[1b U2 I’m Hugry-1] 4月14日 Day67-1906期266号朱思妍Emma (201609)


<h3><b style="color: rgb(25, 25, 25);"><i>1b Unit2 I'm Hungry (食物主题)</i></b></h3><h5><b style="color: rgb(25, 25, 25);">汉语第二册 第二单元 金钩钩,银钩钩</b></h5><h3><br></h3><h3>👂Listening: 1b Unit1-4,汉语第二册1-4, Heinemann, Oxford Reading Tree, Red Rocket</h3><h3>🔊Reading:&nbsp;</h3><h3>1. 1b Unit 2</h3><h3>2. Heinemann 5本</h3><h3>3. Oxford Reading Tree 6本</h3><h3>4. Red Rocket 2本 (复习5 Letter)</h3><h3>5. Picture Books 3本</h3><h3>6. 中文书 4本</h3><h3>📺 Movie:</h3><h3>Peppa Pig S2 E16-18,Alphablocks S1 E21-22</h3> <p style="font-family: -webkit-standard; white-space: normal; -webkit-tap-highlight-color: rgba(26, 26, 26, 0.301961); -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto;"></h3><h3>👉🏼 <font color="#ed2308"><b>What we will Learn:</b></font><br><font color="#b04fbb">概念:</font><br><ol><li>What is Hungry?<br></li><li>What is Food?<br></li><li>What do we eat for breakfast, lunch and finner? What do we eat by season? (8-12 wards)<br></li><li>What do we eat at home? What do we eat outside? What do we drink? (8-12 wards)<br></li><li>What does it taste? (4-8 words)<br></li><li>What is food chain?<br></li><li>What is difference between Crocodile and Alligator?<br></li></ol><font color="#b04fbb">语法:</font><br>1. He wants to eat...第三人称单数<br><font color="#b04fbb">词汇延伸:</font><br>1. I’m thirsty, I want to drink; I’m sleepy, I want to sleep; I’m tired, I want to rest;</h3> <h3>👉 <b><font color="#ed2308">What we will do:</font></b><br><ol><li>Games: Croc is hungry, Who is hungry, Croc is coming, Let's go back, Baby is hungry, I want to eat ...</li><li>Handcraft: Food of clay, Food Puzzle;<br></li><li>Book: The very hungry catapilla; <span style="-webkit-text-size-adjust: auto;">From Milk to Ice Cream; Milk from cow to carton; Who eats what;</span></li></ol></h3><p style="font-family: -webkit-standard; white-space: normal; -webkit-tap-highlight-color: rgba(26, 26, 26, 0.301961); -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto;"></h3> <h3><b style="color: rgb(237, 35, 8);">1. What is Hungery?</b></h3><h3>Hunger is the <b>feeling</b> of wanting to eat. The opposite of hunger is called <b>satiety</b> or <b>fullness</b>. </h3><p style="font-family: -webkit-standard; white-space: normal; -webkit-tap-highlight-color: rgba(26, 26, 26, 0.301961); -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto;">饥饿是想要吃东西的感觉,饥饿的反义词是饱足感。</h3><h3>People can survive weeks without eating, but they will start to feel hungry after they have not eaten for a few hours. Hunger is generally considered quite uncomfortable. People who have eaten food usually will feel less hungry, or not hungry at all. People can live longer without food than without water.</h3><p style="font-family: -webkit-standard; white-space: normal; -webkit-tap-highlight-color: rgba(26, 26, 26, 0.301961); -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto;">人们可以在几周不吃东西的情况下生存,但是他们会在几小时不吃东西后开始感到饥饿。饥饿通常被认为是很不舒服的。吃过东西的人通常会觉得不太饿,或者一点都不饿。人们没有食物比没有水能活得更久。</h3><h3>Hunger is also used to refer to people who generally have little to eat, and are therefore often hungry.</h3><h3><span style="font-family: -webkit-standard; white-space: normal; -webkit-tap-highlight-color: rgba(26, 26, 26, 0.301961); -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto;">"Hunger"也用来指那些通常没什么吃的,因此经常感到饥饿的人。</span></h3><p style="font-family: -webkit-standard; white-space: normal; -webkit-tap-highlight-color: rgba(26, 26, 26, 0.301961); -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto;"></h3> <h3>Game1⃣️:<font color="#ff8a00"><b><i>Croc is hungry</i></b></font></h3><h3>M:&nbsp;Emma, Andy, Come to play games!</h3><h3>Who wants to be doggies?&nbsp;</h3><h3>A: Me! E: Me, The doggy is so cute.</h3><h3>M: So You're doggies, woof, woof.&nbsp;</h3><h3>A: We are going to play here. (Run to the rug)<br>M: I'm a Croc (mommy).