<p>我在国内做急诊医生7、8年,每年抢救治疗50多例流行性出血热(汉坦病毒感染)、甲肝、乙肝患者100多例,接诊过麻疹、流脑等传染病,中药非常有效,针灸真的没效,针灸治疗肌腱损伤、非器质性疾病、慢性病效果显著,但对传染病、流行病真的没效,国内也没有报道针灸可以治疗新冠肺炎;可能有人会说针灸没副作用;我告诉大家,没副作用但会贻误病情!抢救病人紧张时还嫌你针灸师绊脚!</p> <p>Dear Mr. Adrian Dix,</p><p>As the current coronavirus pandemic (COVID-19) takes hold in B.C., B.C. government declared a public health emergency. The number of presumptive cases is expected to rise to a tremendous level and the demand for increasing health care facilities and care workers will be extremely high.</p><p>Traditional Chinese Medicine has a proven sustained success in effective clinical treatment for inhalation system symptoms and epidemic diseases. According to a recent study in Chinese Medicine used for prevention of Corona Virus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) from PubMed.com, the article, “Can Chinese Medicine Be Used for Prevention of Corona Virus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)?”, by Luo H., Tang QL., Shang YX., Liang SB., Yang M., Robinson N., & Liu JP., states that “based on historical records and human evidence of SARS and H1N1 influenza prevention, Chinese herbal formula could be an alternative approach for prevention of COVID-19 in high-risk population. Prospective, rigorous population studies are warranted to confirm the potential preventive effect of CM”.</p><p>Canada Acupuncturists and Traditional Chinese Headquarters Association, who are a group of B.C. registered Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioners and Acupuncturists, is willing to offer a proposal to contribute our professional services to assist in solving the current public health emergency. We would like to team up and cooperate with others in the medical industries to assist British Columbians to overcome this difficult period. We could coordinate Traditional Chinese Medicine professionals, Chinese Medicine suppliers, integrating Chinese medicine and conventional medicine treatment plans, and et cetera.</p><p>We would like to discuss with you for the possible opportunity to establish a medical team to bring in all the benefits that Traditional Chinese Medicine can provide to all British Columbians who might effected by this current health emergency condition.</p><p>Sincerely,</p><p>Director of CATCMHAProject Coordinator</p><p>Dr. Xiayun LuR.A Martin Ma</p><p>Cel: (604)261-8865Cel: (604) 910-3999</p><p>Email: xiaoyun@drlu.ca Email: mma88899@gmail.com</p>