<p><b style="color: rgb(25, 25, 25);"><i>1a Unit12 Chimney</i></b></p><h5><b style="color: rgb(25, 25, 25);">汉语第一册 第十二单元 新年到</b></h5><p><br></p><p>👂Listening: 1a Unit1-12,汉语第一册1-12,Heinemann, Oxford Reading Tree, Red Rocket</p><p>🔊Reading: </p><p>1. 1a Unit 11-12</p><p>2. Heinemann 3本</p><p>3. Oxford Reading Tree 6本</p><p>4. Red Rocket 4本 (2 Letter)</p><p>5. Picture Books 2本</p><p>6. 中文书 3本</p><p>📺 Movie:</p><p>Peppa Pig S2 E4-6,Alphablocks S1 E13-14</p> <p><b style="color: rgb(237, 35, 8);">What is Chimney?</b></p><p>A chimney is a <b>structure</b> used to ventilate hot <b>flue gases or smoke</b> from a boiler, stove, furnace or fireplace to the outside atmosphere. </p><p>烟囱是一种结构,用于将锅炉、火炉或壁炉的热烟道气体或烟雾排到外面空气中。</p><p>Most chimneys are <b>vertical</b>, or almost vertical, to make sure that the gases flow easily, drawing air into the <b>combustion</b> in what is known as the stack, or chimney, effect. The space inside a chimney is called a <b>flue</b>.</p><p>大多数烟囱是垂直的,或几乎是垂直的,以确保气体容易流动,将空气引入燃烧,即所谓的烟囱效应。烟囱里的空间叫做烟道。</p><p>Chimneys may be found in buildings, steam locomotives and ships. In the United States, the term smokestack is also used when talking about locomotive chimneys or ship chimneys, the word funnel can be used too.</p><p>烟囱可能存在于建筑物、蒸汽机车和轮船上。在美国,也可以用“smokestack”来指机车烟囱或轮船烟囱。</p><p>The Height of a chimney is really important, when higher, chimney's dispersion of pollutants will not cause too much influence on surrounding areas. </p><p>烟囱的高度是非常重要的,当烟囱越高,污染物的扩散对周围地区的影响就越小。</p><p><br></p> <p><b style="color: rgb(176, 79, 187);">How chimneys work?</b></p><p>As simple as chimneys look in <b>appearance</b>, many people often wonder in fascination about how do chimneys really work. If you were to put it simply, your chimney plays a very key role in keeping your house warm and also ensuring that your fireplace functions properly.</p><p>虽然烟囱的外观很简单,但许多人常常对它到底是如何工作的感到好奇。简单地说,你的烟囱在保持房子温暖和确保壁炉正常工作方面起着非常关键的作用。</p><p>The <b>science</b> behind the workings and the function of chimneys is also very interesting.</p><p>烟囱的工作原理和功能背后的科学也很有趣。</p><p>As mentioned previously, chimneys basically help remove all the <b>byproduct</b> gases from the air. </p><p>如前所述,烟囱基本上帮助从空气中去除所有的副产物气体。</p><p>Every fireplace requires a chimney because there has to be an <b>outlet</b> for the transfer of heat, gas, and smoke. </p><p>每个壁炉都需要一个烟囱,因为必须有一个出口来转移热量、气体和烟雾。</p><p>One of the biggest <b>cornerstones</b> for any chimney is ‘airflow’ without which it wouldn’t exactly be functional.</p><p>任何烟囱最大的基石之一是“气流”,没有它就不能正常工作。</p><p>Just like warm, moist air often escapes through your attic, similarly, warm air or smoke rises up and goes out through your chimney. </p><p>就像温暖、潮湿的空气经常从你的阁楼里出来,同样,温暖的空气或烟也会从你的烟囱里冒出来。</p><p>This is referred to as the “<b>stack effect</b>”. The air that travels up the chimney is called the ‘<b>draft</b>’. Any well-functioning and properly built chimney will consist of a strong draft that allows the pull of smoke and gases out into the atmosphere through the chimney.