<p>小蝌蚪变小青蛙探索</p><p>2020.03.15</p><p>Prepare a scoop a bucket</p><p>Baby,do you remember the tadpole we gotfour days ago?Do you want to get again</p><p>Mo:好的</p><p>Ok,please bring a scoop and a bucket,go,go,let's go to the pond,see,here is steed slope,you can not get to the pond,dad please get some tadpoles</p><p>D:好多小蝌蚪,还有一只青蛙</p><p>Mo:我要我要(几个小朋友特别兴奋,高兴地跳起来)</p><p>See,dad got so many tadpoles,observe a tadpole,it's black,it's little,it has a tail,it swims fast in the water like a fish</p><p>Mo:它没有眼睛和嘴巴</p><p>Maybe,we can not see the eyes,nose,mouth,maybe it's so black that we can not see them(后来查了下都是有的,目前还是早期都是黑的不是很清晰,后面发育各器官会越来越清楚)</p><p>After two weeks,the tadpole can grow into two hind legs,After six weeks,the front legs form,the tail shrinks,and the froglet can leave the water,every week we can come over here to observe and play with them</p><p>Mo:顺便复习下 中文小蝌蚪找妈妈</p><p>OK,we will go home,so we should let them go,ok?</p><p>Mo:Ok</p><p>后面爸爸帮忙放生了,都太兴奋了,抢着玩,现场太难控,一不小心,衣服就打湿</p><p>晚上睡觉前,给她看了<how frog grow>这本书,顺便了解一下life cycle of frog</p> <p>See the picture,today and four days ago,which stage tadpole we observed?</p><p>Mo:开始指5阶段</p><p>No,but we the tadpole had no tails today we saw,once again</p><p>Mo:指第4阶段的照片</p><p>Yes,you are right,today we saw the tadpoles as some as the fourth stage picture,today we also got a picture,which stage we got?Which picture is as same as the frog we saw today ?</p><p>Mo:手指第8阶段</p><p>Yes,you are right,it's a mommy frog,after six weeks,we can see so many so many adult frogs</p> <p>2020.03.22</p><p>Baby,last week,we observe the tadpoles only have a tail and not clearly the mouth,nose and eyes,now we are going to the pool and observe them again,see what changes about the tadpoles,take our bucket,our scoop,your two nets,go,go</p><p>Mo&Qingan:两个小家伙没有找到网捞不走了</p><p>They are at great grandma's room,i will show you,they are on the box,bring them,go away.</p><p>长霖也要去,OK,we are going the Changlin's little pool first,一路上介绍了一下蔬菜</p><p>See,they are alive,see,they grew into two very short hind legs,tiny legs,hurray</p><p>小北和平波都去捞又开始抢</p><p>Ok,don't fight with each other,dad will more tadpoles,later you all can play,see these tadpoles are fat,changlin's are thin,maybe the pools tadpoles have a big life environment and some food to eat,but in changlin's it's only a little bucket and don't have enough food to eat,so we should let them go homr,they can grow big and fat</p><p>Ok,let's observe the changes of the tadpoles,see,the two hind legs appear,now we can see the two eyes,a nose,a mouth of tadpoles,they called features,so we have observe the two changes,ok,you can observe them buy themselves,then let them go home to look for their mommy,mohan,what changes of the tadpoles that we can see?</p><p>Mo:长了两个后腿,眼睛嘴巴鼻子能看到</p><p>Ok,good job,next week we will come back</p><p>明天再根据以下图片再讲下</p> <p>2020.03.31</p><p>Babies,let's look for the tadpoles,take yournest and bucket,go,go,go.</p><p>Oh,jiajia sister's pond has no tadpoles,maybe they went or aet by fish,let's go to zihan's pond,hooray,see so many tadpoles,dad,get some to observe them let them go</p><p>See,there is no much changes of them,we only can see the they grow a bit longer and fit,and their hind legs grow a little longer,yes?</p><p>Mo:Yes</p><p>Ok,we will observe them next week</p> <p>2020.04.09</p><p>小蝌蚪4月7日就捉回来了,昨天白天不在家,今天晚上才观察</p><p>Baby,let's observe the toadpoles we got two day ago,what's changes do you see?