

<p>  亲爱的孩子们,从去冬到今春,从疫情肆虐到春暖花开,我们每个人的身心都经历了前所未有的考验和迭宕起伏,我们通过各种媒体,感受了无数的哀伤和感动,我们唯有真诚地致敬逆行的英雄,深切缅怀英勇的抗疫烈士,唯有珍爱生命,安康生活,努力工作,认真学习,方能不负英雄们的付出和牺牲!</p> <p>  熬过严寒,终见四月芳菲,我们,终于能开学了!</p><p> 在近两个月的网课学习过程中,你们的收获可能会因学习基础,自制能力和勤奋程度的不同而略有差异,但我们都应该会有共同的感受和期盼:成长中的孩子,还得在学校,在教室学习才更有意义!</p><p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; 亲历这场灾难,让我们明白了太多事情,也让我们深深体会到国泰民安是多么幸福而珍贵的事!哪有什么岁月静好,只不过是有人替我们披荆斩棘,负重前行!</p><p> &nbsp; &nbsp;无经历,不成长!亲爱的孩子们,隔屏相伴,停课不停学的日子里,老师能深刻感受到你们中多数人的巨大变化:回答问题或分享知识点时思路清晰,表达准确,开场白和结束语礼貌且到位,整个过程有一种让老师感动的仪式感;课后绝大多数同学能认真完成作业并及时反馈,有些基础较好,自控力强,学有余力的孩子更是自我加餐,超前学习,弯道超车,老师为你们感到欣慰而骄傲!</p><p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; 疫情之下,我们每个人都做好自己该做的事,就是对这个劫后新春最好的注脚和起码的尊重。</p><p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </p> <p>  看到你们在特别的网课之余能以自己的才艺,特长调节,缓解宅家的些许焦虑,甚或寂寞,老师真为你们高兴!</p> <p>  看到多数同学走心的作业,老师能感觉到你们心智的成熟和长大,你们能对自己的学业更加尽力尽责,为你们再次点赞!</p> <p>  每日寄语是老师对你们长长的牵挂和殷切的希望,毕竟你们多数人的家长是必须上班的,独自在家的你自己也不能保证不会被懒虫侵袭的,对不对?</p> <p>  超长的宅家生活虽然让我们不可避免会心急心慌,但我们共同完成的网课和实践作业会是我们抗疫时期最有温度的记忆!隔屏不隔心,老师和你们一直在一起!</p> <p>  孩子们,你们也肯定看到了在某些艰苦,偏远的地区,求知若渴的孩子们顶着寒风,在山坡,在屋顶,在方舱医院认真苦读的声影,你们可能也看到了有些熊孩子枕头旁的手机里老师讲得滔滔不绝,而他却在呼呼大睡,甚至有些任性过网瘾的孩子视网膜脱落……这种对比何其刺目!为养家糊口辛苦奔波的父母目睹如此场景,何其心塞心寒!</p><p> 孩子,请别假装努力,结局不会陪你演戏!</p><p> 比你条件艰苦的人,比你优秀的人还要努力,你凭什么不努力,你有什么资格不奋斗?</p> <p>  老师真不愿看到个别孩子由于任性,懒散而把自己变成网课学困生!想想你们辛苦劳作的父母,想想比你基础扎实还比你刻苦的同学,你怎么好意思放任自己上课溜号,作业应付?</p> <p>要敬畏课堂,因为课堂是给予知识的地方;</p><p><br></p><p>要敬畏知识,因为只有知识才能改变未来;</p><p><br></p><p>要敬畏未来,未来的模样就藏在今天的努力中。</p><p><br></p><p>长大之后没有儿戏,校园之外没有温室!社会不会同情一无是处的孩子。</p> <p>抗击疫情暖心句子</p><p>1. 同舟共济,苦尽甘来。</p><p>Let's help each other and expect happiness to come.</p><p>2. 中国人,永不言败!</p><p>Chinese people never say die.</p><p>3. 众志成城, 抗击疫情。</p><p>Let's unite as one to fight the epidemic.</p><p>4. 武汉加油,中国加油!</p><p>Wuhan stay strong! China Stay strong!</p><p>5.医疗人员,前线勇士!</p><p>our medical people shine, are heroes at frontline.</p><p>6.武汉加油!(武汉坚强)!</p><p>Be Strong, Wuhan</p><p>7. 万众一心,共克艰难。</p><p>Let's overcome difficulties with one heart and one mind.</p><p>8. 病毒无情,人有情!</p><p>The virus is merciless, but the world is full of love.</p><p>9. 天佑中华。</p><p>God bless China.</p><p>10.我们与你同在。</p><p>We are all with you.</p> <p>  以下分享的英式抗疫常识希望你们能看得懂,落得实!</p> <p><b> A</b></p><p>Six questions about children's epidemic prevention</p><p><br></p><p> 关于儿童防疫的六个问题</p><p>In the face of the epidemic, many parents are worried about how to protect their children. What can parents do to protect their children from the novel coronavirus (新型冠状病毒) at a special time?</p><p><br></p><p>1. What are the possible ways for children to be infected (感染)?</p><p><br></p><p>The National Health Commission said that children are easy to be infected by the novel coronavirus. The main route is droplet transmission (飞沫传播) like coughs and contact with the mouth, nose or hand.</p><p><br></p><p>2. Can children still eat chicken, duck and fish meat?</p><p><br></p><p>They can eat chicken, duck and fish meat, but make sure it is cooked. Also, don't chew (咀嚼) food with your mouth and then feed your child. Don't blow air through your mouth to cool food.</p><p><br></p><p>3. When do children need to go to hospital?</p><p><br></p><p>If children have coughs and other symptoms (症状), parents should first watch children's temperature. If the body temperature isn't falling and children have breathing difficulties, it's better to take children to the nearest hospital.</p><p><br></p><p>4. How do children wear face masks?</p><p><br></p><p>The little children usually shouldn't wear masks. The N95 mask has the worst air permeability (渗透性) and is not good for babies. When children wear masks, parents should always pay attention to whether children have breathing difficulties or other discomfort (不舒服).</p><p><br></p><p>5. How to wash children's hands rightly?