<p> Life is short, cruel but real. There are lots of worst things that may encounter unexpectedly. However, you can't be crushed and defeated easily. You have to rise from ashes, otherwise your soul and mind would be ruined and destroyed.Thus, be yourself and be confident.</p><p>译文</p><p>生命是短暂的,残酷的,但却是真实的。有很多最糟糕的事情可能会意外地遇到。然而,你不可能轻易被打败。你必须从灰烬中复活,否则你的灵魂和心灵就会被毁灭和毁灭。所以,做你自己,要有信心。</p><p><br></p> <p> Love yourself first so that you can be confident. A lot of people in your life will question,judge and deny you, which is a part of human nature. But if you abandoned yourself, others would stab in your back, claiming you deserve what you've done. That is how life works. It's you that decide your fate and destiny. Nobody could break your soul and flesh unless you have to be confident. </p><p>首先要爱自己,这样你才有信心。你生活中的许多人会质疑、评判和否定你,这是人性的一部分。但如果你抛弃了自己,别人会捅你的后背,声称你应该得到你所做的一切。生活就是这样运作的。是你决定了你的命运和命运。没有人能打破你的灵魂和肉体,除非你有信心。</p> <p>Be yourself, be fulfilled, be determined. We all have ups and downs in our life. Accept goodness and badness willingly, struggling to be the best of your own. If there's anyone who can let you depressed, it must be yourself. Never underestimate your abilities and strengths, you can be the leader of your own life. Your life is not being exploited by very unscrupulous people. Yet, you are the King of your kingdom. </p><p><br></p><p>做你自己,满足,有决心。我们的生活都有起起落落。心甘情愿地接受善良和坏,努力成为最好的自己。如果有人能让你沮丧,那一定是你自己。永远不要低估你的能力和长处,你可以成为你自己生活的领导者。你的生命不是被肆无忌惮的人利用的。然而,你是你王国的国王。</p> <p>Nobody could break you down unless you have to be the toughest. Don't take others' critics so seriously. Haven't you noticed that it counts nothing in your life? The world still spins and time still goes forward. Being respectful to those who deserve to be respected. Being confident to these obstacles that hinder your development. Being grateful to those who help you in your most disappointing situations and conditions.</p><p>除非你是最坚强的人,否则没有人能让你崩溃。不要把别人的批评者当回事。你没注意到这在你的生活中什么都不重要吗?世界仍在旋转,时间仍在前进。尊重那些值得尊重的人。对阻碍你发展的障碍充满信心。感谢那些在你最令人失望的情况下帮助你的人。</p> <p>Your future is held in your own hands. Nobody defines who you are. Actually, others spread your rumors, which means their lives aren't so wonderful like yours or jealousy consumes their energy and time. On the contrary, the more hatred they have, the less happiness they get. Smile to those who slander you behind and ignore their ignorance and naivety. Being jealous is their notorious and wicked schemes to defeat your dignity and self-esteem. If you were trapped in their loops, you would catch depression which apparently makes lots of people insane and self tortured.</p><p>你的未来掌握在你自己的手中。没人能定义你是谁。事实上,其他人散布你的谣言,这意味着他们的生活并不像你那样美好,或者嫉妒会消耗他们的精力和时间。相反,他们拥有的仇恨越多,他们得到的幸福就越少。对那些诽谤你的人微笑,忽略他们的无知和天真。妒忌是他们恶名昭彰的邪恶计划,目的是挫败你的尊严和自尊。如果你被困在他们的循环中,你就会患上抑郁症,这显然会让很多人精神错乱,自我折磨。