<p style="text-align: center;"><br></p><p style="text-align: center;">等春来,等花开,</p><p style="text-align: center;">等烟消云散,否极泰来;</p><p style="text-align: center;">没有一个冬天不可逾越,</p><p style="text-align: center;">没有一个春天不会来临;</p><div><p style="text-align: center;">初英教研,</p><p style="text-align: center;">你是春风十里,园丁的栖息地;</p><p style="text-align: center;">此刻,我们在线上相遇,</p><p style="text-align: center;">在课例的星辰大海中共同磨砺!</p><h3><br></h3></div><h3></h3> <h1 style="text-align: center;"><b><font color="#ff8a00">教研活动预告</font></b></h1><font color="#ff8a00">南昌市第九届初中英语“园丁杯”优秀课例观摩及研讨活动将于4月16日下午2:30开始,采用“钉钉群”直播的方式进行。</font><div><font color="#ff8a00">活动内容:</font></div><div><span style="color: rgb(255, 138, 0);">1. 鄢丽娜(十中)和黄洁(外国语)两位教师的参赛课例展示及说课,课题是 Unit3 Could you please clean your room?Section A3a-3c(同课异构);</span><div><font color="#ff8a00">2. 围绕课例上课教师和老师们互动研讨;<br>3. 专家点评及活动总结。<br>快快扫码进入加入钉钉群</font><br></div></div> <h1><b><font color="#ff8a00">一、教研背景</font></b></h1><h3><br></h3> <h1 style="text-align: center;"><b><font color="#ff8a00">“园丁杯”课例展示</font></b></h1> <h3> 全面贯彻习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想和党的十九大精神。全面落实《中共中央国务院关于全面深化新时代教师队伍建设改革的意见》的要求,进一步促进校本教研,搭建教师专业成长平台,提高教师队伍整体素质,展示参赛老师的赛课风采,激励成长,超越自我。推动我市教师队伍建设,发挥引领教师专业成长的正能量,搭建教师风采展示平台,推动和激励全市教师专业化成长。</h3> <h1 style="text-align: center;"><font color="#ff8a00"><b>战“疫”不停研</b></font></h1> <ul><li>新情况:在全国上下共抗新冠疫情的背景下,南昌市初中英语教研室落实加强疫情防控,“不出门”是共识也只是起点,“停课不停研”成为了新课题。</li><li>新思路:4月份,我们将推出“园丁杯”课例展示,为初中英语教师搭建成长平台,为居家教研提供新方法、新思路、新手段。这个春天愿您研有所获,我们在花开时等你。</li></ul><p><br></p> <h1><font color="#ff8a00"><b>二、课例展示-南昌市外国语学校黄洁</b></font></h1> <h1 style="text-align: center;"><b style="color: inherit;"><font color="#ff8a00">☆ 授课教师简介</font></b></h1> 黄洁 南昌市外国语学校英语教师,曾获国家教育部“一师一优课 一课一名师”教学比赛省级‘优课’;多次指导学生参加南昌市中小学生英语听力竞赛、全国中学生英语能力竞赛、“星星火炬”全国少年儿童英语风采大赛、中央电视台“希望之星”英语风采大赛、“外研社杯”全国中小学生英语大赛、“外教社杯”全国中学生英语阅读竞赛、“21世纪杯”全国中小学生英语演讲比赛、中国日报社“21世纪 VIPKID杯”中学生英语演讲大会等荣获一等奖;聘为国培初中英语跟班学习指导老师,聘请担任全国青少年斯诺英语口语大赛江西分赛区南昌赛区评判委员;评为全国中学生英语能力竞赛“全国优秀指导教师”,荣获星星火炬全国总展示优秀指导教师称号;荣获全国青少年斯诺英语口语大赛江西分赛区高中组优秀指导奖,中央电视台“希望之星”英语风采大赛优秀指导教师奖,“外研社杯”全国中小学生英语大赛优秀指导教师奖,“新希望杯”全国青少年英文书法大赛活动辅导一等奖,“星星火炬”全国少年儿童英语风采展示活动全国总决赛优秀指导奖,全国中学生新课程英语语言能力竞赛优秀辅导教师一等奖;两个国家级重点课题荣获一等奖;参与《英语双色点拨》《英语星科状元边讲边练》《英语星科状元中考大本营》《英语新阅读》《深圳市初中英语总复习指导》《向上英语阶梯听力训练》《三点 提分特训方案》等多部教辅用书的编撰;多篇教学论文荣获国家、省、市级一等奖。 <h1 style="text-align: center;"><font color="#ff8a00"><b>☆ 课例实录</b></font></h1> <h3>片段赏析</h3> <h1 style="text-align: center;"><b><font color="#ff8a00">☆ </font><font color="#ff8a00">教学课件</font></b></h1> <h1 style="text-align: center;"><font color="#ff8a00"><b>☆ 教学设计</b></font></h1> <h3>Unit 3 Could you please clean your room?<br>Section A 3a- 3c教案<br>一、教学分析:<br>1. 教材内容:<br>本课题选自人教版2011新课标八年级下册Unit 3 Could you please clean your room? Section A (3a-3c)部分。