p>Stage 3:Cocoon</p><p>Cocoon is the stage in which the larva spins silk threads around it, to protect itself from its predators.</p><p>茧是幼虫围绕茧吐丝,以保护自己免受食肉动物侵害的阶段。</p><p>The larva traps itself inside the cocoon in order to pupate.</p><p>幼虫把自己困在茧里以便化蛹。</p><p>The color of the cocoon varies, depending upon what the silkworm eats.</p><p>蚕茧的颜色因蚕吃的食物而不同。</p><p>It can range from white to golden yellow.</p><p>它可以从白色到金黄色不等。</p><p>The second molting occurs inside the cocoon, when the larva turns into a brown pupa.</p><p>第二次蜕皮发生在茧内,幼虫变成棕色蛹。</p><p>It takes about 2 - 3 weeks for the pupa to metamorphose into an adult moth.</p><p>蛹蜕变为成虫(成年飞蛾)大约需要2-3周的时间。</p> <p>Stage 4:Adult Moth</p><p><br></p><p><br></p><p><br></p><p>Once the adult moth comes out of its cocoon, its only purpose is to find a member of the opposite sex, and mate.</p><p><br></p><p>一旦成虫从茧里出来,它唯一的目的就是寻找异性,并交配。</p><p><br></p><p>Males are larger than females and more active.</p><p>雄性比雌性大,更活跃。</p><p>They flap their wings rapidly to attract the females.</p><p>它们迅速拍动翅膀吸引雌性。</p><p>Within 24 hours of mating, the male moth dies, while the female lays abundant eggs, after which she dies as well.</p><p>在交配后的24小时内,雄蛾死亡,雌蛾产卵丰富,随后也死亡。</p><p>There on, a new life cycle begins.</p><p>从此,一个新的生命周期开始了。</p> <p>Normally, there is only one season in a year when silkworms reproduce to give one generation.</p><p>一般来说,一年中只有一个季节蚕可以繁殖一代。</p><p>However, in countries like India and China, silkworms reproduce continuously, round the year.</p><p>然而,在像印度和中国这样的国家,家蚕一年四季不停地繁殖。</p><p>Also, when silkworms are bred for commercial purposes, they are made to reproduce round the year.</p><p>此外,当蚕被用于商业目的时,它们被迫全年繁殖。</p> <p>Commercially, these insects have to be bred very systematically.</p><p>商业上,这些昆虫必须非常系统地繁殖。</p><p>They cannot eat or drink on their own.</p><p>他们不能自己吃喝。</p><p>Thus, everything from their food to their habitat has to be organized artificially.</p><p>因此,从它们的食物到栖息地,一切都必须人为地组织起来。</p><p>Although, silkworms feed on mulberry leaves, it is not always possible to find them, especially during fall and winter.</p><p>尽管蚕以桑叶为食,但并不总是能找到桑叶,尤其是在秋冬季节。</p><p>Commercial silkworm breeders feed larvae a substance called silkworm chow, which is a good alternative to mulberry leaves.</p><p>商业养蚕人给幼虫喂食一种叫做蚕食的物质,这是桑叶的一种很好的替代品。</p> <p>Silkworm life cycle is pretty short and simple.</p><p>家蚕的生命周期短而简单。</p><p>Yet, the various stages that it goes through during its short life span are simply mesmerizing.</p><p>然而,在它短暂的生命周期中所经历的各个阶段简直令人着迷。</p>