【声递温暖,爱在四月】Warm voice, love in April——太原三十七中 南海中学初一线上英语演讲比赛佳作展示


Brief Introduction <p><span style="color: rgb(51, 51, 51);">  随着春天如期而至,赴武汉的英雄们凯旋归来。在这场战斗中,无数英雄负重前行,期间我们每天看到了什么,听到了什么,感受到了什么,我们又被什么感动着。</span></p><p><span style="color: rgb(51, 51, 51);"> 为弘扬正气、激励三七南海学子成为有担当、胸怀感恩、励志勤学的好少年,营造学习先进、自信表达的浓厚氛围,2020年太原市第三十七中学校 太原南海中学首届线上英语演讲比赛拉开了帷幕。三七南海三校初一全体同学积极参与。</span></p><p><span style="color: rgb(51, 51, 51);"> 此次演讲中,同学们通过视频演讲给我们带来了一场视觉和听觉上的盛宴,下面让我们一起领略他们的风采吧。</span></p> Show Time Excellent works 壹 <p style="text-align: center;"><b style="font-size: 20px;">杨熙晨</b></p><p style="text-align: center;">主校区 1904班同学</p><p>【爱好】喜欢英语。每年都会参加英语微博的比赛,在提高我英语水平的同时让我收获快乐和成功</p><p>【演讲主题】今年春节疫情开始肆虐,无数一线的医护人员负重前行,他们是最美的逆行者。我知道我们只要万众一心必将赢得这场战争的胜利!</p> <p>【张宇钧老师点评】</p><p> 熙晨特别有表现力,非常有英语演讲的感觉。自信的姿态,标准的发音,富有情感的展示,让人回味无穷。老师相信你在今后的英语学习中会有更精彩的表现!</p> 贰 <p style="text-align: center;"><b style="font-size: 20px;">李奕萱</b></p><p style="text-align: center;">主校区&nbsp;1907班学生</p><p>【性格】是一个开朗外向的女孩</p><p>【爱好】非常喜欢英语,在休闲时间喜欢</p><p>听英文歌,看英版小说</p><p>【理想】成为一名翻译,学会更多的语言</p><p>【演讲主题】带着疫情当下的感受和对抗疫战士的敬佩,抱着对理想的追求参加了这次演讲比赛,写下了这篇讲稿。</p> <p>【张宇钧老师点评】</p><p> 奕萱通学的演讲内容生动且富有逻辑,地道的发音,优美的语音语调,句句引人入胜。整个演讲过程自信满满,望今后继续精进,相信你在英语学习上会取得更好的成绩!</p> 叁 <p style="text-align: center;"><b style="font-size: 20px;">宋予瑶</b></p><p style="text-align: center;">主校区&nbsp;1909班学生</p><p>【性格】是一个温暖爱笑,爱好广泛的内</p><p> 向女孩</p><p>【爱好】喜欢读书和旅游,感受不一样的</p><p>世界,酷爱石头和鸟类</p><p>【理想职业】地质学家。</p><p>【演讲主题】经历这次新冠肺炎,我怀着对医护人员的钦佩之情写下了这篇演讲稿来表达自己的心声。</p> <p>【陈晓晔老师点评】</p><p> 宋予瑶同学整体英式发音流利,拥有个人风格。有气势的大局观是一种呈现方式,从小事引发的悲伤感也是一种方式。从小的立意出发,用悲伤浪漫的情怀来引发观众共鸣,这是她的“Romance”风格,也是她最享受的演讲状态。作为评委老师会更看重同学们演讲的整体思维,这决定了能否在一众人中脱颖而出。”所谓的整体思维,是要有自己的语言呈现方式。”标准不再是证明同学本身,而是更想把同学们的想法通过语言的力量传递出去。宋同学她追求的是像TED TALK里面的演讲者一样,让自己的声音入耳、入脑、入心,非常棒。</p> 肆 <p style="text-align: center;"><b style="font-size: 20px;">田梓涵</b></p><p style="text-align: center;">铜锣湾校区&nbsp;1901班学生</p><p>【性格】是一个文静大方的女孩</p><p>【自我评价】尊师敬友,成绩优秀并积极</p><p>参加学校的各项活动</p><p>【爱好】喜欢阅读、弹奏钢琴曲和旅游</p><p>【演讲主题】面对疫情,白衣天使奋不顾身奔赴前线,全国人民团结一致共同抗疫,还有无数的温暖力量,我们不能忘记他们。病毒只能破坏人们的身体,却不能破坏人们团结的意志和决心,我们终将会赢得这场战役!</p> <p>【郑咏虹老师点评】</p><p>田梓涵同学的演讲的特点是三大美。</p><p>第一美: 田梓涵同学以精美的语言,充沛的感情,抑扬顿挫张弛有度。从而使演讲具有感染力和吸引力,突出主题。</p><p>第二美:优美的发音。演讲者标准的发音对听众来说是一种美享受,美的熏陶。</p><p>第三美:演讲视频设计新颖追求完美。滤镜特效恰当的增加了视频画面的动感,为演讲增加了活力。</p><p>一点小建议:演讲者手势语不要过多</p><p>问题:视频中出现一点小失误:Class1,Grade 7of Nanhai Middle School是专用名词,首字母应该大写。</p><p>​</p> 伍 <p style="text-align: center;"><b style="font-size: 20px;">王泽昆</b></p><p style="text-align: center;">东山校区 1909班学生</p><p>【性格】乐观开朗</p><p>【爱好】喜欢英语、画画。最喜欢的科目</p><p>是英语和美术</p><p>【演讲主题】Never Give Up</p> <p>【董蓓荣老师点评】</p><p> 王泽昆同学本次的演讲最令人印象深刻的就是她流畅的语言和地道的发音。2分钟的视频中,能够注意到连读,重读,语调升降等各种演讲技巧。并且演讲文稿在赞美医护工作者后,更多的是对大家的一种激励,永不言弃。王泽昆同学整个演讲过程中流露出的自信也向我们传递一种力量,Never give up!</p> 演讲中的同学们~ <p> 在去年刚刚学习了一个学期英语的同学们疫情期间在家停课不停学,在网上学习英语也仅仅是两个月,却学会了自律自主学习。