Packing list for the Xungen summer camp trip
This is for your reference only. Feel free to modify it according to the camp location's weather, the scheduled activities, and your own preference.
请简装旅行 (please travel light)
请简装旅行 (please travel light)
请简装旅行 (please travel light)
A. 必需物件 (must-haves)
passport and photocopies of the front page and the Visa page (photocopies stored in luggage), original copy of the Consent for Travel letter when applies, health and/or travel insurance info
-出生证影印件 photocopy of birth certificate
-学生证 student ID (if you have one)
-机票 airline ticket reservation
-小日记本 a small dairy
-通讯录,记好父母及国内亲戚的联系方式 address book with phone #s for parents and the relatives in China
-适量零钱 some cash in $ and in RMB
B. 衣物及生活用品的建议 (suggestions on clothing, et al)
每个营员会得到2件黄色T-shirt营服和一顶帽子. Each camper will be provided 2 yellow camp T-shirts and a hat.
请勿带电子游戏机和电脑 Please do not bring any electronic game device nor laptop.
手机允许带,便于与家人联系,每晚睡觉时间10pm交给领队。Cell phone is allowed, for connecting with parents, and is to be handed over to the camp supervisor each night at the bed time.
带手机的话勿忘充电器、插头转换器Don't forget the phone charger and the wall plug converter.
-3套 短衣短裤 T-shirts and shorts
-1件 薄绒衫 light sweatshirt or fleece jacket
-1、2条 长裤 pairs of long pants
-1件 游泳裤/衣 swim trunk/suit
-1打 速干的薄内衣裤 dozen of underwear (light & sweat wicking)
-10来双 袜子 pairs of socks
-1、2双 轻便鞋 pair(s) of sneaker
-1双 拖鞋/凉鞋 pair of flip-flops/sandals
- 墨镜sunglasses
- 雨衣或小雨伞 raincoat or small umbrella
- 2套 睡衣 sets of pajama
- 梳洗用品 toiletry kit
- 洗衣粉 powdered detergent
- 备用眼镜 extra eyeglasses, contact lenses, and lens solution
- 防晒霜 sun screen
- 小瓶酒精净手胶/纸 hand sanitizer/wipes
- 纸巾包 small packs of tissues
- 女孩化妆品、卫生用品 for girls,makeup & feminine products if needed
- 手表 wrist watch
- 小背/挎包 everyday backpack/cross-body bag
- 水上活动储物用的防水塑料袋 ziplock bags for storage for water activities
- 有的营有“结对子活动”,用于交换的小礼物 Be prepared for gift exchange with a local student (only in some of the camps).
注:所有液状物品,如果不托运而是随身带的话,需要是小包装的,每个不超过3.4 fl oz.,加在一起装进一个quarter size的透明塑料袋里。
C. 其他建议携带物品 (other optional stuff)
- 便携的非电子的游戏 portable board games (poker cards, puzzles)
- 过敏药物 allergy medicines if needed
- 晕车药 Dramamine, or other motion sickness tablets if needed
- 邦迪及抗菌药膏 bandages & antibacterial cream
- 退烧药 tylenol
- 驱蚊喷剂/手环/驱蚊扇 bug repellant spray or wrist band or fan
- 口香糖 gums
D. 领队老师必备 (must-haves for the camp supervisors)
- 标记营员行李用的同色彩带
- 标记护照本用的stickers 和笔
- 营员名单及营员过敏信息、家长联系信息表、营员接送信息表
- 统一的夏令营帽子,便于营员识别
- 北美华人华裔寻根夏令营的横幅
- 电源插头转换头和多插头插线板
- 大ziplock防水袋若干