

<p>今天怒刷最后5集复述。至此peppa四季200多集全部复述完了,没有太抠细节,重点单词过了一下,口语进步还是很大的。说给他个奖励,让他想一下想要什么奖励。最后要了40块人民币🤣</p> <p>复述53集《learn the alphabet with peppa》</p> <p>52集《pirate treasure》</p> <p>48集《the fish pond》</p> <p>50集《Grampy rabbit in space》</p> <p>51集《the olden days》</p> <p><b><u>Mulberry Bush</u></b></p><p>Here we go round the mulberry bush, the mulberry bush, the mulberry bush.</p><p>Here we go round the mulberry bush, so early in the morning</p><p>This is the way I wash my face(brush my teeth, comb my hair, put on my chothes), wash my face, wash my face.</p><p>This is the way I wash my face, so early in the morning</p><p><br></p><p>But how much do you know about mulberries?? These tasty berries are pretty interesting. Read on to brush up on 3 delightful berry facts.</p><p><br></p><p><b>1) Mulberries are important to the creation of your favorite silk garments!丝绸衣服</b></p><p><br></p><p>The leaves of the white mulberry are the sole source of food for the silkworm, whose cocoon is used to make silk.</p><p><br></p><p><b>2) Mulberries grow on trees, not bushes!</b></p><p><br></p><p>We’re all familiar with the children’s song, “Here We Go ‘Round the Mulberry Bush,” but technically, mulberries grow on trees… And what’s more, they grow to be as much as 50 feet tall! The flowers from the trees are a beautifully subtle/ˈsʌtəl/ 不易察觉的 shade of yellow-green. The branches of the mulberry tree grow in every direction, and they can be trimmed and used to make woven baskets, making them a very green, <b>renewable</b> source of material. Another unique feature of these pretty trees? The leaves are all different shapes!</p><p><br></p><p><b>3) Mulberries are edible!</b></p><p><br></p><p>Mulberries are white, green, or pale yellow before they ripen. As they mature重音在后面, they start to turn pink, then red. Eventually, mulberries become a nice dark shade of purple or even black when they are ready for picking, and they look very similar to blackberries. Mulberries can be <b>plucked采摘</b> off the tree like picking raspberries, but a more common, playful, and quick way to pick mulberries is to gently shake the tree branches and let it rain fruit! The delectable berries are also very sweet. They’re often made into pies, tarts, teas, jam, and even cordials/ˈkɔːdɪəl/饮品 and wine.</p> <p><b><u>24小时制</u></b></p><p><br></p> <p>This time we will write the time another way.Look at the first clock,what time do you see?</p><p>3:00.</p><p>That's right.This tells us it is 3 o'clock.Can you write 3 bellow the clock?This time we will only write the numbers.Like this 3:00.The 00means big hand is at 12.When the big hand move ,this number changes do you know why?</p><p><br></p><p><b>结合分钟的钟表</b></p><p>Look at the clock,the clock has more numbers than the one on the wall.These numbers are the minutes.Can you show me where the number 15 is?</p><p>Good job!</p><p>If the big hand was here we would write the time like this,00:15.Now,where is 30?</p><p>If the big hand is here,how would we write it?</p><p>Like this 00:30.</p><p>Ok,now I will ask you a question.If the small hand is pointing at 45,what time is it?Can you write it?</p><p>Well done,let's try again.</p><p><br></p><p><b>Am Pm</b></p><p>AM is the morning,and PM is the midday正午 and evening.</p><p>The 12-hour system divides the 24 hours of a day into two periods lasting 12 hours each.</p><p>The first 12-hour period is designate /ˈdɛzɪɡˌneɪt/命名 as AM.It turns from midnight to noon.The second period,marked PM,cover the 12hours from noon to midnight.</p><p><br></p><p>The abbreviations /əˌbriːvɪˈeɪʃən/ 缩写 AM and PM derive/dɪˈraɪv/获得/衍生 from Latin:</p><p>AM-Ante meridiem /ˈæntɪ məˈrɪdɪəm/ :before noon</p><p>PM-Post meridiem:After noon</p><p><br></p><p>Using numbers from 1 to 12,followed by am or pm,the 12-hour clock system shows us all 24 hours of the day. For example, 5 am is early in the morning and 5 pm is late in the afternoon. 1 am is one hour after midnight,while 11 PM is one hour before midnight.</p><p><br></p><p><br></p><p><b>24 HOUR CLOCK – WHERE IS IT USED?</b></p><p>In several countries where 12 hour time keeping is common, time kept this way is often referred to as Military Time军用时间. A clock that counts from 0 – 12 twice keeps 12 hour time. It counts 0 – 12 starting at midnight, and then from 0 – 12 again after noon has passed.</p><p>In places where the 12 hour clock is common, some professions/prəˈfɛʃən/ 行业 utilize /ˈjuːtɪˌlaɪz/ 利用 the 24 hour clock because it reduces the chances of confusion resulting from having two iterations [ˌɪtəˈreɪʃn] 重复/迭代of each numbered hour during a day marked by 12 hour time. Most countries around the world today use the 24-hour system.The United States of America, Great Britain, and English-speaking Canada all use the 12 hour time system.