
James‘ mommy

<p>🌸 英语: listening, 复习0a. 0b的音乐</p><p>汉语:妖怪妖怪</p><p>Video: 0b handy dandy 汉语:妖怪妖怪</p><p>Reading: 汉语绘本,牛津树,海尼曼,科一关于frog/ butterfly </p><p>🌸 数学: 认识三角形,正方形</p><p>🌸 科学:火山爆发实验,颜色调和,牛奶溶解实验</p><p>🌸 运动: 打球:羊角球和小球</p><p>打小球是今天和爸爸一起研究出来的新玩法</p><p><br></p><p><br></p> <p>Game 1: let’s make the colors.</p><p>M: Look, This is red colorThis is blue color</p><p>this is yellow color they are pigments .</p><p>these are measuring cups.</p><p>It’s measuring cup need 100 ML water.</p><p>Firstly we pulled into the red/blue/yellow pigments into the different measuring cups.</p><p>estimate need 5-10 drops of each one.</p><p>Secondly we need 4 cups filled with 50ml water. mark them A/B/C/D</p><p><br></p><p>let’s put the red and blue colors inside the A measuring cup, we have a look what color will it be?</p><p>J: purple color </p><p>let’s put the red color and yellow color, and have a look what color is it?</p><p>J: orange color </p><p>M: correct </p><p>M: let’s pour into the blue color and yellow color, what color is it now?</p><p>J: Green </p><p>M: good job, James</p><p>M: let’s put the tree colors: yellow / blue /red together, pls help mix them, OK?</p><p>J: OK</p><p>M: what color is it now?</p><p>J: Black</p><p>M: it is amazing, right?</p><p>J: yes </p><p>M: do you want to have a try?</p><p>J: yes</p><p>然后自己默默的做出来brown 的颜色。好神奇。因为我本来没有备课做其他颜色的。</p><p><br></p><p>结果做完一个实验还不够,还要做。</p><p>所以以后备课真的要备好多的实验课。</p><p>临时又做了牛奶溶解的实验和火山爆发的实验,牛奶溶解的实验第一次成功了,第二次可能是由于用的奶粉是过期的,所以没有成功。</p><p>只是可惜这两个实验James特别兴奋导致自己完全没有时间拍照。</p><p>下次有机会的话再补上吧。</p><p><br></p><p><br></p> <p>Game2: 数学思维课</p><p>学习正方形和三角形,并且描绘正方形和三角形。从一堆的积木里找出这些形状。</p><p>不过说实话貌似这些他之前就会,所以玩起来他兴致也不高,但是至少也还是在玩。</p><p>但是又不能提前替他上了,要不然的话他自己就乱点像看下面的课程了。</p><p>打算后面这些简单的进度加快一点算了。要不然具体的也不知道他哪些会,哪些不会。</p><p><br></p> <p>Game 3: Handy dandy riddledy ro</p><p>用棒棒糖是感兴趣的,因为可以吃。</p><p><br></p><p>M: Let.'s play a game, OK?</p><p>J: Yes</p><p>M: Handy dandy riddlely to, which hand will you choose, high or low?</p><p>J: High</p><p>M: you are right, James, OK, congratulations, you got the candy.</p><p><br></p> <p>Game4 : 扮演大灰狼的游戏。</p><p>一开始录视频的时候完全不配合,好吧,老母亲只能把爷爷拉来配合玩游戏了。玩了一会儿,他把我的工具也拿走了。</p><p>我手上还有一个糖果,因为爷爷输了,所以好多动物在我这边。</p><p>他一看到糖果就来兴致了。</p><p>M: do you want to enjoy our game?</p><p>If you win, you can save one animal, if you lose, you need give me one animal. oK.</p><p>If you save all the animals, and you still win, you will get this candy.</p><p>J: OK.</p><p>M: now look, I am a bad wolf, I am still hungry, I want to eat the monkey, hi monkey, I would catch you and eat you.</p><p>do you want to play a game with me?</p><p>J: yes</p><p>M: OK, if you win, you can save one of your friend, if you lose, I would catch you and eat you, and put you in my bag.</p><p>J: OK</p><p>M: let’s start. </p><p>handy dandy, riddlely to, which hand will you chose? High or low.</p><p><br></p><p>J: High </p><p>M: are you sure?</p><p>J: yes </p><p>M: oK, I will open and have a look.</p><p>M: wow, you are right. oK, I have dog and bunny, who do you want to save?</p><p>J: bunny.</p><p>M: OK, give you the bunny. Dear dog, you need wait.</p><p>M: Let’s play again.</p><p>这个游戏玩了蛮久的,跟母亲对战几个回合,最好拿到糖,我问他是不是特别甜。哈哈哈</p><p>他说是的,</p><p>M: 那是因为是你自己靠自己的智慧赢回去的。所以特别甜哦。</p> <p>Game5 </p><p>猜炸弹还是糖块的游戏。</p><p>这个游戏就玩了两轮就不爱玩了。</p><p>M: let’s play the game, one hand I have the bomb, in truth it is a yellow block, we just pretend to be a bomb, OK?</p><p>J: OK</p><p>M: and pretend this blue block is candy, Ok</p><p>J: Yes.</p><p>M: if you catch the bomb, you need pretend to be bomb, OK?</p><p>J: Yes, ok.</p><p><br></p><p>玩了一圈看他没有意思了,就把他爷爷拉来玩,然后因为爷爷没有扮演那个被炸到的表情和动作,还特意教他爷爷。哈哈哈</p><p>有多一个人,确实更加好玩一点。</p><p><br></p><p><br></p> <p>又想到一种新的球的玩法。</p><p>和爸爸愉快的玩球时光</p> <p>Game 6</p><p>玩篮球</p><p>J: mommy, i Want to play basketball.</p><p>M: OK, look, I am bouncing the basketball, can you?</p><p>J: Yes, I can </p><p>M: look, I will throw the basketball, can you?</p><p>J: Yes, I can </p><p>J: I can kick the ball, can you?</p><p>M: yes, I can kick the ball to your left, can you catch the ball.</p><p>J: Yes, I got it.</p><p>踢球最近成了他最喜欢的玩具。</p><p>还有家里因为有蛮多种类的球,所以他总是想着办法玩球</p> <p>小插曲:记录一下。</p><p>今天之前做的粘土小鸭子脑袋和身体分离开来了。</p><p>J: 妈妈,鸭子坏了</p><p>M: Yes, duck is broken, his head is stitch to the body.Can I throw it to the dustbin?</p><p>J: no, I can mend it, mommy </p><p>很震惊,很自如的说出了这句话。好惊喜。</p><p>M: really, duck would be happy. But how can we mend it?</p><p>J: I have an idea. </p><p>然后就跑去拿双面胶了。</p><p>M: do you need my help.</p><p>他自己粘了一会儿没有粘上去</p><p>J: yes,</p><p>M: Look, they are paste together now, and we need to put here for few minutes and wait him dry enough, OK?</p><p>J: oK</p><p><br></p> <p>把Reading 图片放下面了</p>









