<p style="text-align: center;"><b style="font-size: 20px;">It's time to start a new semester.</b></p> <p> After more than four months of efforts, the epidemic situation has been effectively controlled and the clarion call for resumption of schooling has been sounded. Both the students and the teachers have experienced a long winter vacation. The teachers have made preparations and are waiting for the students to come back!!!</p> <p> 经过四个多月的努力,疫情得到了有效控制,复学的号角已经吹响了。同学们和老师们都经历了一个漫长的寒假,老师们已经做好准备工作等着各位同学们回来啦!!!</p> 同 <p>The superior leaders came to our school to guide the preparatory work for the resumption of study.</p> <p>上级领导莅临我校指导复学准备工作。</p> 学 <p>The head of the education office went to the school to check the preparation for the resumption of study.</p> <p>教办领导到学校检查复学工作准备情况。</p> 们 <p>The school cooperated with Hebian Town Government and Hebian Health Center to inspect the preparation for resumption of study in each school.</p> <p>学校协同河边镇政府,河边卫生院,分别到各个学校检查复学工作准备情况。</p> <p><i>Changying Primary School</i></p><p><i>长缨小学</i></p> <p><i>Wuli Primary School</i></p><p><i>五里小学</i></p> <p><i>Xianfeng Primary School</i></p><p><i>险峰小学</i></p> <p><i>Xiangyang Primary School</i></p><p><i>向阳小学</i></p> 欢 <p>The teachers are actively cleaning up to prepare for the resumption of school tomorrow.</p> <p>老师们正在积极打扫卫生,为明天复学做准备。</p> 迎 <p>The teachers are rehearsing the process of entering the school.</p> <p>老师们在演练进学校的流程。</p> 回 <p>The school put up various anti-epidemic slogans.</p> <p>学校张贴了各类防疫标语。</p> 学 <p>The canteen is also being cleaned in an orderly manner to ensure the students' dining hygiene.</p> <p>食堂也在有序的打扫卫生,保障同学们的用餐卫生。</p> 校 <p>The students still did not relax at home. They wrote and drew. let's take a look!!!</p> <p>同学们在家依然没有松懈,她们写写画画,我们一起来欣赏吧!!!</p> <p>同学们,欢迎回来!!!</p> <p><br></p><p><br></p><p style="text-align: right;">冕宁县河边镇中心小学</p><p style="text-align: right;">英语组</p>