<p>🎀video:2a Unit11 Three little monkeys. 小猪佩奇-The school fete</p><p>🎀audio:2a Unit1-12🔄、小猪佩奇-Muddy ppuddles🔁. Best friend🔁、汉语第二册1-3🔁</p><p>🎀Craft:</p><p>🎀Letter: </p><p>🎀Game: 2a Unit11</p><p>🎀Act: </p> Games <p>🌀Simon says</p><p>M: Judy, mommy will tell you what to do. I will say’Simon says’ and you have to do it. If I say’Simon says don’t’ you don’t do it, got it? If you’re wrong. I will tickle you. Ok, Simon says jump/walk/don’t laugh/run/don’t move. Great job. It’s my turn and you should say Simon says or Simon don’t says.</p> <p>🌀How many left</p><p>M: Look, Judy. We have four oranges. They are orange babies now. They’re on the bed. </p><p>👧: Four little.</p><p>M: Wait a moment. This towel is their quilt. They are sleeping now. The first orange baby says’Roll over, roll over’ The other orange babies roll over. Oh no, the one fell off the bed and bumped his head. Now, how many left.</p><p>👧: One, two, three.</p><p>M: Yes, three. The other orange babies rolled over together. Oh no, the one fell off the bed. How many are left now?</p><p>👧: One, two.</p><p>M: Yes, you’re right. The other orange baby rolled over. Oh no, the one fell off the bed. How many are left now?</p><p>👧: One.</p><p>M: One, and now they will play another game. Can you change the song for the oranges?</p><p>👧: Four little oranges jumping on the bed.</p> <p>🌀Thirteen in the bed</p><p>M: Let’s play thirteen in the bed. There are thirteen in the bed, and the little one said’Roll over, roll over’. So they all roll over, and the one fell out……</p> <p>🎀科学小实验:彩虹</p> <p>🎀Read: </p> <p>🎀妈妈部分:</p><p>1.今天外出又能和一个新的小朋友玩,能够回答别人问的问题,感觉疫情这几个月小家伙进步好快,以前我觉得她怕生,想着等4岁半以后就好了,不喜欢和别的小朋友玩就算了。没想到这几天已经和两个小朋友玩了,前几天他们两个自己组织游戏玩,还说下次还要和小朋友玩,你的成长如此之快真的太为你高兴了。</p><p>2.这两天收拾东西,内容都不多,重在持久。</p>