本单元主题聚集在家庭生活上,围绕家务劳动及家庭互助展开,家庭生活及家务劳动是社会家庭和学生生活的重要方面,对学生生活习惯及家庭责任感的建立起着重要的作用。因此,这一单元在本学期乃至整个初中阶段的教学中具有特殊的地位和重要性。本节课是Section A部分的阅读课,旨在于提高学生的阅读技能,同时发展学生的口头表达能力;故事内容贴近学生的生活实际,通过主人公与妈妈在家务劳动上发生的故事,增强学生的家庭责任感并懂得分担家务、关爱父母。<br>2. 学情:<br>八年级的学生比较活跃,思维敏捷,具备一定的想象力和创造力,有了一定的语言积累,但同时由于大部分时间放在学习上,实际生活中缺乏对家务的关注和参与。想要让本节课更加生动有趣,每位学生都能参与到课题的讨论中从而引起共鸣,就要设计更多的活动来吸引他们的注意力,加之本堂课阅读很多是对话形式,所以可以采用guessing game、quick response game、 role play等形式来激发孩子的学习兴趣,以掌握本堂课的知识,学生学习起来也会比较轻松。<br><br>二、教学目标——核心素养四维目标<br>A.语言能力:<br>1. 在完成阅读任务的过程中复习各种有关家务的词汇,掌握重点句型:Could you please....? Could I ...? 学会礼貌地提出请求和征询许可,以及neither, all the time, as soon as等重点目标词汇和短语的用法。<br>2. 通过阅读文本,提高阅读能力;能听懂和谈论做家务的话题,提高口头交际能力。<br>B. 文化品格:<br>1. 通过小组合作共同完成任务,培养团队合作的精神。<br>2. 培养爱劳动,懂分担的美德。学会分担家务,培养独立自主性,理解父母,关爱父母。<br>3. 学会对周围的人礼貌、友善。<br>C.思维品质:<br>1. 共同编造剧本、演出剧本,提高生生合作能力,同时培养主动参与语言实践的意识和习惯,提升创造力和想象力。<br>2. 通过小组合作探究,共寻答案、共同完成任务,提升比较、分析及思辨能力,发展批判性思维。<br>D.学习能力:<br>1.掌握阅读策略,获取文本信息。<br>2. 通过设计的各种阅读活动,具备较熟练地运用所学语言谈论家务相关话题的能力,并能用目标句型Could you please...? Could I...?礼貌提问。<br>3. 通过同步阅读,设计不同场景的阅读任务,理解与主题相关的语言材料,并增强运用语言获取更多信息的能力。 <br>三、教学重点和难点:<br>1. 掌握目标词汇和短语neither, all the time, as soon as等;<br>2. 学会运用重点句型Could you please....? Could I ...?等礼貌地<br>发出请求,接受请求和拒绝请求。<br>3. 掌握基本的阅读技能。<br> 4. 通过语言反映领会情感的变化。<br> 四、教学方法: 情境教学法,合作教学法,任务型教学法<br> 五、学习方法:自主学习、结对学习、小组学习、合作探究学习<br> 六、教具学具:PPT, Multimedia, Blackboard, Learning sheet<br><br></h3> <h1 style="text-align: center"><font color="#ff8a00"><b>☆ 教学反思</b></font></h1> 本单元主题围绕家务劳动及家庭互助展开,对学生生活习惯及家庭责任感的建立起着重要的作用。本课时通过阅读强化对单元主题家务劳动、家庭互助、关爱父母以及目标语言neither, all the time, as soon as,Could you please....? Could I ...? 等的学习和理解,进一步提升学生对词性的辨识及运用能力,更深入的发展学生的阅读技能兼口头表达能力,同时培养爱劳动,懂分担的美德,学会关爱父母,懂得对周围的人礼貌、友善。<br>本课例在编排设计上有如下特点:<br>1. 由于对赛课班级毫无了解,课堂教学指令在呈现上力求简单、精炼、易懂,便于任何层次学生的理解和执行,以不变应万变。<br>2. 精心设计了多个环节以求拉近与学生的距离,激发学生的学习兴趣,调动课堂气氛。如导入环节中提出不惜“自黑”的问题: Am I beautiful? Why do I have so much change? 既调动了学生的积极性,瞬间对授课老师发生兴趣,又自然的导入到文本主题。如Warming-up环节中的guessing game和quick response game,既引爆了学生的学习热情,又让学生掌握了不同家务活动的词汇,并为进入阅读文本做好了足够的输入,做到“玩中学,学中玩”。<br>3. 该阅读文本的内容是由主人公Nancy和妈妈因家务劳动产生争执开端,随着Nancy在思想上的转变,主动分担家务解决矛盾而结束。根据故事发展的进程,把故事分成了三个场景:引发矛盾、僵持冷战、主动分担。这样脉络清晰,更加有助于学生对文章的理解。<br>4. 在阅读环节中设置了一系列的问题,让学生轻松地了解到了文本内容并掌握了阅读的技能和策略,同时巧妙自然的对重点词汇和句型结构以及Exercise 3b&3c做到处理,实现本课语言能力目标和学习能力目标。<br>5. 注意到该阅读文本很多是对话形式,言语间充满了文本角色的情绪色彩, 所以采用了模仿朗读、设置情境角色朗读等形式来激发学生的学习兴趣,让其感同身受、身临其境,这样既能让学生运用目标语言项目提高口头表达能力,又能更好的领会文本意图:懂得分担家务,学会关爱父母,明白应该礼貌、友善地对待周围的人,实现本课语言能力目标和文化品格目标等。<br>6. 在教学过程中,采用了多种教学方法以达到教学目的,如:任务型教学法、合作教学法、情境教学法等。引导学生采取了多种学习方法来优化学习效果,如:自主学习、结对学习等。尤其注重小组探究合作学习,使学生在互动中巩固知识,以达到运用语言的目的,培养其探究问题和自主解决问题的能力,提升其团队精神。如在Post-reading共同编造剧本、演出剧本环节中, 既使学生懂得分担家务,理解关爱父母,又培养了学生主动参与语言实践的意识和习惯,提升了创造力、想象力和比较分析力,发展了其批判性思维,深刻地体现了语言能力、学习能力、文化品格、思维品质四大核心素养的渗透。<br>7. 