<p>🔺音频:</p><p>粉猪,牛7,奶泡泡,古诗</p><p>🔺视频:粉猪</p><p>🔺理解性阅读:</p><p>🔺指读: 牛7 2本,G2D 4本</p><p>🔺网课一节</p><p>🔺书写字母,汉字</p> <p>最近科普的不想我给她讲了,看了几个科普视频然后唠叨了下</p> <p>The Parts of a Plant</p><p>(sung to " The Wheels on the Bus)</p><p>The roots on a plant grow underground.</p><p>Underground, underground</p><p>The roots on a plant grow underground</p><p>Roots are part of a plant</p><p><br></p><p>The stems on a plant hold up the leaves,</p><p>Up the leaves, up the leaves</p><p>The stems on a plant hold up the leaves</p><p>Stems are part of a plant</p><p><br></p><p>The leaves on a plant are making food,</p><p>Making food, making food.</p><p>The leaves on a plant are making food</p><p>eaves are part of a plant</p><p><br></p><p>The flowers on a plant are growing seeds,</p><p>Growing seeds, growing seeds</p><p>The flowers on a plant are growing seeds</p><p>Seeds are part of a plant.</p><p><br></p> <p>These parts of plants include roots, stems, leaves, fruit, flowers and seeds. </p><p><br></p><p><b>The Role of Roots</b></p><p>Roots are a vital part of a plant’s structure that play a critical role in its ability to both survive and thrive. No matter what environment the plant happens to be growing in, <b>roots help to anchor it into the ground and hold it in place. Roots also absorb water and minerals that serve as fuel and help the plant grow. </b>They have small hairs that extend from the main roots and help with absorption. Roots even serve as a storage room of sorts for <b>carbohydrates</b> <b>碳水化合物</b>and sugars that the plant may need in the future.</p><p><br></p><p><b>The Function of a Stem</b></p><p><b>Plant stems are attached to roots and carry water and nutrients to the rest of the plant. </b>Cells in the stem that carry water are called <b>xylem</b> 木质部cells, while those that carry food are called the <b>phloem</b> 筛部cells. Stems also provide support for a plant, allowing it to stand upright. Some stems, such as those of flowers, can be soft and bendable. Others, such as tree trunks, are woody and strong.</p><p><br></p><p><b>Leaves it to the Leaves</b></p><p>Leaves are important to a plant because that's where the food is made in a process called photosynthesis.<b> The leaves capture sunlight and use light, water, 叶绿素and carbon dioxide to make glucose, or sugar. </b>The waxy coating on the outside of leaves is called a <b>cuticle</b> 甲小皮and is made to protect the leaf.</p><p><br></p><p><b>What's in a Flower?</b></p><p><b>Flowers are the reproductive units of most plants and create seeds.</b> The female part of a flower is called the pistil, which is made up of the stigma, style and ovary. The male part is called the stamen and is made up of the anther and filament. In most flowers, the stamen surrounds the pistil. Fertilization happens when pollen lands on the stigma and a tube grows down the style to the ovary, creating an ovule. Male cells join the ovule and fertilize it, creating a seed. Flowers are bright and attractive to bring birds, bees and insects, which help with fertilization when they transfer pollen from one flower to another.</p><p><br></p><p>Which Part of the Flower Becomes a Fruit?</p><p>Apples and oranges come to mind when most people think of fruit, but a flower's fruits are ripened ovules, containing seeds. Some plant fruits are <b>edible</b>, 可使用的such as tomatoes, cucumbers or pumpkins. The fruits develop a fleshy or hard exterior, to protect the developing seeds inside.</p><p><br></p><p>Seed Factory of the Plant</p><p>Seeds are plant embryos. Seeds are contained within the plant's fruit while they germinate. They have an <b>endosperm</b>, 胚乳which is formed at fertilization and is a short-term food supply for the seed to use while it grows. Animals, wind or water can move the seeds to another place and under the right conditions, the seed will form another plant.</p> <p><b>difference between shoot and sprout</b></p><p>shoot is the emerging stem and <b>embryonic</b> 胚芽的 leaves of a new plant while sprout is a new growth on a plant, whether from seed or other parts</p> <p>Plastic Milk Science Experiment</p><p>To start out with you are going to heat up 1 cup of milk to almost boiling in a saucepan or by microwaving for 2 minutes.</p><p>Hint: I suggest using non-homogenized milk if possible for better clumping</p><p><br></p><p>Take off from heat and add 4 teaspoon white vinegar and stir for 1 minute. You will see the milk separate and clumps form.</p><p><br></p><p>Now pour into a strainer to get rid of the extra liquid.</p><p><br></p><p>If you’d like to color your plastic, just put a drop or two of food coloring in several small bowls and pour the milk in them just after you’ve added the vinegar; stir.</p><p><br></p><p><br></p><p>Spoon out your clumps from the strainer and pat dry with a paper towel. The more liquid you pat out the stronger plastic you will make.</p><p><br></p><p>The mixture can be formed into a ball and pressed flat. I suggest using a cookie small cookie cutter shape your mixture. Press down until it is smooth.</p><p>Allow to harden for a couple days.</p><p><br></p><p>You made a substance called CASEIN which occurs when the protein in the milk meets the acid in the vinegar. The casein in milk does not mix with the acid and so it forms blobs.</p><p>Tip: This is a fun and interesting science activity for kids, but I would not recommend keeping it long term as it may sweat.</p>