<p> 今年我们都过了一个不一样的春节,一个不一样的寒假。2月,本该和孩子们相约学校的日子,但因为疫情,开学受阻。“停课不停学”----忻州七中的老师们积极响应国家号召和市、区局及学校的相关安排,做好延期开学期间的在线教学工作。</p><p> 为了最大程度地减少疫情对学生当前学习的影响,保证孩子们的学习质量,我校全体英语教师,在寒假期间就通力合作,通过集体备课的方式,完成了一学期教学工作的初备稿,为线上教学做了充分的准备!</p><p> </p> <p style="text-align: center;"> 七年级----聚焦热点,培养兴趣!</p><p> 七年级是学生培养学习兴趣与养成学习习惯的关键阶段。因此,在教学过程中,七年级所有教师会找学生感兴趣的话题来创设真实情境。例如,七年级教师在讲授Unit 4的祈使句的时候,结合当下疫情,通过看图作文,提高学生的防控意识、培养学生的口语表达和书面表达能力。</p> <p style="text-align: center;"> 八年级----夯实基础,巩固能力!</p><p> 八年级是一个平稳的发展时期,没有了七年级学生对中学生活的新奇,也没有九年级面临毕业升学的压力,处于一个承上启下、衔接和扭转的关键期。八年级所有教师针对学生的实际情况,从短板写作入手,既巩固了七年级的学习内容,为一年之后的中考打下良好的知识基础,同时还可以培养学生的语言综合运用能力。</p> <p style="text-align: center;"> 九年级----对比课标,备战中考!</p><p> 面临中考和疫情期间无法到校上课的双重压力,在校领导的英明指导和所有教师的共同努力下,九年级全体教师将压力转为动力,于正月初十正式开始了线上教学工作。所有九年级英语教师通过认真研读山西中考命题“一核·六维·四手段”的理论,比对课标,整合教材,集体备课、教研,群策群力,以话题板块和语法专题进行滚动复习,既为学生顺利迎接中考最大限度地提升英语综合能力,又为学生终身学习打下坚实基础。</p> <p>此生无悔入华夏</p> <p>China has full confidence and capibility to win the battle against the break of COVID-19.</p><p> ----Xi Jinping</p><p> 🇨🇳On Jan 23, The government imposed a lockdown in Wuhan and other cities in Hubei province. The transport hub closed its airports, rail stations and all main roads, as well as stopped public buses and subways.</p><p> </p> <p>🇨🇳About 450 medical staff from three military medical universities and their affliated hospitals of the People's Liberation Army landed in Wuhan on Jan 24. Since then,over 40,000 doctors and nurses from across China joined the team.</p><p> 🇨🇳The makeshift Huoshenshan Hospital was built for severe patients. Six days later, the Leishenshan Hospital opened. The city of Wuhan also changed its sports stadium and exhibition centers into carbin hospitals.</p> <p>众志成城,团结抗疫</p> <p>Wuhan is not an isolated island,and is not fighting alone.</p><p> ----Ding Xiangyang</p><p> To help alleviate pressure on cities in Hubei province,19 provinces have mobilized and launched “pairing assistance”. The effort started on Feb 10 with a goal of supporting 16 cities and prefectures in Hubei. This is the second such program,with the first launched on Feb 7. Some cities severely hit by the epidemic in Hubei will receive joint assistance from two partner teams.</p> <p>因为有你山河无恙</p> <p>❤️Zhong Nanshan,84,led his team to Wuhan to fight the illness. Zhong's team took many measures to cure the patients with Novel coronavirus pneumonia.</p><p>❤️Zhang Dingyu who is the head of Wuhan Jinyintan Hospital worked day and night for fighting against COVID-19. He is an ALS patient as well.</p><p>❤️All the medical workers try their best to save everyone regardless of the shortage of masks and other equipments, although they know clearly that they may be infected during the treatmment. </p> <p>China held a national mourning Saturday for martyrs who died in the fight against COVID-19 outbreak and compatriots died of the disease. We will remember what they did for us.</p> <p>As cars queued up at expressway toll gates and passengers prepared to board trains to leave Wuhan, the megacity in central China started lifting outbound travel restrictions from Wednesday after almost 11 weeks of lockdown to stem the spread of COVID-19.</p> <p>平凡岗位 非凡力量</p> <p>Although conditions are difficuilt,medical workers and ordinary Chinese people are standing together in the fight against the epidemic.</p> <p>As students,the only thing they can do is to stay at home,and try their best to take online classes. Although they are young,they still do their part to prevent the epidemic.</p> <p>从我做起</p> <p>As we all face COVID-19,protecting ourselves is the same as protecting others. </p> <p>全球抗疫,彰显大国担当</p> <p>Though separated by a mountain, we'll share the same clouds and rain. The bright moon belongs not to a single town.</p><p> ----Wang Changling</p> <p>Winter will eventually pass,spring is sure to come!</p><p> ----Hua Chunying</p>