万思乐学V-learn小西妈双语工程2001期162号Angela 20200330打卡Day29

Jennifer Song

<p>👧🏻基本情况:3岁1个月</p><p>清华英语0a- Happy new year</p><p>牙牙学语-1 掰苞米</p><p><br></p><p>📍Listening:</p><p>1. 婷婷唱古诗</p><p>2. peppa pig:hiccups &amp; gardening</p><p>3. 牙牙学语1</p><p>4. 声律启蒙</p><p><br></p><p>📍Video: </p><p>牙牙学语1:捏泥团</p><p><br></p><p>📍Reading:</p><p>英文:12本G1G2分级,绘本《the carrot seed》</p><p>中文:《声律启蒙》一东3,《魔法亲亲》</p><p><b style="color: rgb(237, 35, 8);">总结:这两天吃饭时磨耳朵效果不好,好像没在听,声律启蒙和最近学的唐诗明显记得不熟,那就要专门抽时间定心坐下来读了</b></p> <p>📍Game: </p><p>1. 1 猫抓老鼠(牙牙学语,转英文游戏)</p><p>👉🏻知道猫的特征</p><p>👉🏻掌握老鼠单数mouse. 复数mice</p><p> Guess who I am. I have whistles. I have a long tail. I like sleeping and eating. Fish are my favorite food. I have sharp claws. I can catch mice with my sharp claws. I am a cat. </p><p>Look, There are many mice. One mouse, two mice, three mice, four. Five mice, six mice, seven mice, more. Baby let's go catch some mice. Hurry! I have caught so many mice. Let me count. </p><p>1.2 老鼠投篮</p><p>👉🏻理解score进球得分,miss没投中</p><p>Let's toss the mice to the basket. Score score. Oh miss. </p><p>1. 3 按颜色分类老鼠(数学分类)</p><p>Now we put all the red mice in one line and blue ones in one line Just like this. These red mice are family. The green mouse is not their family member. The green mouse is looking for his family. Please send him home. </p><p><b style="color: rgb(237, 35, 8);">总结:姐姐对牙牙学语里小猫钓鱼那课感兴趣,所以安排了英文版的游戏算是同步双语学习。投篮游戏姐姐很喜欢,正好复习前两天看squirrel视频里出现大概没理解的单词score。以后的按颜色分类老鼠姐姐不愿意,随意排列当火车玩。灵机一动说同颜色是一家人,帮他们找到自己的家人以后,姐姐超级配合完成了。看来需要用孩子能理解并且有意思的游戏去学习,兴趣很重要 。</b></p> <p>2. 拼图用语</p><p>👉🏻复习拼、拆、打乱的表达</p><p>完成拼图did/finish a puzzle,put a puzzle together </p><p>在拼的:work on a puzzle</p><p>拆拼图:take the puzzle apart</p><p>打乱拼图:mix up the puzzle </p><p>You finished the pig puzzle, the dog puzzle and the duck puzzle. Wow! And you are working on the penguin puzzle. Oh. You finished it so quickly. Would You like to mix the puzzle up and you can solve it again. This is a 12 pieces puzzle. Would you like to have a challenge to do a 16 pieces puzzle? This is not right. This piece doesn't belong here. I think you used the wrong piece. All done. Please take the puzzles apart and put the pieces back into the box. </p><p><b style="color: rgb(237, 35, 8);">总结:最近对拼图感兴趣,妈妈用词没记清楚,重新来一遍。因为从小不爱拼图所以一玩就使劲夸,貌似效果不错,积极主动玩玩,玩了拆拆了玩。</b></p> <p>3.访友</p><p>目标:</p><p>👉🏻登门访友用语</p><p>Knock knock. Who's There? Open the door please. Here is a gift for you happy new year. </p><p><b style="color: rgb(237, 35, 8);">总结:这课姐姐被烟花深深吸引,准备的内容没执行,姐姐模仿出动画片Bing的fireworks那集得场景,因为怕烟花响声带了耳罩。有空可以让姐姐从复述Bing开始</b></p> <p>📍生活用语</p><p>渣渣crumb(可数名词)</p><p>目标:</p><p>👉🏻掉渣make/leave crumbs </p><p> 容易掉渣crumbly</p><p>The cookie is crumbly. When you bite it, you will make crumbs. Please use your bowl to catch the crumbs. You have a crumb on the corner of your mouth. </p><p>Do you know any other food that makes crumbs? Does a bread/cake/cracker/an egg tart/biscuit/chips make crumbs? When you eat those crumbly food, please be careful. Don't get the crumbs all over the table or floor. </p><p><br></p> <p>📍其他记录:</p><p>之前鼓励姐姐开口复述导致她很喜欢看图说话,现在每本书都会自己讲(瞎讲),原来分级会复述,现在喜欢编故事,用自己的话把分级编成故事说出来,不知道这样是否会影响理解性输入</p>









