<b>1.Listening:</b><br>0b:06~08循环;牙牙学语一循环;<br>儿歌sss:002 Twinkle Twinkle Little Star<div><div> 101 Mr. Sun, Sun, Mr. Golden Sun </div><div> 《The Solar System Song》</div><div> 《The planets song》<br>小猪佩奇:S2 E50 Stars;</div><div> S3 E27 A Trip To the Moon;</div><div> S4 E50 Grampy Rabbit in Space;</div><div>古诗词:《宿建德江》<br>钱儿频道:钱儿爸科普,钱儿妈英文绘本<br></div></div><div><br></div><div><b>2.Reading:</b><br>Solar system英文启蒙绘本<br><br><b>3.Video:</b><br>小猪佩奇:S2 E50 Stars;<br> S3 E27 A Trip To the Moon;<br> S4 E50 Grampy Rabbit in Space;<br></div><div>小灯塔:宇宙<br></div> 在之前的0a教材中Zoom Zoom Zoom中只拓展了火箭,Moon,这次碰到了这套很好的Solar system英文启蒙绘本,拓展一下。 <b>The solar system 太阳系</b><br><br>词汇:<div>solar ['səʊlə] adj. 太阳的;日光的;利用太阳光的<br>Mercury ['mɜːkjərɪ] n. 水星<br>Venus ['viːnəs] n. [天] 金星;维纳斯(爱与美的女神)<br>Mars [mɑːz] [天] 火星;n. 战神<br>Jupiter ['dʒuːpɪtə] n. [天] 木星<br>Saturn ['sæt(ə)n] n. [天] 土星<br>Uranus [ˈjʊərənəs;jʊˈreɪnəs] n. [天] 天王星<br>Neptune [ˈneptju:n] n. [天] 海王星;海神<br>Pluto ['plu:təu] n. [天] 冥王星;冥王<br>asteroid ['æstərɒɪd] n. [天] 小行星<br>meteor ['miːtɪə; -tɪɔː] n. 流星;[气象] 大气现象<br>tilt [tɪlt] n. 倾斜<br><br>The solar system is a family.<br>太阳系是一个大家庭。<br>The solar system has many parts.<br>太阳系有很多部分。<br>The sun is at the center.<br>太阳处于中心。 <br>Eight planets go around the sun.<br>八颗行星围绕太阳旋转。 <br>Fun Fact<br>Planets get heat and light from the sun.<br>趣闻:<br>行星从太阳那里得到光和热。<br>Earth is one of the eight planets.<br>地球是八颗行星之一。<br>Five planets have more than one moon.<br>5颗行星有多于一颗卫星。<br>Fun Fact<br>Earth has one moon.<br>趣闻<br>地球有一颗卫星。<br>The moons go around the planets.<br>卫星围绕行星旋转。<br>Asteroids are big rocks.<br>小行星星是大块的岩石。<br>Fun Fact<br>There are thousands of Asteroids in the solar system.<br>趣闻:<br>太阳系中有成千上万颗小行星。<br>Asteroids go around the sun.<br>小行星围绕太阳旋转。<br>Comets are balls of ice.<br>彗星是一个个冰球。<br>Comets go around the sun.<br>彗星围绕太阳旋转<br>Fun Fact<br>Comets have tails when they're near the sun.<br>趣闻:<br>当接近太阳时,彗星会有尾巴。<br>Shooting stars are bits of rock or iron that fall to Earth.<br>流星是掉落到地球的岩石或陨铁。<br>Fun Fact<br>Shooting stars is another name for meteors(MEE-tee-orz).<br>趣闻:<br>彗星的另一个名字是meteors.<br>Bits of rock or iron go around the sun.<br>一些岩石或陨铁围绕太阳旋转。 <br>The solar system is a great BIG family!<br>太阳系是一个很大的家庭。</div> <b>八大行星的另一个名字:<br></b><br>Mercury水星, 罗马神话中的墨丘利神,众神的信使,掌管商业。<br>Venus金星,维纳斯,古罗马女神,掌管农田和园林,象征爱情和女性美。<br>Earth地球, 来自盎格鲁撒克逊语。<br>Mars火星, 古罗马神话中的战神 马尔斯,重要性仅次于主神朱庇特。<br>Jupiter木星, 古罗马神话中的主神 朱庇特,相当于希腊神话的宙斯。<br>Saturn土星, 罗马神话中的农神,萨图恩。<br>Uranus天王星, 腊神话中天的化身,乌拉诺斯。<br>Neptune海王星,罗马神话中的海神,尼普顿。 <p><b>The Sun</b></p><p><br></p><p>绘本原文</p><p><br></p><p>The sun is a star.</p><p>The sun is made of superhot gas.</p><p>The sun is the hottest and brightest thing in the solar system.</p><p>(The sun looks bigger and brighter than other stars because it is much closer to Earth.)</p><p> </p><p>Heat from the sun warms the planets.</p><p>Light from the sun lights the planets.</p><p>(The sun makes life on planet Earth possible.)</p><p> </p><p>The sun is very very big.</p><p>(more than one million Earths could fit </p><p>inside the sun.)</p><p> </p><p>The sun is bigger than all the planets put together.</p><p>Four planets are near the sun.</p><p>(The four planets nearest to the sun are called the inner planets: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars.)</p><p> </p><p>They are made of rock and metal.</p><p>Four planets are far from the sun.</p><p>Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune</p><p> </p><p>All of the outer planets are made of gas.</p><p>(Huge rings of ice and rock circle Saturn.)</p><p> </p><p>Asteroids are rocks that go around the sun.</p><p>Some asteroids are big. Some are small.