

<p>万思乐学V-learn 小西妈双语工程1901期210Eric打卡。 Day163 1b:复习汉语(二):新娘子坐轿子</p><p>Field trip:Observe the spring wind</p><p>M:Eric,today it's a lovely sunny day,let's go out and observe the wind! B:Ok.</p><p>M:Before we go out,we need a tool—wind vane. </p> <p>Hand crafts:Make a wind vane</p> <p>可惜的是出门的时候没有风,道具没有派上用场。</p> <p>M:Baby, think about how we can find the wind?</p><p>K:I don't know.</p><p>M:The wind can't be seen and touched, but we can feel the wind through different things.</p><p>For example, observing mother's hair. It will flutter with the wind. The wind in different directions will blow the mother's hair in different directions.</p><p>B:I see.</p><p>M:We can see that the branches sway with the wind. The wind of different strengths can produce different amplitudes in the branches.</p><p>B:OK,I see.</p><p>M:When we see the ripples on the lake, we can say that the wind is blowing.</p><p>B:Mom,see so many leaves fall down in the air with the wind, Why do the leaves fall in spring?</p><p>M:Because there are a lot of new leaves in spring, the old leaves will fall off after the cold winter. Of course, evergreen trees have defoliation all the year round, but it is obvious in spring</p><p>B:Looking at the kites flying in the sky,the wind is blowing.</p><p>M:Yes. </p><p>M:The grass that grows in the soil moves when the wind blows around too. </p><p>B:That is great.</p> <p>M:Eric,see these flowers are so beautiful,let's see what are they? </p><p>不过男孩子对花的兴趣不大,了解了一下以后就跑开了。</p> <p>M:There are also some leaves on the ground,do you know what they are? We can pick up some leaves and go home to make a mask. </p><p>B:Ok. </p> <p>糖胶树结出的果实是细细长长的,所以人们叫它面条树,另外,因为它的木质是制作黑板的材料,也有人会称它为黑板树。</p><p>价值:</p><p>糖胶树最出名的就是它的药用价值,在民间,它树皮被用来治头痛咳嗽。另外它的树形十分协调好看,很多人也会用它来点缀自己的小庭。</p><p><br></p><p><br></p> <p>趣说花草</p><p>羊蹄甲象征着亲情,预示着兄弟和睦。</p><p>羊蹄甲的叶子形状似羊蹄,所以得名羊蹄甲。</p><p>植物价值</p><p>羊蹄甲全身是宝,它的花能驻颜美发,用叶子泡澡、洗浴可以爽身,它的根还能延年益寿</p><p>植物趣闻</p><p>羊蹄甲的叶子晚上会合起来睡觉。</p><p><br></p> <p>Make a nature mask</p><p>steps:</p><p>1. cut mask shape from card. Cut the eye holes</p><p>2. Push a pen through each side of the card to make holes. Use some rubble band through the holes and fasten. </p><p>3. Glue your leaves and other items onto the mask. </p><p>Well done!</p><p><br></p> <p>Supplementary</p><p>风就是一种空气流动产生的自然现象。它是由太阳辐射热引的。太阳光照射在地球表面上,使地表温度升高,地表的空气受热膨胀变轻而往上升。热空气上升后,低温的冷空气横向流入,上升的空气因逐渐冷却变重而降落,由于地表温度较高又会加热空气使之上升,这种空气的流动就产生了风。</p><p>Wind is a natural phenomenon produced by the flow of air. It is caused by solar radiant heat. The sun shines on the surface of the earth, causing the surface temperature to rise, and the air on the surface is heated and expanded to become lighter. After the hot air rises, the low-temperature cold air flows in, and the rising air falls due to the gradual cooling and becomes heavy. Because the surface temperature is high, the air is heated to rise, and the flow of the air generates wind.</p><p>风力是指风吹到物体上所表现出的力量的大小。一般根据风吹到地面或水面的物体上所产生的各种现象,把风力的大小分为18个等级,最小是0级,最大为17级。</p><p>Wind power is the quantity of force that the wind exerts on an object. Generally, depending on various phenomena generated by objects blown by the wind to the ground or to the surface of the water, the size of the wind is divided into 18 levels. The minimum is 0 and the maximum is 17.</p> <p>不同种类的风</p><p>微风:breath、breathing、breeze、gentle breeze</p><p>飓风:hurricane</p><p>台风:typhoon</p><p>龙卷风:tornado</p><p>龙卷风还有好几种,常见的有漩涡龙卷,水龙卷,火龙卷,阵风卷还有尘风卷:There are several kinds of tornadoes, such as vortex tornado, water tornado, fire tornado, gust wind and dust wind.</p><p>暴风:cyclone、hurricane、storm wind、windstorm</p><p>海风 :sea breeze</p><p>春风:spring breeze</p> <p>风的等级</p><p>0级又叫无风:calm 1级叫软风:light air</p><p>2级叫轻风:light breeze 3级叫微风:gentle breeze</p><p>4级叫和风:moderate breeze 5级叫清风:fresh breeze</p><p>6级叫强风:strong breeze 7级叫疾风:moderate gale</p><p>8级叫大风:fresh gale 9级叫烈风:strong gale</p><p>10级叫狂风:whole gale 11级叫暴风:storm</p><p>12级-17级叫台风或飓风:hurricane</p><p><br></p><p>还有很顺口的风级歌</p><p>零级烟柱直冲天 一级轻烟随风偏</p><p>二级轻风吹脸面 三级叶动红旗展</p><p>四级树摇纸片飞 五级小树随风摇</p><p>六级举伞有困难 七级迎风走不便</p><p>八级风吹树枝断 九级屋顶飞瓦片</p><p>十级拔树又倒屋 十一二级陆上很少见</p> <p>当风力比较大的时候气象局会发布的大风预警一共有4个级别分别是:</p>