Everyone gets talent!<四>


<b><i><font color="#39b54a">Magic show by叶檬檬 background music-1234 by feist</font></i></b> <font color="#167efb">prop: rope; paper; coin...</font> <font color="#167efb">This lovely girl is Mengmeng. Her English pronunciation is wonderful. But this time she doesn't show us what she is good at. Instead,she performs magic, which we have never seen before. When it comes to magic, it occurs to us some famous magicians. While Mengmeng just tells us if you like it, you can also do it well and interestingly.</font> <b><i><font color="#39b54a">singing-faded by周鋆楷</font></i></b> <font color="#167efb">You were the shadow to my light Did you feel us Another start You fade away<br>Afraid our aim is out of sight Wanna see us Alive Where are you now<br>Where are you now Where are you now Was it all in my fantasy Where are you now<br>Were you only imaginary Where are you now Atlantis Under the sea Under the sea<br>Where are you now Another dream The monster's running wild inside of me<br>I'm faded I'm faded So lost, I'm faded I'm faded So lost, I'm faded<br>These shallow waters never met what I needed I'm letting go a deeper dive<br>Eternal silence of the sea. I'm breathing alive Where are you now Where are you now<br>Under the bright but faded lights You've set my heart on fire<br>Where are you now Where are you now Where are you now Atlantis<br>Under the sea Under the sea Where are you now Another dream<br>The monster's running wild inside of me I'm faded I'm faded So lost, I'm faded<br>I'm faded So lost, I'm faded</font> <p><span style="color: rgb(22, 126, 251);">Honestly speaking, I am inspired by Yunkai. There are not so many people for him to rely on. His father has to work out to create a better living condition for him. He never complains but fights for his future like a real warrior. In the afternoon, he always stays in the classroom reading books or asks teachers some questions. Besides, he is fond of singing. For me, music is to him what water is to fish. He can express his emotions deep into the songs.</span></p> <b><i><font color="#39b54a">Rubik's Cube by胡善言 background music-magic position by Patrick Wolf</font></i></b><div><b><i><font color="#39b54a"><br></font></i></b></div> <font color="#167efb">For some reasons, I pick this song as the background music. When I was in the university, I was obsessed with Patrick Wolf. This singer from Ireland is totally talented. And our Shanyan is like him more or less. He gets the magic power to make something interesting. And he prefers anything related to math. So choosing Rubik's cube makes sense.</font> <b><i><font color="#39b54a">Drawing by 王若熙</font></i></b> <font color="#167efb">卡通画,是英语"cartoon"的汉语音译。卡通作为一种艺术形式最早起源于欧洲。对于这个词的词源,有两种不同说法:其一是说它来自法语中的"carton"(图画);其二是说它源自意大利语中的"cartone"(纸板)。<br>  从卡通的词源上,我们就能够确切的获知,卡通作为一种艺术形式最早起源于欧洲。而在近代欧洲,有两个促使卡通出现的重要历史条件:首先,资本主义萌芽的发展,壮大了市民阶层的力量,导致社会结构的重大变化。其次,自文艺复兴运动以来,自由开放的艺术理念开始为社会所接受。这两个条件的相互作用,使得传统绘画走下了中世纪的神坛,日益接近平民的审美趋向,给以简御繁的卡通画提供了产生的社会基础。</font> <font color="#167efb">Ruoxi, what a romantic name when I hear about it. At the beginning, she was kind of shy but she was willing to give it a try. We all know God loves the person who is always prepared. And Ruoxi (her English name is Alice) never lets us down. She gradually becomes confident and outgoing. We believe this shining girl will make her own history.</font> <font color="#39b54a"><b><i>Singing with guitar by 汪姝筱</i></b></font> <font color="#167efb"><b><i>创作背景</i></b>-《安和桥》名字源自民谣歌手宋冬野自小熟悉的安和桥,是为纪念宋冬野逝去的奶奶张先诺和那些关于他成长的种种回忆,也是纪念早已拆迁不存在的老北京。<br>《安和桥》混音的时候,这首歌的录音混音工作成了整张专辑里最困难、最残酷也是时间最长的一首,专辑制作人韦伟让他先别去他们先混,当宋冬野第一次在楼道里听见马头琴的声音在《安和桥》出现的时候,他激动地哭了,冲进棚里朝制作人和录音室大喊:“就要这个!就要这个!“于是它就从那时一直保留到了最后,丝毫没有修改。由于宋冬野对这首歌的感情太深,所以已经无法做到从编曲制作的等等其他方面去评述它 </font><div><font color="#167efb"><b><i>歌词</i></b>-让我再看你一遍从南到北</font></div><font color="#167efb">像是被五环路蒙住的双眼<br>请你再讲一遍关于那天<br>抱着盒子的姑娘和擦汗的男人<br>我知道那些夏天<br>就像青春一样回不来</font><br><font color="#167efb">代替梦想的也只能是勉为其难<br>我知道吹过的牛逼<br>也会随青春一笑了之<br>让我困在城市里纪念你<br>让我再尝一口秋天的酒<br>一直往南方开不会太久<br>让我再听一遍最美的那一句<br>你回家了我在等你呢<br>我知道那些夏天<br>就像青春一样回不来<br>代替梦想的也只能是勉为其难<br>我知道吹过的牛逼<br>也会随青春一笑了之<br>让我困在城市里 纪念你<br>我知道那些夏天<br>就像你一样回不来<br>我已不会再对谁满怀期待<br>我知道这个世界<br>每天都有太多遗憾<br>所以你好再见</font> <font color="#167efb">Every time I call her name Shuxiao, I recall some poems in Chinese history. She is modern with classical quality. In the school, she is humble and modest. What impresses me most is that she does everything carefully. With beautiful handwriting and talented skill playing the guitar, she is a real model whom we can learn a lot from.</font>