<p>Day280万思乐学V-learn小西妈双语工程1809期158号Chloe打卡2020.3.25</p><p>本周计划</p><p>英语:复习unit10-12</p><p>汉语:汉语第二册第十单元 小手歌</p><p>音频:1a,1b,2a,汉语第二册;字母发音歌2遍;本周音频</p><p>动画:penelope,peppapig,2Aunit1-2</p><p>古诗词:</p><p>Reading: unit10大书小书</p><p>本周字母学习:R,S,T</p><p>音频:clean the car,gardening</p><p>海尼曼理解性阅读:</p><p>牛津树理解性阅读:</p><p>复述粉猪:peppar ,mommy pig at workS1-7对台词</p><p>指读中文绘本:</p> <p>Game1:point at the body part.</p><p>M:Baby and Daddy will have a race. Mommy will say some body parts,and let's see who can point it out quickly.</p><p>比如eyelid, eyelash, belly , shin, 英 [ʃɪn]小腿sole英 [səʊl]鞋底,脚掌,thigh大腿英 [θaɪ],calf英 [kɑːf]小腿肚,nostril鼻孔英 [ˈnɒstrəl],armpit腋窝</p> <p>Game2:make a rainbow</p><p>A pack of Skittles 英 [ˈskɪtlz]一包彩虹糖</p><p>A white plate ,Hot water </p><p>Step 1:Make a circle with Skittles of different colors around the edge of a plate.(Don’t forget to mix the colors!)</p><p>Step 2:Pour some hot water in the center of the circle.慢慢地往盘子中间倒入热水。</p><p>直到所有的糖果都被覆盖。(Make sure the water covers all the Skittles.)</p><p>Step 3:Watch the magic!</p><p>(The colors will move towards the middle and create a rainbow.)</p><p>在看着颜色慢慢散开的过程中。Look, the Skittles are dissolving. 英 [dɪˈzɒlvɪŋ]溶解</p> <p>Game3:follow my orders</p><p>I'm a lion,you're a bunny. Now,i am hungry,i want to eat something,i like bunny. </p><p>If you can follow my orders,i will let you go</p><p>If not i will eat you. Are you ready?</p><p>Show me your hands.</p><p>Clap your hands as slowly/quickly as you can.Clap your hands behind the back three times.Shake your feet as slowly/quickly as you can.Shake your body ten times.</p><p>Pound your fist as slowly/quickly as you can.Roll your hands as slowly/quickly as you can.Rub your hands on your tummy as quickly as you can</p> <p>Game4:Catch the candy </p><p>Mommy sing the song "dance your fingers". Baby show me your fingers. Can you dance your fingers like this?Good, Daddy holds the stick, Dance your fingers up,up, up to catch the candy. Dance your fingers down,down, down to catch the candy.</p> <p>Game5:dance your fingers on the card</p><p>M:I will name the card,and you will jump on the card like the froggy!</p><p>dance your fingers to the animals card!</p><p>You and daddy will have a race,and you should dance it quickly,when you get more cards you will have a candy!</p><p>明天拓展其他动物今天有flea,criket,beetle,swan,rhion还不怎么熟悉</p> <p>Game6:跳舞</p><p>M:Baby, today is a special day. There are many animals in the forest. They have a dancing party that celebrate the beginning of spring. Now you are the skunk英:[skʌŋk]臭鼬🦨, daddy is a moose, I am an owl!Let's sing and dance together!Dance your fingers up, dance your finger down,dance your fingers to the side, dance them all around. dance them on your shoulders, dance them on your head, dance them on your tummy, and put them all to bed.</p><p>Now we'll play another way i will sing the song</p><p>at different speeds and say the lines in different orders. Listen carefully. Skunk and moose.(加快 速度版) Dance your fingers down, dance your fingers up, dance them all around. Does them on your knees, dance them to the side. Dance them on your ankles. dance them on your chest and put them all to bed.</p><p>Dance your thumbkin up!Dance your point down,dance yoour tall man down!</p> <p>dance the fingers on the paino!顺便复习方向和手指</p> <p>总结:今天汉语游戏又没有玩,没上幼儿园时间都好紧张,小朋友吃饭太慢了!</p><p>粉猪晚上还有前面好大一段不怎么会,mommy have a lot of important work to do!这类句型明天再应用!</p>