课程最后的看视频、进行深入思考环节是整堂课设计的高潮,引起了学生内心的碰撞与共鸣,使学生更加深刻地认识到分担家务、培养独立自主意识、理解父母、关爱父母的必要性和迫切性,突出地体现了核心素养中文化品格、思维品质的渗透。<br>8. 作业布置呈现多样化、 趣味性的特点,既检查了教学效果,对所学知识进行复习和巩固,又在现实生活中再次体现了人文教育,达到学以致用的目的。<br>9. 注重对学生的课堂评价,对学生的表现予以积极的肯定和鼓励,增强其自信心,调动其积极性;采用以小组为单位的积分竞争机制来刺激学生的参与积极性,同时也培养了他们的团队合作精神。<br><br>不足之处:<br>1. 上课过程中由于时间有限,剧本表演只做了两组展示,还不够深入到位,某种程度上也打击了部分学生的积极性。<br>2. 实际生活中要注意解决问题的方式方法,与人交流过程中要注意沟通方式,说话时不同的语气、不同的态度会产生不同的效果。由于课时有限,以上在实际教学过程中没有机会深入探讨和实践。<br> 七、 教学过程: <br>Step1: Greetings and lead-in<br>Free talk: Am I beautiful? Why do I have so much change?<br>Design intention: Close the distance between the teacher and the students, motivate students and lead in the topic.<br>Step2:Warming-up<br>Play a guessing game: What kind of housework do I often do?<br>Design intention: Make the students know about different kinds of chores: do the dishes, make the bed, sweep the floor ,take out the rubbish etc. Draw students’attention to the class and stimulate the interest in learning.<br>Have some free talk about whether students do chores or not, then play a quick response game: What can you do to make the house clean and tidy?<br>Design intention: Help the students review different kinds of chores, provide sufficient to prepare for the reading and stimulate the enthusiasm of learning.<br>Step3:Pre-reading<br>Ask students to guess: Whose house is this? <br>Ask students to predict: Why is Nancy’s house so dirty and messy?<br>Design intention: Stimulate students' curiosity about the content of the article and develop the ability to predict bravely.<br>Step4:While-reading Fast-reading<br>Read the whole story very quickly and try to answer the question: Why was Nancy’s house so dirty and messy? <br>Design intention: Help the students to get the main idea of the reading material and develop students' fast reading skill—grasp the general idea and solve basic problems.<br>Step5:While-reading Careful-reading<br>Divide the story into three scenes and ask the students to read the three scenes one by one very carefully.<br>Scene 1: <br>①. Ask the students to answer two questions:<br>How did Nancy feel after she came back home?<br>What did Nancy do after she came back home?<br>Design intention: Develop students' careful reading skill — search for details and deepen the understanding.<br>②. Explain to the students some words, phrases and patterns in the text. <br>Design intention: on the understanding and use of individual key words,phrases and patterns to help students clear the reading barrier and finish Exercise 3b&3c.<br>③. Ask students to listen, feel different emotions and read, then imitate through setting up the situation.