</p> <p><b><u>Daily Routine</u></b></p><p>Developing routines is widely recognized as a healthy habit that increases organizational/ˈɔːgənaɪˌzeɪʃənəl/ 组织方面的 skills and makes things run more smoothly without hassle./ˈhæsəl/ A <b>hassle</b> is a situation that is difficult and involves problems, effort, or arguments with people. 麻烦/烦扰</p><p><br></p><p>As kids, most of you grow up with an understanding that you had certain routines to follow. That routine no doubt varied from family to family, but most included things such as getting up on time, brushing our teeth, making our bed, eating breakfast, and getting out the door to school on time. Maybe you were expected to set the table, fold laundry and practice the drum set. It all depended on our home situation and <b>parental</b> /pəˈrɛntəl/ 父母的 <b>expectations</b>. </p><p><br></p><p>Children enjoy seeing their cooperative/kəʊˈɒpərətɪv/ behavior recorded on a chart, and they also enjoy working toward a goal.</p><p><br></p><p><b>Talk about the daily routine</b></p><p><br></p><p>1. What part of your day do you like best?</p><p>I prefer the morning.I like playing and reading with you. It my happiest time in the day.</p><p>2. What’s your daily routine?</p><p>3. What is the busiest part of the day for you?</p><p>4. What’s the difference of routine between you and mommy ?</p><p>My routine is much more <b>structured</b> 有组织的and activities are organized in a daily schedule . Before you were born, I often spent the evening chatting with friends, working on a current project or relaxing with a book and soothing music in the evening.</p> <h3><b><u>place value and addition strategies进位和加法策略</u><br><br></b></h3><h3>先读书《Mall Mania》然后做相关游戏,做quiz</h3><h3>In our number system, the amount that digit is worth depends on where it's placed in a number. This amount is called its place value.</h3><h3><br></h3><h3><b>What is place value?</b></h3><h3> Let's look at the number 1, 10 and 100. They are made of the same digits, one and zero. But the digits have different values in each number.</h3><h3><br></h3><h3><b>1</b></h3><h3>The 1 on its own has a place value of 1.</h3><h3><br></h3><h3><b>10</b></h3><h3>The 10 ones are exchanged for one ten. The 1 is now in the tens column. So it has a place value of 10. The zero hold the ones place to show there are no ones.</h3><h3><br></h3><h3><b>100</b></h3><h3>The 10 tens are exchanged for one hundred. The 1 now has a place value of 100.</h3><h3><br></h3><h3><ol><li> Let's start with the number 1. We're going to represent it by making a <b>ones column </b>and putting a single dot on it. <br></li><li>We can put up to nine dots in the ones column. When we get to 10, we exchange the 10 dots in the ones columns for one in the new tens column. &nbsp;</li><li>We can show up to 99 using two columns. When we reach 100, we exchange the 10 tens for one hundred.&nbsp;</li><li>Now let's put numbers in our columns instead of dots. we can see that 576 is made up of :5 groups of 100 ,or 5 × 100, which is 500, 7 groups of 10 ,or 7 × 10, which is 70 ,6 groups of 1,6 × 1, which is 6. &nbsp;</li><li>When the number 5067 is put into columns. We found that the same digits as in step 4 now have different place values. For example, the 5 is now in the thousands column, so its value has gone up from 500 to 5000. &nbsp;<br></li></ol><h3><br></h3> <br></h3> <h3>Draw a diagram that shows <b>at what entranc</b>e each student is standing. Stop reading after each time the children call in the four numbers. Help Damon determine <b>the total number of people who enter the mall at each entr</b>ance.&nbsp;</h3><h3>Try to use different addition strategies:Doubles(3+3), doubles plus one(3+4), and facts of ten(3+7).These and other strategies are useful as&nbsp;children begin to add more than two numbers.</h3><h3><br></h3><h3><br></h3> <h3>Spread out <b>a deck of </b>playing cards, remove the face cards. pick four cards and add them together,whoever can make the highest total is the winner.</h3><h3>♠ spade</h3><h3>♥ heart</h3><h3>♣ club</h3><h3>♦ diamond</h3><h3><br></h3><h3>You're holding the eight of clubs 黑桃八and the nine of clubs, the seven of clubs and the eight of hearts.</h3><h3>8+9+7+8</h3><h3><br></h3><h3>Now try to add them up/do the total.</h3><h3>What's the total?</h3><h3>What does that add up to?</h3><h3><br></h3><h3>I can add the numbers one by one to get the total .32 is what i got.</h3><h3>Or I can rearrange the numbers so that doubles are together. Knowing doubles will make this easier.</h3><h3>8+8=16</h3><h3>so 9+7=16,</h3><h3>15+15=30</h3><h3>so 16+16=32</h3><h3><br></h3><h3><br></h3><h3>6+6+6+7</h3><h3>I can skip count by 6s ,And then add 1 more.</h3><h3>6+6+6+6=24</h3><h3>24+1=25</h3><h3><br></h3><h3>I have the higher total. So I am the winner</h3><h3>It seems that we have a draw.打了平手</h3> <p><b><u>打卡</u></b></p>