<div>最近跟T妈的一些聊天,听C姐的课受到一些启发,学会慢下来。现在免费的资源太多了,家长囤的资源也太多了,看的牛妈牛娃也太多了。</div><div>现在还是遵循i+1吧,慢慢来,从兴趣出发。欣赏、鼓励和接纳,接纳孩子和环境的不同。</div><div><br></div>Eason最近超级喜欢Sea urchin, 备课一些资料,引导到人体相关内容。<div><br></div><div>Typically, sea urchins come in all sizes, from this size to this size。(make some pieces of paper from 3 to 10 cm).The largest species can reach up to this big.(36 cm)</div><div><br></div><div>Their spines are rigid. Rigid means very hard. And their have usually spherical body.</div><div><br></div><div>The name "urchin" is an old word for hedgehog, which sea urchins resemble; they have archaically been called sea hedgehogs. </div> normal sea urchin.<div>But not all sea urchins look the same.<br><div><br></div></div> This urchin has long spines. This is a flattened sand dollars. It's also a kind of urchin. Pencil urchins have very thick, blunt spines. Sponge can grow on them. Sea urchins move by walking using their many flexible tube feet in a similar way to starfish.<div><br></div> anus:生理解剖名词,用于正式文件或医学文件 —— 肛门 asshole:anus 的俗称,多见于口语或文学著作 —— 屁眼<div>You remember in the video mommy showed to you? The sea urchins eat the water plants with their mouth.</div> Dentition( 齿列) of a sea urchin<div>dentition: the kind and number and arrangement of teeth (collectively) in a person or animal</div><div><br><div>The sea urchin even has teeth. Our teeth are like these. We have upper teeth and lower teeth. Your teeth are called primary teeth. Mommy's teeth are secondary teeth. Mine are more than yours.</div><div>How many teeth do you have?</div></div>