不会的单词主动上网查,向老师、同学、甚至周边的亲朋好友请教咨询。反复练习,多次拍摄,极为认真地准备着。</p> Speech Draft <p style="text-align: center;"><b style="font-size: 20px;">主校区&nbsp; 1906班王楚瑶</b></p><p style="text-align: center;"><b>Life is hard but we live on</b> &nbsp;</p><p> Because of the virus, China is having a hard time .People didn’t celebrate Spring Festival. They can’t get out for work or school as normal. What’s more, everyone has to deal with fear, worry and many other inconveniences.</p><p> As the virus spreads and normal life stops, people might get worried or even do crazy things. </p><p> The 2011 medical film Contagion tries to show a worldwide epidemic. In a small American town, after the first deaths happen there, the town is locked down. Later, people there don’t have enough food and finally the public order breaks down.</p><p> But in China, everything is mostly fine. By taking medical advice and following new rules, most people stay at home studying or working ;scientists have found the first virus strain; healthcare workers and medical teams have gone to Wuhan; construction workers have built hospital within days.</p><p>“It’s a popular myth that when disasters come, people start looting and panicking. But in fact, we’re more likely to help others than run them over to save ourselves. It’s an exercise of mass healing.” US psychologist Kelly Caldwell wrote.</p> Speech Draft <p style="text-align: center;"><b style="font-size: 20px;">铜锣湾校区&nbsp; 1901班王晗</b></p><p style="text-align: center;"><b style="font-size: 20px;">To our lovely students</b></p><p> Hello, everyone! My name’s Wang Han. I’m a confident girl from Class 1 Grade 7 of Nanhai Middle School. I’m good at dancing and swimming. Here I want to say something to our students. &nbsp;</p><p>Dear students, &nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;&nbsp; As we all know, the Spring Festival of 2020 was unusual. Because the coronavirus makes a difference in our life. And it brings many difficulties to our life. Many beautiful heroes are fighting with it together. As middle school students, what should we do in our daily life? &nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;&nbsp; First of all, in order to protect ourselves, we should stay at home as much as possible. If we have more free time, we should exercise more to keep our health. When we go out, we have to wear masks to avoid the virus. &nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp; &nbsp; Secondly, during these days, we have to take online courses at home instead of going to school. I think it’s important for students to study hard. So we should make a learning plan first. Before class, previewing lessons is necessary. We should listen to the teacher and take notes carefully in class. After