

<p>万思乐学V-learn 小西妈双语工程1901期210Eric打卡。 Day162 1b:Round and round 汉语(二):新娘子坐轿子</p><p>一、Listening:国学:《弟子规》英文:读什么听什么 中文:汉语(二)</p><p>二、晨读晚诵:《弟子规》三、字母复习四、扫雷:海尼曼3本 五、数学:绘本</p> <p>六、Learning center</p><p>M:Look at this page.What can you see?</p><p>B:There are so many things on this page.</p><p>M:What are they?</p><p>B:There are……</p><p>M:Now, lets walk on them and play a game. </p><p> Round and round……</p><p><br></p> <p>七、指读《The secret room》</p> <p>八、复述《The train ride》</p> <p>九、Find a particular place</p><p>M:Eric,Look at the town map.What can you see on this map?</p><p>B:There is a police station and a supermarket. There are many streets, many trees and some houses. </p><p>M:Now we are at the police station,let's find the school. </p><p>Look at the map legend.Can you see a building with ared flag on the roof?</p><p>Good. Let's find it on the map and walk there</p><p><br></p> <p>十、Paper clip car</p><p>M:Eric,this time let's use a paper clip to be the car. Hold a magnet under the paper. Move the magnet to make the car going around.</p> <p>十一、Roles play</p><p>Play the game of courier delivery</p> <p>十二、Spring Equniox</p><p>Eric,today is Spring Equniox,On this day, the day is as long as the night, but after this day, the day will be longer and the night will be shorter. </p><p>今天先粗略地介绍一下春分和习俗,等大了以后再讲来历。</p><p>In China, children decorate eggs and mark the day itself by trying to balance them.</p><p>Now,Let's play this game. </p><p>Erecting the egg</p><p>1. Choose raw eggs.</p><p>2. Shake the egg before you stand it up. </p><p>3. The big end of the egg is down, the small end is up, and let go slowly. </p><p>Be patient. Try more and you will succeed</p> <p>In China, it is said that the egg can be set upright on the first day of the Start of Spring, Spring Equinox day and Autumn Equinox day. It is believed that if someone can make the egg stand on the first day of Start of Spring, he will have good luck in the future.</p><p><br></p><p>According to astronomers and physicists, setting the egg upright has nothing to do with time, but with mechanics. The most important thing is to shift the egg’s center of gravity to the lowest part of the egg. In this way, the trick is holding the egg until the yolk sinks as much as possible. For this, people should choose an egg about 4 or 5 days old, whose yolk is inclined to sink down.</p> <p>十三、Experiment:Our bones</p><p>Prepare:skeleton model,a luminous pen,some fixing nails</p><p>Steps:</p><p>1: Open the fixing nail at the back</p><p>2: Put all the fixing nails into the holes on the skeleton. </p><p>3: Add the blue solution everywhere on the skeleton. </p><p><br></p> <p>M:Eric,we can put the skeleton in our bedroom and then turn off the light,that's will be funny. come on. </p><p> Are you scared? </p><p>B:A little,but it really very funny. </p><p>男孩子的胆子就是大,我都不忍直视,可小宝却要一遍又一遍地玩。</p><p><br></p> <p>Compare human and animal's bone</p>