</p><p><br></p><p>At all times, use the soap and running water to wash hands. If they are going out and can't wash their hands with running water right away, parents should always take paper towels.</p><p><br></p><p>6. How to protect children from the virus when going out?</p><p><br></p><p>Staying at home is the best protection. If you must go out, wear a face mask and try not to use public transportation. If it's a short trip, walking is the best choice.</p> <p><b> B</b></p><p><br></p><p>Several ways to improve mental health改善心理健康的几种方法</p><p><br></p><p>Be optimistic (乐观的).</p><p><br></p><p>Looking on the bright side of life is really good for you. Optimists have a 35% less chance of having a heart attack or stroke (中风). In fact, a 2019 study found people with the most positive thoughts could live longer than those without positive thoughts.</p><p><br></p><p>Be grateful.</p><p><br></p><p>It is good for us to be grateful. Being grateful protects us against anxiety (焦虑) and improves optimism.</p><p><br></p><p>One of the best ways to make thankfulness a part of your life, say experts, is to keep a diary. Before you go to bed, write down any positive experiences you had that day, no matter how small it was. If you do that for one minute each morning and evening, that sense of thankfulness can have an effect on others in your life.</p><p><br></p><p><br></p><p><br></p><p>Find your purpose (目标).</p><p><br></p><p>Finding a sense of purpose is much helpful for you to live a longer and happier life, experts tell CNN.</p><p><br></p><p>University of Pennsylvania psychologist Martin Seligman says a sense of purpose will come from being part of something bigger than ourselves. He points to friends, family, and social causes that are ways to increase meaning in our lives.</p> <p><b> C</b></p><p><br></p><p>Online classes mark fresh start for spring semester</p><p><br></p><p> As schools across the country delay (延迟) the opening of the spring semester because of the spread of the NCP, education platforms are providing free online courses for students.</p><p><br></p><p>Following the government’s suggestion to avoid getting together in crowded places, schools have asked students to keep themselves at home from the risk of suffering from the NCP until further notice.</p><p><br></p><p>“We are trying our best to guarantee (保证) online education for students nationwide,” Chen Baosheng, the minister of education, said at a recent news meeting. He also said that China had about 280 million students in total.</p><p><br></p><p>On Feb. 17, a national class program opened on the National Public Service Platform for Educational Resources to students in all schools, according to the ministry.</p><p><br></p><p>According to the Ministry of Education, so far, there have been 22 online education platforms offering more than 24,000 college courses for free. One such platform is UMOOCs. Covering studies of 10 languages, including Chinese, English, Spanish, Russian and German, UMOOCs will open nearly 130 courses. On Feb. 5, Peking University also showed its open class schedule (安排) on Douyin</p> <p>  亲爱的孩子们,作为一中学子,老师愿你们珍惜自己学习,成长的好时代,好环境,争做有志向,有理想,有情怀,有毅力的优秀学子!</p><p> 当此春光明媚的美好季节,我们美丽的一中校园春意阑珊,各种奇花异树正以热烈的生命姿态期待着与我们全体师生的美丽约见,期盼着每一个求知若渴的孩子能早日回到滋养他们成长成才的知识圣殿一一一宝一中校园,在老师们神采飞扬地面对面传道授业解惑中,迸发智慧的火花,聆听自己在万物复苏的春天里,生命拔节的脆响,互相见证成长的快乐和烂漫……</p><p> </p> <p>  亲爱的孩子们,一年之季在于春!人的一生也恰如四季,而你们正是花样年华,当以珍爱生命,热爱生活,酷爱学习的实际行动为自己的茁壮成长打下坚实基础!孩子们,在人生的春天里快乐奔跑吧,老师们为你们助力,加油!</p><p> </p> <p>  少年智则国智,少年富则国富。</p><p> 少年强则国强,少年独立则国独立。</p><p> 少年自由则国自由,少年进步则国进步,少年胜于欧洲则国胜于欧洲。</p><p> 少年雄于地球则国雄于地球。</p><p> 祖国的强盛离不开一代又一代仁人志士,科技英才,学校是树人的花园,而祖国才是成就你们的大舞台。为了报效祖国,成就你们自己的精彩人生,奔跑吧,少年!</p> <p>  亲爱的孩子们,芳菲四月,百花齐放,春风十里,老师们在美丽的一中校园等着你们兴高采烈上学来!</p> <p>  各位家长朋友们,超长的寒假里,你们监管孩子网上学习,照顾孩子生活,每日报告孩子健康状况,充分体验了班主任工作的不易,向你们道声辛苦,致谢致敬!愿家校继续互相配合,共同努力,只有当老师和家长合力汇成一束光,才能照亮孩子未来的路!让我们携手同行!</p>









