<p> Hello,everyone!Today,We are going to read a story about a little boy named David!今天我们要读一个小故事。这个小故事关于一个叫David的小男孩儿。你们好奇故事的内容是什么吗?让我们一起看看吧!</p> <p> Wow,I think David is a naughty boy!</p><p> What do you think of David?</p><p> 你觉得David怎么样呢?</p><p> 让我们走近故事,更细致地去看一看吧!</p> <p> 和Susan老师一起看完故事,你是不是对故事有了更深入的理解呢?注意:遇到不懂的单词时,不要紧张,只要仔细观察图片就能找到答案哦!最后,再让我们跟着图片看看故事吧!</p> <p>看看David在干什么?</p> <p>David is drawing on the wall.</p> <p>David is standing on the chair and grabing the top bear.</p> <p>David is so dirty!</p> <p>David is not turning off the tap!</p> <p>Wow,David is naked!</p> <p>David is playing with the tableware!</p> <p>David is playing the food.</p> <p>David is eating too much!</p> <p>David cannot watch TV.</p> <p>David is jumping in the bed!</p> <p>David is picking his nose!</p> <p>The toys are too messy!</p> <p>David is playing in the room.</p> <p>David broke his mother's vase.</p> <p>Mummy still loves(爱) David!</p> <p> 好了,今天的绘本故事到这里结束了。请你在学习过后:1.请你说说你觉得David是个怎样的男孩儿?2.把今天学过的绘本故事讲给爸爸妈妈听吧。</p>