<p>肯德基的薯条叫French fries</p><p>在第一次世界大战的时候,美国士兵在比利时吃到了这种薯条,觉得特别美味,而当时在比利时军队中的通用语言是法语,他们就以为是“法国的薯条”了,便想当然的称其为“French Fries”。</p><p>扩展资料:</p><p>薯条:英语:Potato Chips 、美语:French Fries。</p><p>例句:</p><p>1、I have chicken and French fries for lunch. </p><p>我午餐吃了鸡肉和炸蕃薯条。 </p><p>2、We have hamburgers and French fries. </p><p>我们吃汉堡和炸薯条。 </p><p>3、I like chicken, French fries and bread. </p><p>我喜欢鸡肉,炸薯条和面包。 </p><p>4、I like hamburgers, French fries and Coke. </p><p>我喜欢汉堡,薯条和可乐。 </p><p>5、Did you forget your French fries to go with the soda? </p><p>你忘了你的薯条和汽水吗? </p><p>fries, chips and crisp.</p><p>Chips:可指薯条,也可指薯片</p><p>crisp:名词</p><p>油炸土豆片;炸薯片a thin round slice of potato that is fried until hard then dried and eaten cold. Chips are sold in bags and have many different flavours.</p><p>[u][c]水果酥,酥脆水果甜点(通常烤熟趁热吃)a dessert (= a sweet dish) made from fruit that is covered with a rough mixture of flour, butter and sugar, cooked in the oven and usually served hot</p><p>形容词:</p><p>adj.</p><p>1.</p><p>脆的;酥脆的pleasantly hard and dry</p><p>2.</p><p>鲜脆的;脆嫩的firm and fresh</p><p>3.</p><p>洁净的;挺括的fresh and clean; new and slightly stiff without any folds in it</p><p>4.</p><p>凉爽的;清新的;干燥寒冷让人舒畅的pleasantly dry and cold</p><p>5.</p><p>(踩踏时发出)脆响的firm or dry and making a pleasant noise when crushed</p><p>6.</p><p>清脆悦耳的;清晰分明的pleasantly clear and sharp</p><p>7.</p><p>简短干脆的(表明某人忙或不友好)quick and confident in a way that suggests that the person is busy or is not being friendly</p><p>fries:油炸土豆条;炸薯条a long thin piece of potato fried in oil or fat)</p>