</p><p>They grow more bigger and fatter,the two hind legs grew a little bite longer,the tail also grew a little bite longer,we still not see the forelegs,maybe next week,we can see the forelegs</p><p>Mo:两个小家伙就知道用手摸他们</p><p>You touched them,how do you feel?They are soft,do you know what are they eating now?Because they are a bit old,so they can eat the algae (藻类)like this one,some plant and some death insects,it's all,dad will let them go,you can do that with your dad,we wil observe them last Monday</p> <p>睡前读了一遍how frog grow</p><p>Baby,see the picture,it's a frog's life cycle,see,the mommy frog lay eggs,when the spring come,they hatch and grow into toadpoles,and they grow into a toadpoles with hindlegs,then grow into a toadpoles with forelegs and hindlegs,then the tail disappearedgrow into a adult flog</p><p>小北想到之前跟她说的,她说蚕变蝴蝶(我昨天跟她说的说错了),是毛毛虫变蝴蝶,蚕变飞蛾</p><p>把以下两张图片再看了一遍</p><p>Baby,see this green picture,it's a lifecycle of frog,see,which picture is as same as the toadpoles we saw today?</p><p>Mo:这个</p><p>Yes,you are right,they all have two hindlegs and a tail</p><p>OK,see this picture,which one is same as we saw today?</p><p>Mo:这个</p><p>Yes,you are right</p><p>Mo:他们黑黑的</p><p>Yes,they are all black,when they grow into frogs,they will green</p><p>Mo:这个颜色呢滑不滑(有可能她想说的是蟾蜍和青蛙呢皮肤区别)</p><p>The frogs skin always green and smooth,but the toads are gray and bump,ok,it's late,time to sleep,we will observe the toadpoles next week,say good night to the toadpoles</p><p>Mo:Good night,toadpoles</p><p><br></p> <p>2020.04.15 </p><p>Baby let's go to get the toadpoles,please get the nest and scoop,let's go,arrived at zihan's pond</p><p>D:没有看到小蝌蚪,只有几个</p><p>Maybe they run,away,they are not grow into frog,they can not jump,there is no fish,they are not eaten,look for again</p><p>D:开始捞零星的几个,差点掉了池塘去了</p><p>OK,let's go home在回家的时候在池塘的另外一边发现很多小蝌蚪</p><p>Oh,my gosh,they hide here,a moss of toadpoles,dad,please get more for us</p><p>D:网小了直接滑下去了,滑到池塘边,差点到水里</p><p>See,dad fell into the pond and almost get wet,dad get a little bit more toadpoles for us,let's go home</p><p>Let's observe the toadpoles,they have some changes,look careful</p><p>Mo:只顾着玩</p><p>They always have two hindlegs,but they grow longer and longer,and the toadpoles grow biger and bigger,the tails grow longer and longer</p><p><br></p> <p>2020.04.16</p><p>今天准备放生昨天抓的小蝌蚪的时候,居然发现有3只小蝌蚪长了一条前腿出来(有可能昨天就长出来了,没注意看,并且3只都是左前腿,难道是先长左腿),这三只蝌蚪的另外一条前腿已经跃跃欲试要出来感觉马上就要破皮而出的感觉,太神奇了,才一天时间而已</p><p>Baby,see,i found something magic about the toadpoles,see,one forelegs came out,and the other is covered with the skin,it almost come out,maybe tomorrow they will come out,so what changes of it?</p><p>Mo:Grow longer and longer</p><p>Yes,the tail and legs grew longer and longer,and the one foreleg came out,let's put them into the pond,we will get some tomorrow</p><p><br></p> <p>2020.04.22 </p><p>今天再去之前经常去的那个池塘抓蝌蚪的时候,发现成片成片的蝌蚪已经很少了只看到零星的几只,青蛙倒是看到不少,大的,小的</p><p>Baby,see,yuhao brother got some toadpoles and frog,see,the toadpoles now has four legs,the two hind legs very longer and stronger,so it can hop very long and fast,the forelegs are very short</p><p>Mo:爸爸青蛙,好多宝贝青蛙,妈妈青蛙,妈妈还会上坡</p><p>Yes,now they are froglets,not toadpoles,see,their tail more and more short,now they are black,after few days,their tails will disappear,and their skin will turn into green like this adult frog,it will be the real frog,next week,we will come over there</p>