<br>Design intention: Make students understand the key pattern: Could you please....? Could I ...? Help students to appreciate the changes of emotion through the language. Make students understand it’s important to be polite to the people around them. Cultivate the awareness and habit of participating in language practice actively.<br>Scene 2: <br>①. Ask students to answer the question: For one week, did they do any housework?<br>Design intention: Go on developing students' careful reading skill — search for details and deepen the understanding.<br>②. Explain to the students the word: neither.<br>Design intention: Go on ing on the understanding and use of individual key word to help students clear the reading barrier and finishing Exercise 3b.<br>Scene 3: <br>Ask students to answer the question: How did they solve the problem?<br>Design intention: Go on developing students' careful reading skill — search for details and deepen the understanding.<br>Step6:Post-reading<br>①. Work in groups, finish the play and act it out.<br>Design intention: Help students to learn to think deeply and cultivate their thinking ability; develop the spirit of teamwork; cultivate their love for labor and make them understand the meaning of sharing chores; improve the creativity, imagination and the ability of comparison, analysis and critical thinking, and skillfully use the target language to talk about the related topic.<br>②. Do a summary: What can we learn from the story?<br>Design intention: Summarize the whole class. Help students to better understand the spirit of the reading material: share, communicate and understand.<br>③. Watch a video and have some deep thinking.<br>Design intention: Arouse the collision and resonance in students' hearts, make students more deeply realize the necessity and urgency of sharing housework, cultivating independence and autonomy, understanding parents and caring for parents.<br>Step7:Homework<br>1.Help your parents do some housework after class.<br>2.Write out a similar story happening in your family.<br>Design intention: Through the diversified and interesting homework, check the teaching effect, review and consolidate the knowledge learned in class and reflect the humanities education in the real life. <h1><font color="#ff8a00"><b>三、课例展示-南昌十中鄢丽娜</b></font></h1> <h1 style="text-align: center"><font color="#ff8a00"><b>☆ 授课教师简介</b></font></h1> <h1 style="text-align: center"><font color="#ff8a00"><b>☆ 课例实录</b></font></h1> 片段赏析 <h1 style="text-align: center"><font color="#ff8a00"><b>☆ 教学课件</b></font></h1> <h1 style="text-align: center"><font color="#ff8a00"><b>☆教学设计</b></font></h1> Teaching material: <div>Could you please clean your room? <br>Section A (3a-3c) <br>Teaching grade: </div><div>Grade 8<br>Lesson type: </div><div>Reading<br>Objectives:<br>At the end of the class, students are expected to:<br>1. Use “Could you please …?” to make polite requests, and “Could I …?”to ask for permission.