

<p>万思乐学V-learn 小西妈双语工程1901期210Eric打卡。 Day165 1b:复习汉语(二):小手歌</p><p>一、Listening:</p><p>国学:本周新学《弟子规》</p><p>英文:1b,Pepper pig,Little critter,海尼曼,牛津树</p><p>中文:汉语(二)</p><p>二、晨读晚诵:《弟子规》</p><p>三、字母学习:复习</p><p>四、扫雷:海尼曼3本</p><p>五、数学:绘本</p> <p>六、指读《Scarf》</p> <p>指读《Meli go to the vet》</p> <p>七、复述《Polly Parrot》</p> <p>八、Experiment:Bones and muscles</p><p> Eric,do you like dancing? Do you know why our bodies can dance so beautifully? Think about what is playing the important part?That because joints.Humans can't move without joints. So today we need to make a movable arm. Then you will know the function of joints.</p><p>Prepare:a hand picture, a plastic bag,</p><p> two wooden sticks with a little hole,</p><p> one mesh bag,a straw,</p><p> one pair of scissors,two twisters, </p><p> some tape, two pins.</p><p>Wow,so many things. </p> <p>Steps:</p><p>1、 Cut the hand out of the picture.</p><p>2、Connect two sticks together with little pin. </p><p>3、Stick the hand onto the end of the stick. </p><p>4、Fold the plastic bag, then put the bag all the way through the mesh bag. </p><p>5、Put our straw into the bag. then use the tape to tape the bag onto the straw, connect them to the stick together. </p><p>6、Blow into the straw. And then you can see what happens. </p><p>But we failed. we didn't blow it up. </p> <p>后来找到原因,应该在把塑料袋卷之前,就把吸管放到里面,然后再卷,看来在实验中对任何一个细节都不能够弄错。</p><p>M:Eric, can you see what happens? </p><p>B:The muscle is now bigger. </p><p>M:Arms can stretch out and arms can pull back just like this.</p> <p>  Joints are the one's connect bones when muscles contract.Human can do different postures like stretch and bend and extend and so on. </p><p>Joints are like the bearings in machines. Without bearings, the machines are difficult to work.And it's the same for our body,people can't move without joints. </p><p>What if we don't have any joints in our body? How can we walk? Can you show me?</p><p>Yes. We can't spend our blow. We can't bend our knees just like you.</p> <p>九、Elbow game</p><p> Let's have an interest in challenge—lick your elbow.</p><p>Oh, I can't get there! It's far away. You can try to get there.</p> <p>十、Types of joints</p><p>通过这两次有关骨骼、肌肉、关节的实验,再来读这一本科二的书,孩子感觉非常有趣,半个小时的时间里都没有跑开过,是读科一科二绘本中最认真的一次了。</p>