&nbsp;</h3><h3>I'm hungry, growl, growl, growl.&nbsp;</h3><h3>I'm hungry, growl, growl, growl.&nbsp;</h3><h3>I'm hungry, growl, growl, growl.&nbsp;</h3><h3>I want to eat.&nbsp;</h3><h3>What should I eat? Oh look, I see lots of doggies.&nbsp;</h3><h3>I will eat some doggies, haha.&nbsp;</h3><h3>E: Oh look, croc is coming.<br>A: Let's run away (go to the bedroom).<br>M: Croc runs to catch the doggies (the one who is caught will be the croc).</h3> <h3>Game2⃣️: <font color="#ff8a00"><b><i>Who is hungry?</i></b></font></h3><h3>E: I'm a girl. I'm hungry, I want to eat (Mum give a bowl of food to Emma).<br>E: Mm, yummy. I like this food.<br>M: I'm a doggy. I'm hungry, I want to eat.</h3><h3>What's that?It smells good.I want to eat this food.<br>E: Come here, doggy.</h3><h3>I'll give you some food.<br>M: Oh,thank you very much! It's delicious.<br>A: I'm a Croc. I'm hungry, I want to eat.&nbsp;</h3><h3>Oh, here's a doggy.</h3><h3>Choc's hungery, growl. growl. growl. Groc's hargery, growl, growl. (Croc goes to eat the doggy)<br>M: Come here croc. Are you hungry? I'll give you this food. Here you are!</h3><h3>Croc: Oh. Thank you. (So croc won't eat doggy)<br>E, A, M: We are full.</h3> <h3>Game3⃣️: <font color="#ff8a00"><b><i>Croc is coming</i></b></font></h3><h3>M: I'm a Croc. I'm hungry, growl, growl, growl.</h3><h3>I want to eat.</h3><h3>What should I eat? Wow look, I see some kids. I will eat them, haha.<br>Croc's hungry, growl, growl, growl.</h3><h3>Croc's hungry, growl, growl, growl.<br>Croc's hungry, growl, growl, growl.</h3><h3>"I want to eat."<br>When croc says 'I want to eat',everyone needs to squat down to be safe.</h3><h3>E: Mum, I'm squating down, you can't eat me!</h3> <h3>📚不想被鳄鱼吃掉,每个游戏都要当鳄鱼来抓人 ,好不容易妈妈当了一回鳄鱼,Emma说:“妈妈,我不想被你吃掉!”。</h3><h3><font color="#39b54a"><b>总结:</b></font>口语可以做到整句输出,可以用二、三句话表达想法,并且能够一来一往的沟通;</h3><h3><font color="#39b54a">成长记录:</font></h3><h3>1. 2019年11月18日,开始主动用英语简单的表达自己的想法...👍(I want...)<br>2. 2020年3月16日,开始说小从句了...👍<br>3. 2020年4月10日,语言爆发期来了,英语口语大量输出,中英文自由转换..👍</h3><h3><font color="#39b54a">常用句型:</font></h3><h3>I want......</h3><h3>I like......</h3><h3>Mum, please help me to open it.</h3><h3>I don’t want to do it.</h3><h3>Do you like orange? I like yellow.&nbsp;</h3><h3>I changed my favorate color, now I like pink.</h3><h3><font color="#39b54a">新增句型:</font></h3><h3>This is what I paste...👍</h3><h3>I’m still sleepy...👍</h3><h3>I'm too tired...👍</h3><h3>Look, a little bird flying in the air…👍</h3><h3>I get small balls for you…👍</h3><h3>I can see a flying broom…👍</h3><h3>It’s not a real bunny…👍</h3><h3>I’m lying in my shell ...👍</h3><h3>Can you find anything else...👍</h3><h3>Can you draw with me...👍</h3><h3>I want it to be my bib...👍</h3><h3>It just drop down for a while...👍</h3><h3>Tomorrow, I would like to go shopping with you...👍</h3><h3>I got orange juice on my forehead...👍</h3><h3>Sorry, Miss Duck, we have no more fish for you! ...👍</h3><h3>I will stay away from the black cat ...👍</h3><h3>Please use your hand to touch and guess what it is...👍</h3><h3>Follow me, if not you don’t know what number I count...👍</h3><h3>It is better the bridge is not broken, it will be sad if you fall into water...👍</h3> <h3>中文部分:汉语第二册</h3><h3>📒 第二单元:<b>金钩钩,银钩钩</b></h3><h3><font color="#ff8a00"><b>同步绘本:</b></font><b>《爷爷的牙,我的牙》</b></h3><h3>游戏釆用情景表演的方式!小朋友会学动画片中的对话!</h3><h3><font color="#ff8a00">目标:</font>儿歌滚瓜烂熟,认识田字格生字,字卡每周认5个,早诵晚读会指读;</h3><h3><i><font color="#ff8a00">每天任务安排:</font></i><b>玩游戏</b>,读小书,加早诵晚读,还有绘本阅读!字卡游戏每天玩。</h3><h3><font color="#ff8a00"><b>古诗背诵:</b></font>一、《小池》,《悯农》,《咏<font color="#191919">鹅》,《山村咏怀》,《登鹳雀楼》,《静夜思》;二、《春夜喜雨》</font></h3><h3><font color="#191919">三字经:“为人子”</font></h3><h3><font color="#191919">谜语:第一册:12个</font></h3><h3><font color="#191919">第二册:2个</font></h3><h3><font color="#191919">弟子规:“父母呼”</font></h3><h3><font color="#191919">论语:“学而”</font></h3><h3><font color="#191919">认识字卡:50张👍</font></h3>