</p><p>这被称为“堆栈效应”。从烟囱里上升的空气叫做“气流”。任何运作良好和建造适当的烟囱将包括一个强大的气流,允许烟和气体通过烟囱进入大气层。</p><p>There are<b> 4 key factors </b>that affect the chimney draft, including chimney height, air pressure, the flue, and obstructions & damage. These 4 key features together affect how well your chimney works。</p><p>影响烟囱通风的主要因素有4个,包括烟囱高度、风压、烟道、障碍物和损坏情况。这4个关键特征一起影响你的烟囱工作的好坏。</p> <p>Let's take a look at the Chimney’s part:</p> <p>Game1⃣️: <b style="color: rgb(255, 138, 0);"><i>Finger play</i></b></p><p>M: Emma, I'll do the finger play today.</p><p>Can you follow me?</p><p>Make a chimney like this.</p><p>This is Santa.</p><p>Now, this is the top.</p><p>Open the lid.</p><p>Out Santa will pop.</p><p>(Mom can put one hand on the kid's fist to as the lid and play the game one more time) </p><p>(Emma早就会了,妈妈还没准备好,自己就演了起来😀)</p> <p>Game2⃣️: <b style="color: rgb(255, 138, 0);"><i>Santa will pop out</i></b></p><p>M: Emma, here is a bed.</p><p>I will hide behind the bed as I’m in a chimney. Let's sing the song. </p><p>When we sing,"Santa will pop." Mom will jump out. </p><p>E: No, I want to be Santa.</p><p>M: Do you know how to play? </p><p>E: Yes. Let's play.</p><p>Here is the chimney......</p><p>Come on, Mom, It’s your turn.</p> <p>Game3⃣️: <b style="color: rgb(255, 138, 0);"><i>Help Santa deliver the presents</i></b></p><p>M: Emma, Santa got stuck in the Chimney. And he lost some presents. Can you help him to deliver the presents?</p><p>E: Yes. It’s easy for me.</p><p>M: Be careful, don’t touch the wall.</p><p>Emma: Ok!</p><p>(2秒钟就画完了,好像难度低了一点😂)</p> <p>📚圣诞节的时候就看过动画片了,也做了几个相关的游戏,儿歌记得很熟,还没说就自己开始演啦!</p><p>总结:口语可以做到整句输出,但是还不能自由表达和反馈。</p><p>成长记录:</p><p>1. 2019年11月18日,开始主动用英语表达自己的想法...👍</p><p>常用句型:</p><p>I want......</p><p>I like......</p><p>Mum, please help me to open it.</p><p>I don’t want to do it.</p><p>Do you like orange? I like yellow. </p><p>I changed my favorate color, now I like pink.</p><p>新增句型:</p><p>This is what I paste...👍</p><p>I’m still sleepy...👍</p><p>I'm too tired...👍</p><p>Look, a little bird flying in the air…👍</p><p>I get small balls for you…👍</p><p>I can see a flying broom…👍</p><p>It’s not a real bunny…👍</p><p>I’m lying in my shell ...👍</p><p>Can you find anything else...👍</p><p>Can you draw with me...👍</p><p>I want it to be my bib...👍</p><p>It just drop down for a while...👍</p><p>Tomorrow, I would like to go shopping with you...👍</p><p>I got orange juice on my forehead...👍</p><p>Sorry, Miss Duck, we have no more fish for you! ...👍</p><p>I will stay away from the black cat ...👍</p><p>Please use your hand to touch and guess what it is...👍</p><p>Follow me, if not you don’t know what number I count...👍</p><p>It is better the bridge is not broken, it will be sad if you fall into water...👍</p><p>最近口语输出的非常多,还经常叽哩哇啦的叨叨,不知道在念叨啥!</p> <h3>中文部分:</h3><h3>📒 第十一单元:新年到</h3><h3>同步绘本:大熊有一个小麻烦</h3><h3>游戏釆用情景表演的方式!小朋友会学动画片中的对话!</h3><h3>每天读小书,加早诵晚读,还有绘本阅读!字卡游戏每天玩。</h3><h3>古诗背诵:《小池》,《悯农》,《咏鹅》,《山村咏怀》,《登鹳雀楼》,《静夜思》</h3><h3>三字经:“为人子”</h3><h3>谜语:12个</h3><h3>弟子规:“父母呼”</h3><h3>认识字卡:35张👍</h3>