

<p> 长胜中心小学五年级英语</p><p><br></p><p>A sudden outbreak of novel coronavirus like a cold wave swept over people, making people's lives become panic and unusual, teachers with the way of "Stop teaching, Stop school", stick to the responsibility of teachers, stick to the original heart of education.</p><p>The epidemic disease blocked the meeting between teachers and students, blocked the path of students to school learning, but it could not stop the teachers on the students' heart care, can not stop the teachers and students from being separated from each other, can not stop the students' enthusiasm for learning. We still go to school on time and do our homework on time. 一场突如其来的新型冠状病毒疫情犹如一股寒流席卷而来,让人们的生活变得慌张和不同寻常,老师们用“停课不停教,停课不停学”的方式,坚守着为师的职责,坚守着教育的初心。</p><p> 疫情,阻断了教师和学生的相约相见,阻挡学生到学校学习的道路,却阻挡不了教师对学生内心的牵挂,阻挡不了教师与学生的隔空相伴,阻挡不了学生学习的热情。我们依然和在学校一样按时上课,按时写作业。</p><p>No suspension of school - "house" at home can also seriously class! The children's earnest attitude in class is the most lovely!停课不停学——“宅”在家里也能认真上课!孩子们认真上课的态度最可爱!</p><p><br></p> <p>马丽雯同学在家学习的情景</p> <p>Look! How carefully they are! 瞧,他们多认真啊!</p> <p>优秀的孩子们!</p> <p>进步非常大的孩子们!</p> <p>表现最棒的高士博同学。</p> <p>后进生也表现那么棒!</p> <p>两名优秀的孩子</p> <p>作业完成的那么好,提交形式新颖。</p> <p>No suspension of school - "house" at home can also seriously class!孩子们在家老师也能检查背诵情况,瞧~多认真!多流利!</p><p><br></p> <p>郭天朵同学背诵课文,熟练流利是老师的和同学们的骄傲!</p> <p>李冬阳同学背诵课文,他的进步很大。值得表扬!</p><p><br></p> <p>徐鑫明同学背诵英语课文,以前不愿意在同学面前表现自己,这回在家里学习表现积极主动了,而且课文都背得那么流利。</p> <p>许明宇同学。进步特别大值得表扬一下!</p> <p>赵小俊同学,这个孩子默默无闻,学习最扎实了,老师比较欣赏她。</p> <p>左思涵同学家长在给她听写,这样的家长太配合老师了!是其他同学和家长的榜样。</p> <p>陈正颖同学,天天积极主动提交作业,也是老师的得力助手。假期期间表现非常棒。</p> <p>王奥泽同学在努力的背诵课文经常和郭龙波齐努力齐并进,假期的表现让老师替他俩高兴!</p> <p>Through the teachers and students to attend the class together, the teacher timely in the music teaching music learning platform and the WeChat class group to assign students the corresponding exercises. Every day is very busy: listen to students reading, pointing out the wrong pronunciation; Correcting students' homework and pointing out their mistakes; Remind students to study hard and encourage students with learning difficulties to finish all kinds of homework. Watch the mobile phone statistics students completed the homework, learning feedback. In the break time, as long as the students have questions, parents have a request, the teacher immediately respond.通过师生共同听课,老师及时在乐教乐学平台和微信班级群里给学生布置相应的练习作业。每天都很忙碌:听学生读书,指出错误的读音;批改学生作业,指出学生错误的地方;提醒学生认真学习,鼓励学困生坚持完成各项作业;看着手机统计学生完成作业情况、学习反馈情况。在休息时间,只要学生有问题,家长们有要求,老师马上进行回复。</p><p><br></p> <p>The children every day in the stick to clock in, for this kind of learning spirit thumb up 👍孩子们每天都在坚持打卡,为这种学习精神点赞👍</p> <p> 面对各班作业,有照片,有视频;有书写潦草,有书写工整的;有这里错,那里错的;有拍照模糊不清,有拍不完整的。不断点评和纠正,每天都这样重复的进行着,因为努力不能停下脚步!</p><p>  疫情期间,孩子们通过网络自主学习,体验着别样的学习方式。我们虽然上不了一线,不能像英雄白衣战士们一样冲锋陷阵与病毒做斗争,但是我们教师也在行动,共同为战胜疫情这场战斗出一份力,尽一份责。</p><p> 停课不停学,我们在行动;抗病毒战疫情,我们责无旁贷!</p>









