<p> 在芬兰,铃兰花开,会带着幸福与美好的祝愿;在中国,四月的花朵,已开遍天涯。四月的阳光,暖透心房,中国的“新冠肺炎”疫情也正逐渐退去,而世界各地的疫情却在加速蔓延。疫情扩散,全人类正在共同面对一场没有硝烟战争。</p> 在红星,孩子们除了关注着国内的疫情发展,关注一线英雄的生命安危,他们还关注着来自异国的小伙伴们。 作为中芬教育合作试点学校,红星的孩子与芬兰帕尔卡诺小学的小伙伴们长期保持着联系。疫情当前,为了传递正能量,为抗击疫情加油。孩子们通过书信、视频、绘画等艺术形式,彼此鼓励,互相学习。<br> <p><b> 艰难时刻的声援,带着感同身受的关切,雪中送炭的援助,饱含患难与共的深情。</b></p> <p> 从心出发,暖心祝福,纸短情长,化作书信寄深情——</p> Dear Finnish friends:<br> I'm a primary school student from grade six. I remember that at the end of April 2019, I came to Finland with the Finnish visiting group of Red Star Primary School. I stayd there for about a week, went to different friendly schools for communication, met many Finnish friends, and played happily with friends. In the week We got a lot of usefull things. Maybe on the 10th day of May, we went back to our motherland and shared a lot of experience with Chinese friends。<br> Unfortunately, on the new year's day in 2020, a new type of virus called NCP came. which spread very fast and quickly to all parts of the world. In mid March, it was introduced to Finland. With the arrival of NCP, we can't go to school, go out, and play with friends happily。<br> It also made the Chinese people not have a good year (January to February is the New year of China). However, China has well controlled the spread of the epidemic, China has also provided support to many countries, and now the epidemic in many countries has been controlled。<br> Let me share some anti epidemic experience to help you overcome the epidemic. First of all, we must be more ventilated, wear masks consciously, wash hands frequently, do not go to places with more people, do a good job of self-protection, and accept the safety inspection of relevant agencies!!! Wear a mask when you go out!!!<br> Wait for the epidemic to end。We hope you can come to China after the epidemic. We sincerely invite you to come to China to play.<br> I hope you and your family are in good health,we will fight together as one!<br><div style="text-align: right;">Friends from China</div><div style="text-align: right;">Apri 6,2020</div> <p> 国界有形,爱心无界,心手相牵,共克时艰。孩子们真诚的语言,纯真的期待,为这个世界添加了无限的美好与生机。疫情是全人类共同的敌人,我们同样殷切地祝福芬兰人民能够早日渡过难关。</p> <p> 大家好!我亲爱的芬兰🇫🇮朋友们。现在全世界的人都被一种“怪兽”侵袭——新型冠状病毒。许多的人感染生病,甚至死亡。幸运的是,目前疫情在中国得到良好的控制。我们掌握了一些好的经验。下面我将自我预防保护的小贴士分享给你们。1.留在家里,远离人群。2.如果非要出门,戴口罩很有效。3. 要经常彻彻底底地洗手。这些都是我们做的。请大家保持冷静、理智。千万不要让病毒阻止你们学习。记住:你们不孤单,我们在一起。让我们一起打败新冠病毒这个怪兽!</p><p style="text-align: right;">——夏培皓</p><p><br></p> 亲爱的朋友,你们好。我叫闫湘,是红星小学五年级的学生。现在,全世界的人们都被新型冠状病毒攻击了。许多人都得病了。甚至有一些死去了。许多医生和护士冒着生命危险去尽力抢救病人的生命。多亏了他们。他们是天使和超级英雄。现在病毒在我国已得到很好的控制。<br> 在你的国家或学校一切都好吗?我的老师,同学和我都很担心你。虽然我们不能去学校,但我们的生活仍然是丰富多彩的。我们每天都在网上上课。我们学习许多汉字和古诗;我们学数字的各种加减乘除;我们学如何用英语与他人交流;我们绘画;我们唱歌、吹巴乌;我们还在家里做各种运动。你们呢?你们去学校上课吗?当你需要外出时,请务必戴上口罩。记得勤洗手、勤通风、多活动。希望一切都好起来。让我们一起战胜病毒吧!来吧!祝您和您的家人身体健康、体格强壮。希望很快见到你!<br><div style="text-align: right;">——闫湘</div> 大家好!我是来自中国的陈楚瑜。芬兰的朋友你们好吗?新冠病毒让你们、我们,全世界很受伤。让我们积极应对,一定要坚强。一切都会好起来的。接下来我将与大家一首钢琴曲。让我们一起加油!<br><div style="text-align: right;">——陈楚瑜</div> <p> 大家好!我是来自石家庄市红星小学六️班的刘佳钰,疫情爆发的特殊时期,我希望大家养成良好的卫生习惯。下面我将与大家分享一下正确洗手的步骤:1.掌心相对,手指相互搓擦;2.手心对手背相互搓擦;3.掌心相对,沿指缝搓擦;4.弯曲指关节搓擦;5. 手握大拇指旋转搓擦;6.五指指尖在手心搓擦;7. 螺旋式洗手腕。祝大家身体健康!</p> <p> Hello, I am Wang Siyuan from Hongxing primary school.Last year,We go to the friendly school in Finland.Remember?We had class and played together.What a happy time!At present,COVID-19 outbreak.But don't be afraid.We should wash our hands and get more ventilation.Wear a mask if you go out,so you can be healthy.Trust me!The epidemic will pass ,and then,welcome to China!Wish you good health!</p><p> 你好,我是来自红星小学的王思源。去年,我们去了芬兰的友好学校。还记得吗?我们一起上课,一起游戏。多么快乐的时光啊!目前,新型冠状肺炎正在爆发。但请不要恐惧,我们要做到经常洗手和通风。如果外出的话,请戴好口罩。如此,你就会很健康。请相信我!传染病终将过去,到时候,欢迎来到中国!祝你健康!</p> 芬兰的小伙伴们,我们将与你们一起,守望相助、心手相牵、齐心协力,期望疫情早日结束,世界人民都能幸福、安康。