<p>Day279万思乐学V-learn小西妈双语工程1809期158号Chloe打卡2020.3.23/24</p><p>本周计划</p><p>英语:1B Unit12</p><p>汉语:汉语第二册第十单元 小手歌</p><p>音频:1a,1b,2a,汉语第二册;字母发音歌2遍;本周音频</p><p>动画:penelope,peppapig,2Aunit1</p><p>古诗词:</p><p>Reading: unit12大书小书</p><p>本周字母学习:R,S,T</p><p>音频:clean the car,gardening</p><p>海尼曼理解性阅读:</p><p>牛津树理解性阅读:</p><p>复述粉猪:peppar ,mommy pig at workS1-7对台词</p><p>指读中文绘本:</p> <p>Game1:Where do I stop?</p><p>M: Baby, do you want to use this blocks /rope to build a motorway? I think we can make it more complex .It's done. Now baby pretends to be a car that will go across the motorway. But its headlights are broken It's night now. So we will help you go</p><p>across the motor now. Remember, Don' t touch any blocks/rope!You need to wear the eye mask/reb ribbon! Are you ready?</p><p>Ready set go</p><p>Now turn left at first. Turn right a little. Stop Go straight</p><p>M:Baby, you did it. It's daddys turn!</p> <p>Game2:What is the shape?</p><p>M:Baby, daddy, come here. Let's play a game.Look at the shapes. I will put the shapes on the floor. Daddy, you wear the red ribbon!Spin in a circle and sing the song. Round and round and round he goes where he stops Nobody knows. Daddy, can you guess what shape you stopped at?</p><p>D: Did i stop at the square shape?</p><p>M: No, you didnt!</p><p>D:Did I stop at the semi-circle shape?</p><p>M: Yes you did. Now baby. It's your turn. Sing the song and spin in a circle.</p><p>M: Round and round and round she goes</p><p>Baby, do you know where you stopped at?</p><p>C: Did I stopped at hexagon shape?</p><p>M:Yes you did. Do you want to play one more time?</p><p>C: Yes</p> <p>M:Where is the hexagon?Can You find the hexagon?</p><p>C:No!This one is Pentagon,the pentagon have five sides/edges!And the hexagon have six edges!</p> <p>Game3:Speed game</p><p>M:Baby daddy, Let's play the speed game. Look this is the starting line and that is ending line !I will draw two straight lines between them on the floor. You need to spin five circles at the start line. Then you should run to the ending line along the straight line. The faster person is the winner. Are you ready? Lets go</p><p>Let's play the game another way. I'm the judge!I will give you a rule. For example, spin ten circles and hop to the bathroom. Whoever faster is the winner!</p> <p>Game4:Make a stop sign. </p><p>Material:scissors,paper,double side tape</p><p>M:Chloe,do you know what is this? </p><p>C:Stop</p><p>M:It's stop sign. Do you know what does it mean? It means no longer move.</p><p>M:Yes.It means to make somebody or something no longer move. Do you want to make it? Let's begin!</p><p>Steps:</p><p>1. Draw a circle on the paper board and cut it out</p><p>2. Paste white paper on it</p><p>3. Make a red edge with red paper or color it. </p><p>4. Write a word"stop"in the middle.</p><p>Game: Walk and stop. Daddy will follow chloe's instruction.</p><p>Make another sign. </p><p>M:What does this sign mean? </p><p>C:It means don't turn right. </p> <p>2020.3.24Game1:plate wheel</p><p>We use the plate and straw make a pinwheel!We write letters on the plate!When we sing the song,we spin the plate,and when it stops you tell me the letter!Where it stops?What is the letter ?</p><p>C:Letter C,and daddy make a plate wheel with the numbers!We sing the song and see where the numbers stop?</p><p><br></p> <p>Game2:Traffic light!这个玩的还挺开心!</p><p>M:We use red bowl and green ball as the traffic light!When mom show you and daddy the green ball ,you can ho!When i show you the red bowl,you should stop!</p> <p>Game3:Where is the police station?</p><p>1. We spread the community map on the ground.Look at the map.What can you see?There is a hospital/bus stop/police station/our home.</p><p>2. Put on a eye mask/blindfold.I am your guide.I will give you some orders.Then you can walk to the police station.</p><p>3. Move left/right/back/forward a little bit/2 steps.</p><p>4. You arrived at the police station.</p><p>Games4:把地图铺开,放一辆小车在地图上,我迷失了,哪里有警察局/地铁站//学校</p><p>How to give directions</p><p>1. Spread 英:[spred]摊开the community map on the bed.Run a toy car on the map.</p><p>2. Excuse me!I am lost.How to get to the police station/subway 英:[ˈsʌbweɪ]地铁staion/shool?</p><p>3. Turn left/turn right/go straight.Turn left at the crossroads十字路口左转/the fork in the road在三岔路口/traffic lights.It's on the left/right.Look at the signpost/guidepost路标.It's next to the hospital.It's at the corner of the block.It's on the opposite side of the road.It's between the school and the market.</p> <p>Game4:round and round the cones(这个很喜欢)认识数字0.8.9.10</p><p>M:We make a cone with a paper,then we need write number on the cone!We line the cone one by one,when we can sing the song ,we can run around the cone!This time you say the number,and daddy run around the cone!It is chloe‘s turn to run around the cone!</p><p><br></p> <p>晚上这个游戏最喜欢,其他的都一般般,以拓展为主!</p><p>M:Let daddy guess where you stop?</p><p>D:Eight?</p><p>C:No!</p><p>D:Ten!</p><p>C:No!</p><p>D:Nine!
C:Yes!</p><p>M:Yes,chloe stops at nine!And chloe run again,let daddy guess it again!</p><p>C:Round and round....</p><p>D:Ten!</p><p>M:No!You guess it wrong...</p> <p>总结:今天吃饭太晚了,就游戏少玩了点,晚上的手工挺喜欢玩的,都要求自己做!最近小朋友的自主意识很强,自己看书半小时,自己穿衣,吃饭还是不可以完全自己!</p><p>两天并一天打卡!留点时间备课早点休息</p>