2020.4.10打卡记录<br>--指读GK 11-20(第二周),8本已经顺利读下来了。<br>--已学字母组合发音练习。<br>1. Listening:<br>--1b-unit 2 I'm Hungry-Day5<br>--ABC song, 字母发音歌,peppa-pig1裸听Musical instruments;<br>--清华汉语1-6;<br><br>2. Reading: <br>海尼曼中-4本+牛3-8本。 <b>3. Supplementary</b><div><b>(1) Human food chain</b></div> Humans are said to be at the top of the food chain because they eat plants and animals of all kinds but are not eaten consistently by any animals. The human food chain starts with plants. Plants eaten by humans are called fruits and vegetables, and when they eat these plants, humans are primary consumers.Most humans also eat animals further up the food chain. Because they eat both plants and animals, humans are considered omnivores.<div><br>The typical human food chain has only three or four organisms in it. Humans eat fruit and vegetable, herbivores and a few carnivores but don't consistently eat animals higher up the food chain. Most of the human diet consists of organisms near the lower end of the food chain even though humans are considered to be at the top.<br></div> 了解到food chain以后要懂得我们应该吃什么,健康饮食:<br> Meat, fish and Beans provide us protein. Protein helps us grow.肉鱼豆制品提供蛋白质,蛋白质可以促进生长。<br> Fruits and vegetables provide us vitamin C and fiber. They help us stay healthy.蔬菜水果提供维生素。它们帮助我们保持健康。<br> Bread and cereals provide us energy.面包和谷物给我们提供能量。<br> Milk and Dairy provide us calcium.牛奶和奶制品给我们提供钙。<br> Fats are not healthy. 脂肪类不健康 Healthy food vs junk food动画片,看完动画片就知道什么是junk food了,比我干巴巴讲来的生动。 认识下junk food,然后玩游戏区分哪些食物属于junk food,嘴上说今天自己只吃了一个sausage junk food,还说自己的意大利面用了mushroom,pepper,carrot,cheese。 <div><b>4. Learning Center</b><br></div> The boy in the picture is hungry now. He is looking at the cake. Can you color the big cake for him? He will like it very much. What kind of cake will it be? I think it should be a strawberry cake.<br>There is different types of food in the picture. There is bamboo, a piece of cake, a bone, an ice cream and an apple. Which one does the doggy prefer? Can you choose his favorite food for him? Draw a line and connect it to the dog.<br>The crocodile tries to eat the bird. The bird is scared. It starts flying away. Look at the crocodiles mouth. His tongue has no color. Please color the crocodile's tongue for me.<br>There are some animals on this page. I can see a panda, a dog, a monkey and a rabbit. They are hungry. There is some food on the page too. A carrot, a piece of bamboo, a peach and a bone. Find the food the animals like the best and match it to them.<br>每次LC做的时候总会画自己喜欢的奇奇怪怪的东西,鳄鱼需要刷牙,小狗的骨头掉地上断掉了,各种场景自己补充,每次都能被他逗乐。<div><br><div>跟爸爸一起表演了种种子,种子利用sunlight,water,nutrient in the soil生长,妈妈爸爸各种食草食肉杂食动物角色扮演,帮助他理解food chain,疯玩还是最爱。<br></div></div> 脑洞大开蛇可以吃老鹰,引导他更正下,被拒绝了,心塞。 以打蛋壳的游戏练习字母组合拼读,很喜欢玩,把我攒了好久的蛋壳一晚上全砸了,好在Eric玩玩了自己清扫。