Everyone gets talent!<三>


<b><i><font color="#39b54a">Chinese calligraphy by 王萧涵 background music-Yes, I am by Sophie Zelmani</font></i></b><div><b><i><font color="#39b54a"> Here is a sample writing about Chinese calligraphy ( from the internet).</font></i></b></div><div><b><i><font color="#39b54a"> </font></i></b><font color="#167efb">Calligraphy is the essence of Chinese culture, which has developed into a special high-level art apart from satisfying the needs of daily writing. It has been flourishing for thousands of years in China. Shops with strong commercial atmosphere will gain some elegance if they are decorated with some quaint cultural calligraphic works. Sitting rooms, studies and bedrooms can be nice-looking with calligraphy works decorated. As a kind of art work, the writing of calligraphy is particular. The Chinese characters are written on Xuan paper which absorbs ink very well and then are mounted to hang on a wall. The calligraphy works are mostly a poem or a motto that the host of the room likes it much; if it is written by the host himself, it will demonstrate more his aspiration and interest as well as his talent.</font></div><div><font color="#167efb"> </font><b><i><font color="#ed2308">What is calligraphy?</font></i></b></div> <font color="#167efb">The word "calligraphy" is originally a Greek word meaning "beautiful writing." We usually associate this word with good penmanship, handwriting that is neat, legible and attractive. In China, however, calligraphy is regarded as an art from in itself and is admired and displayed in museums just as paintings are.<br> Moreover, calligraphy is often used to decorate articles of everyday use. For instance, when you go to a Chinese restaurant you may notice that the dishes are painted with characters as well as with colorful pictures. Even on the ordinary, everyday level of life, beautiful writing is appreciated.</font><br><div><font color="#167efb"><br></font></div> <font color="#167efb">Look at the boy in the video. His name is Xiaohan.Xiao in Chinese means冷静,while han means包容. Without doubt, when he meets something urgent, he can keep calm and forgive others. I never hear he argues with anyone. Instead, he is always offering a helping hand to his classmates in need.</font> <b><i><font color="#39b54a">Topic- Helping others by 王子恒</font></i></b> <font color="#167efb">Ziheng, a very cool boy. You know what? He likes calling himself "Liangzai". That's because he is confident about his appearance. The first time I saw him, he said nothing, which made believe he was quiet. But in class, he is so active and quick-minded. Playing ping-pong is one of his favourite things. I even tried to play with him twice. I have to say that his skill is much better than mine. Every day his mom picks him up. And I hold the belief that he will study hard and become a promising student.By the way, you ask me whether I think you are handsome. It's yes for sure. But don't forget mostly abilities dominate your destiny. </font> <div><b><i><font color="#39b54a">Traditional instruments performed by 陈红宇&陈彦宇</font></i></b><font color="#167efb"><br></font></div><font color="#167efb">flute:笛子,是古老的汉族乐器,也是汉族乐器中最具代表性最有民族特色的吹奏乐器。中国传统音乐中常用的横吹木管乐器之一,中国竹笛,一般分为南方的曲笛、北方的梆笛和介于两者之间的中音笛。音域一般能达到两个八度多两个。<br>笛子常在中国民间音乐、戏曲、中国民族乐团、西洋交响乐团和现代音乐中运用,是中国音乐的代表乐器之一。在民族乐队中,笛子是举足轻重的吹管乐器,被当做民族吹管乐的代表。</font><div><font color="#167efb">Erhu:二胡始于唐朝,称“奚琴”,至今已有一千多年的历史。是一种中国传统拉弦乐器。二胡,即二弦胡琴,又名“南胡”、“嗡子”,二胡是中华民族乐器家族中主要的弓弦乐器(擦弦乐器)之一。</font></div><font color="#167efb">二胡名曲有《二泉映月》、《良宵》、《听松》、《赛马》、《葡萄熟了》等。</font> <font color="#167efb"> Hongyu and Yanyu, the twins, all the beautiful words can be used to describe them. They're hardworking, passionate, warm-hearted. Now you see, what a great way to show what they can do by performing Chinese traditional musical instruments! The two girls always bring me surprise. Last winter, it was cold and I was busy. They wrote postcards to me and I couldn't ask for more. What they said really makes me moved. They're twins, but they both have different characteristics and they are who they are!</font> <font color="#39b54a"><b><i>Handmade by 杨宜佳 background music-Happy I used to be by </i></b></font><b><i><font color="#39b54a">Egil Olsen</font></i></b> <font color="#167efb">Think about that- How long haven't you done handmade works? One month, one year or longer? I just remember I made some plastic stars when I was in primary school. Now Yijia does a wonderful work. As the saying goes, "Practice makes perfect!" Yijia must practice again and again and develop it to what she loves. She is a girl with so much patience and calmness. And from the video, she attaches great importance to every detail, which will help her a lot. </font> <b><i><font color="#39b54a">weather and animals by 向宸阳</font></i></b> <font color="#167efb">From what Chenyang said, we can learn that animals can tell us the weather. But how? If you want to know the answer, just listen and watch. Not only does she describe it clearly, but also she presents visually. Chenyang is very polite to all the teachers. And many times, she is like an elder sister to other students and gives them a hand. What I hope is that she can push herself harder and !</font>