

<p><i>Please help protect those Coronavirus fighters that are protecting us! ❤️</i></p> <p>朋友們此刻好!由於紐約目前疫情嚴峻,前線人員防護裝備、物資嚴重短缺,在這特殊且困難的時期,很多寶寶在不同的群體已經出錢出力付出了很多的奉獻,給前線為我們而戰的鬥士們送去了滿滿的愛與支持!</p><p>但零碎的捐贈缺乏力量,並相信有很多朋友雖然人宅在家但心懷大局,希望能為對抗疫情、為己為眾獻上自己力所能及的心意. 經過商議,曼瑜天雅美國分公司在此發起募捐籌款抗災活動,籌得款項全數在美国本土購買合格的抗疫物品,以曼瑜天雅名義捐給最緊急的「前線戰場」.</p><p><br></p><p>此群接受捐贈集資方式及義務收款人如下:</p><p><br></p><p><b>微信支付 WeChat-pay</b>- 竹竹曼瑜天雅🇺🇸</p><p>微信號:origospa49</p><p>~<b>Paypal</b> - Linda Tan</p><p>ID: Tanlinda168@gmail.com</p><p>~<b>Quickpay/Zelle </b> - Linda Tan</p><p>ID: Tanlinda168@gmail.com</p><p>~<b>Venmo</b> - Jessica Cheng</p><p>ID: luckychang88</p><p>~<b>GoFundMe</b> - Minsi Chin</p><p>http://gf.me/u/xtrch5</p><p><br></p><p>‼️所有捐款記錄將透明清晰,每筆捐款收入/支出將列明並公開. 同時歡迎大家把此訊息轉達給友人和家人一起共襄善举!</p><p>小小無拘,集腋成裘,我們是生命的共同體,帮人就是帮自己!此時此刻,願我們風雨共濟,荊棘同行,讓人間充滿愛與正能量!</p><p>願大家平安健康,安全過渡疫情! </p><p>謝謝大家!!🤝</p> <p><i>Dear Friends,</i></p><p><i>Due to the current COVID-19 pandemic, we are now suffering from a shortage of personal protective equipment (PPE) for those providing medical care. We know many of you have already contributed and made donations through other groups to support the cause! Here at LMANYU, we hope to gather our strengths and help make a bigger impact in helping our healthcare workers. We are collecting donations to purchase protective equipment, including N95 masks, for our first responders and front line medical staff. All funds will be used to purchase PPE to be donated and distributed to first responders and hospitals in NYC.</i></p><p><i>Below are the Volunteer Payees responsible as well as the channels we are using to accept donations:</i></p><p><b>WeChat</b>-Pay Shelly C.</p><p>WeChat: origospa49</p><p><b>PayPal</b>-Linda T.</p><p>ID: Tanlinda168@gmail.com</p><p>~ <b>Quickpay</b>-Linda Tan</p><p>ID: Tanlinda168@gmail.com</p><p>~ <b>Venmo</b>-Jessica Cheng</p><p>ID: luckychang88</p><p>~ <b>GoFundMe</b>-Minsi Chin</p><p>http://gf.me/u/xtrch5</p><p>All donation will be transparent and clear, and each donation will be listed and made public.</p><p>Everyone is welcome to pass this message to friends and family to help the cause! Time is of essence, and we must do what we can to help protects those who are risking their lives and their family's lives to protect us!</p><p>Stay healthy and safe! Thank you for your support!&nbsp;</p> <p>LMANYU USA INC.</p><p>153 Centre St, #102</p><p>New York NY 10013</p><p>646-824-2028</p><p>lmanyu-us.com</p>