class, we should also review in time and finish our homework on time. If we meet some problems, we can ask our teachers for help. &nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; During these days, our school has held many meaningful online activities, such us cleaning the room, reading books with our parents, practicing cooking, helping with housework and so on. From these activities, we are able to learn a lot. &nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; All in all, we must be responsible for ourselves. And I hope we can learn from those heroes like Zhong Nanshan , Li Lanjuan and so on. We ought to overcome difficulties and go forward like them. Let's seize the day and live it to the fullest. &nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp; Thanks for listening! &nbsp;</p> <p>  视频中同学们口语表达流利,仪态落落大方,语调抑扬顿挫,或慷慨激昂、信誓旦旦;或情深义重、娓娓道来。</p> <p>  演讲中同学们的真情流露表达了他们对伟大祖国的爱、对逆行英雄及各个工作岗位默默奉献的工作者们的致敬和感恩。同时他们也更坚定了自己努力学习,争做有责任有担当新时代好少年的决心!</p> Speech Draft <p style="text-align: center;"><b style="font-size: 20px;">东山校区 1907班闫子博</b></p><p style="text-align: center;"><b style="font-size: 20px;">You are our heroes</b></p><p> Good afternoon, Medical workers fighting the front line. We haven’t been out since the end of January because of that horrible thing they call the new coronavirus. Now many streets of Chinese cities are almost empty, the schools are closed and the shops are shut. But we have you! You can be in danger at any time even death! But you not afraid because you have a common goal -- Fight the epidemic! You say, “We do not fear death and we are happy to pay the price to help others.” Up to now. China is under effective control. However, despite our efforts there are souls who unfortunately have to leave this world. Li Wenliang, who made huge sacrifices in saving others’ lives. Being death or living, the common human subject-life is always valuable. You are the most beautiful retrograders. Thank you for your persistence. When it’s all over, we’ll be able to enjoy the rainbow that follows a very bad storm.</p><p>&nbsp;</p> 评委老师们这样说: <p><span style="color: rgb(51, 51, 51);">  疫情期间,感人故事天天上演。中国人民用平凡的血肉之躯对抗疫疾,不敢松懈、时刻捍卫家园。当你听到孩子们用较为纯正的英语讲出这些感人故事的时候,当孩子们用自己稚嫩声音,有限的英语词汇,把他们的真情实感、所想所感所悟说给我们伟大的祖国听、说给抗疫一线的“最美逆行者”听、说给坚守在教学一线、坚持上网课的老师和同伴们听的时候,不由得使我们感慨:武汉人民了不起,抗疫战士了不起,伟大的中国人民了不起,我们三七南海的全体初一学子同样是了不起!</span></p><p> </p> 结语 <p><span style="color: rgb(51, 51, 51);">   本次英语演讲比赛不仅激起了同学们学习英语的兴趣、锻炼了同学们的英语表达能力,更进一步激发了同学们的爱国情、自豪感、感恩情及责任担当意识,使他们更加坚定了报效祖国的热情,展现了同学们积极向上的精神风貌。</span></p><p><span style="color: rgb(51, 51, 51);"> 没有一个冬天不可逾越,没有一个春天不会来临,我们已经听到了胜利的脚步声。希望心存理想的你们坚定信念,继续努力,砥砺前行,成为新时代优秀、勇敢有担当的好少年!</span></p><p><span style="color: rgb(51, 51, 51);"> The harder you work, the luckier you will be!</span></p>









