<p>1-: How plants absorb water</p><p>道具:</p><p> Chinese cabbage leaves</p><p> Foodcoloring</p><p>Water Glasses</p><p><br></p><p>1.家长介绍实验目的,准备实验材料</p><p> P:Do plants need watertogrow?</p><p>K:Yes.</p><p> P:Do you want to see how plantsabsorb/drinkwater?</p><p>K:Yes.</p><p> P:I'll show youanexperiment. You'll see how plantsabsorbwater.Look,what do we need to dothisexperiment?</p><p> K:Glasses,water,food coloring and Chinesecabbageleaves.</p><p>2.在每个玻璃杯加水,加色素</p><p> P:First you will need to add some water toeachglass. Then add adifferent colored food dye to each glass.About 10 drops for each glass.</p><p>3.放上白菜叶,静置一夜</p><p>P:Next, add a cabbage leaf to eachglass. Leave the cabbageovernight.</p><p>4.第二天观察</p><p> P:See,the water went into the veins(叶脉)and traveled/went throughtheleaves.</p> <p>故意有一个杯子没放色素,观察结果时问妞:这片叶子没吸收水分吗?为什么看不到颜色之类的问题,对比实验。</p><p>实验期间介绍vein,睡前能观察到一点变化,明早会更明显</p> <p>2-what do plants needs ?</p><p>All plants need sunlight .sunlight gives energy and helps it grow.</p><p>All plants need air.air gives a gas called carbon dioxide and they can breathe.</p><p> How plants need water. Water helps carry nutrients To the plant.</p><p> All plants need soil. Don't you give the nutrients and places.</p> <p>3-know about seasons </p><p>通过将每个季节的东西分类,对季节有了简单了解</p> <p>4-know about farm</p><p>Some farms are used to plant vegetables.</p><p>Some farms are used to plant fruit trss.</p><p>Some farms are used to raise farm animals .</p> <p>5-which part can we eat ?</p><p>简单介绍了了图片</p> <p>做了张表,打算明天把常见的蔬菜水果逐个找完整图片,让妞分类</p>