</p><p>(There are thousands of asteroids </p><p>between Mars and Jupiter.)</p><p> </p><p>The sun is the most important part of our solar system.</p><p><br></p> <p><b>The Moon</b></p><p><br></p><p>词汇预习</p><p><br></p><p>New moon 新月</p><p>First quarter 上弦月</p><p>Full moon 满月</p><p>Last quarter下弦月</p><p>Waxing crescent 娥眉月</p><p>Waxing gibbous 盈凸月</p><p>Waning gibbous 张弦月</p><p>Waning crescent 残月</p><p> </p><p>crescent ['kresənt]</p><p>n. 新月;新月状物;</p><p>adj. 新月形的;逐渐增加的</p><p>vt. 以新月形物装饰;使成新月形</p><p> </p><p>gibbous ['gɪbəs] adj. 突起的;[天] 凸圆的;驼背的</p><p> </p><p>waning ['weɪnɪŋ]</p><p>n. 减弱;月亏</p><p>adj. 渐亏的;逐渐减弱或变小的</p><p> </p><p>waxing ['wæksɪŋ]</p><p>n. 上蜡;唱片;蜡膜形成</p><p>v. 上蜡(wax的ing形式)</p><p> </p><p>slam into猛烈撞击</p><p><br></p><p>绘本原文</p><p><br></p><p>The moon is a ball of rock.</p><p>The moon goes around planet Earth.</p><p>The moon takes about one month to go around Earth.</p><p>The moon is much smaller than Earth.</p><p>Earth and the moon go around the sun together.</p><p>The moon shines brightly.</p><p><br></p><p><br></p><p>The moon gets light from the sun.</p><p>Sometimes the sun lights one side of the moon.</p><p>Sometimes the sun lights only part of the moon.</p><p>The moon has no air.</p><p>(In the 1969 moon landing, Neil Armstrong wore a space suit to give him air.)</p><p><br></p><p><br></p><p>The moon has no water.</p><p>The moon has many holes.</p><p>The moon has many flat, dark places.</p><p>The moon is our closest neighbor in the solar system.</p><p><br></p> <p><b>Comets</b></p><p><br></p><p>词汇预习</p><p>loop [luːp] n. 环;圈;弯曲部分;翻筋斗</p><p>loop around 回路循环</p><p>loop back回环;回送</p><p><br></p><p>绘本原文</p><p>Comets are balls of ice.</p><p>Comets have dust inside.</p><p>Comets go around the sun.</p><p>(most comets travel around the sun in giant oval paths called orbits.)</p><p>Sometimes comets come near the sun.</p><p>(as comets come near the sun, they begin to melt.)</p><p>You can see these comets from Earth.</p><p>Comets near the sun have long tails.</p><p>(a comet’s tail can be millions of miles long.)</p><p>The tails are bright and shiny.</p><p>Part of a comet’s tail is made of gas.</p><p>Part of a comet’s tail is made of dust.</p><p>(you need a telescope to see most comets.)</p><p>Some comets make big loops around the sun.</p><p>One loop can take millions of years.</p><p>Some comets make small loops around the sun.</p><p>One loop can take a few years.</p><p>This comet will loop back in 2061.</p><p>(Halley’s comet is very famous. It goes around the sun once about every 76 years.)</p><p><br></p> <p><b>Shooting Start</b></p><p><br></p><p>词汇</p><p>bits of 少量的,小块片的<br>meteor ['miːtɪə; -tɪɔː] n. 流星;[气象] 大气现象<br>streak [striːk] n. 条纹,线条;倾向<br>grain of sand 沙粒<br>meteorite ['miːtɪəraɪt] n. 陨星;流星<br><br>绘本原文<br>Shooting stars are not stars.<br>Shooting stars are bits of rock or iron.<br>(Shooting stars are also called meteors.)<br>They are part of the solar system.<br>Shooting stars fall from space toward Earth.<br>(Shooting stars get very hot as they pass through the air.)<br>They make streaks of light in the sky.<br>Some streaks of light are short.<br>(Most shooting stars last only a few seconds.)<br>Some streaks of light are long.<br>Most shooting stars burn up in the air.<br>(Most shooting stars are smaller than grains of sand.)<br>They fall to Earth as dust.<br>Some shooting stars land on Earth.<br>(When a shooting star lands on Earth it is called a meteorite.)<br>Big ones can make big holes.<br>Some nights have a few shooting stars.<br>Some nights have many shooting stars.<br>(In 1833, shooting stars filled the night sky.)<br>How many shooting stars do you see?<br></p><p><br></p> <p><br></p><p><br></p>