<br>2. Be able to say the same thing in different ways.<br>3. on words that are both verbs and nouns.<br>4. Raise students’ awareness of sharing housework.<br>Main points and difficult points:<br>1. Phrases and sentences: the minute, as tired as; <br>Neither did I; Could you please…? Could I …?<br>2. Raise students’ awareness of sharing housework.<br>Teaching Procedures<br>Procedures Activities Intentions<br>Pre-reading 1. Lead-in.<br>Play a guess game The topic will be led in by playing a guess game, which aims to let students know who does the most housework at home.<br> 2. Free talk.<br>Predict what happened to Nancy and her mom. <div>Predict what happened through a picture, to arouse students’ interest in reading.<br>While-reading <div>3. Fast-reading.<br>Read part I quickly and answer the question. Check their prediction and get the main idea of part I.<br> 4. Careful-reading.<br>Read for specific information. Lead students to think deeply why neither of them wants to do the housework.<br> 5. Role-play the conversation with emotions. Experience their feelings change, and help students to predict what will happen next.<br> 6. Thinking.<br>Predict what Nancy and her mom will do next. Predict the ending of the passage.<br> 7.Read part Ⅱcarefully, then fill in the blank and complete the chart. Students practice reading for specific information to find out Nancy’s change.<br>Post-reading <div>8. Enjoy a conversation. </div><div>1. The use of the target language “Could you please…?” “Could I…?”<br>2. Let students on words that are both verbs and nouns.<br> 9. Group work. <br>Watch a video and make a conversation. Practice the target language and arouse students’ awareness of sharing housework.<br> 10. What we learn Let students make a conclusion about who should do the housework at home.<br>Homework <br></div></div></div></div> Must do: <div>1. Tell your parents what housework you want to share in your family.<br>2. Find more words that are both verbs and nouns.<br>Choose to do: What do you think of sharing housework? Why do you think so? Write a passage about your opinion. To allow students to choose their homework according to their own levels.<br></div> <h1 style="text-align: center;"><b><font color="#ff8a00"></font></b></h1> <h1><font color="#ff8a00"><b>初英教研,有你更精彩!</b></font></h1> <p><br></p><p><br></p><p><br></p><p style="text-align: right;">图文编辑:肖丽娜</p><p style="text-align: right;">素材提供:肖君 吴磊 鄢丽娜 黄洁</p><p style="text-align: right;">活动主办:南昌市初中英语学科中心组</p><p style="text-align: right;"><br></p><p style="text-align: right;"><br></p><p style="text-align: right;"><br></p><p><br></p>