</p> <p>Never show timidity to those who look down upon you. They lost their humanity, and take advantage of everything they hold to make fun of your weakness so that they could show their superiority to you. Indeed, what they have done is preposterous and ridiculous. They forget what they really are. I would rather call them uncivilized monsters and demons. We are equal to live in this world and nobody is an exception or superior to others.</p><p><br></p><p>不要对那些看不起你的人表现出胆怯。他们失去了人性,并利用他们所持有的一切来取笑你的弱点,这样他们才能向你展示自己的优越性。事实上,他们所做的是荒谬可笑的。他们忘记了自己到底是什么。我宁愿称他们为不文明的怪物和恶魔。我们平等地生活在这个世界上,没有人是例外的,也没有比别人优越的。</p> <p>Don't be slaves to your life, instead, you need to be confident, and be the master of your life. Don't hesitate to miss every opportunity you have to impress the beauty of determination. Don't commit to your impediments so easily and you need to fight for justice and righteousness. What others seem to be significant counts nothing to you. They deem that being famous or luxurious is priority to them, while to me it's only like dark clouds passing by.</p><p><br></p><p>不要成为你生活的奴隶,相反,你需要自信,成为你生活的主人。不要犹豫错过每一个机会,你必须给决心的美留下深刻的印象。不要轻易地去妥协你的障碍,你需要为公正和正义而战。别人看上去很重要对你来说什么都不重要。他们认为成名或奢华是他们的首要任务,而对我来说,这就像乌云掠过。</p> <p><span style="color: rgb(176, 79, 187);">Never be blinded by instant satisfaction. Your dreams lie in the fact that you dominate in your destination, not defamed by those ungrateful beasts. Be impressive, meaningful, thankful to your unique life. We are all distinct individuals, holding different perceptions towards life.</span></p><p><span style="color: rgb(176, 79, 187);"><span class="ql-cursor"></span>永远不要被瞬间的满足所蒙蔽。你的梦想在于你主宰着你的目的地,而不是被那些忘恩负义的野兽所诋毁。让人印象深刻,有意义,感谢你独特的生活。我们都是不同的个体,对生活有不同的看法。</span></p> <p>我的同事帮我翻译了</p><p><br></p><p><br></p><p><br></p><p>【美文推介】:</p><p><br></p><p> 成为你自己,自信 </p><p> (作者 )</p><p> 生命短暂,残酷但真实。有很多最糟糕的事情可能会意外地遇到。然而,你不能轻易被压垮和击败。你必须从灰烬中复活,否则你的灵魂和心灵就会被毁灭和毁灭。因此,要成为你自己,要自信。</p><p><br></p><p>先爱自己,这样你才能自信。你生命中的很多人会质疑、评判和否定你,这是人性的一部分。但是,如果你抛弃了自己,别人会刺在你的背上,声称你应该得到你所做的。这就是生活的运作方式。是你决定你的命运和命运。没有人能打破你的灵魂和肉体,除非你必须自信。</p><p><br></p><p>成为你自己,被实现,被决定。我们生活中都有起有落。心甘情愿地接受善良和坏,努力做到最好。如果有人能让你沮丧,那一定是你自己。永远不要低估你的能力和长处,你可以成为自己生活的领导者。你的生活并没有被非常肆无忌惮的人所利用。然而,你是你们王国的国王。</p><p><br></p><p>没有人能把你打倒,除非你必须是最坚强的。不要那么严肃地对待别人的批评。你没注意到它在你的生活中毫无意义吗?世界仍在旋转,时间还在继续。尊重那些值得尊重的人。对这些阻碍你发展的障碍充满信心。感谢那些在你最失望的情况和条件下帮助你的人。</p><p><br></p><p>你的未来掌握在自己手中。没有人定义你是谁。事实上,别人散布你的谣言,这意味着他们的生活不像你的那么美好,嫉妒消耗了他们的精力和时间。相反,他们越是仇恨,他们得到的幸福就越少。对那些诽谤你,忽视他们无知和天真的人微笑。嫉妒是他们为了破坏你的尊严和自尊而臭名昭著的邪恶计划。如果你被困在他们的循环,你会赶上抑郁症,这显然使很多人疯狂和自我折磨。</p><p><br></p><p>永远不要对那些看不起你的人表现出胆怯。他们失去了人性,并利用他们所拥有的一切来取笑你的弱点,这样他们才能向你展示他们的优越性。事实上,他们的所作所为是荒谬和荒谬的。他们忘记了他们的真实。我宁愿称他们为不文明的怪物和恶魔。我们平等地生活在这个世界,没有人是例外或优于别人。</p><p><br></p><p>不要成为你生活的奴隶,相反,你需要自信,成为你生活的主人。不要犹豫,错过每一个机会,你必须留下深刻的印象,决心的美丽。不要轻易地犯你的障碍,你需要为正义和正义而战。别人似乎重要的事对你来说毫无意义。他们认为出名或奢侈是他们的优先,而对我来说,它就像乌云经过一样。</p><p><br></p><p>永远不要被即时的满足感蒙蔽。你的梦想在于你主宰你的目的地,而不是被那些忘恩负义的野兽所诋毁。给人留下深刻印象,有意义,感谢你独特的生活。我们都是与众不同的人,对生活有不同的看法。</p>