

<p>📻Listening</p><p><br></p><p>精听:</p><p>The life of a butterfly</p><p>牛津树本周20个绘本对应的音频</p><p><br></p><p>泛听:</p><p>Paw patrol</p><p>sss</p><p><br></p><p>🎬Cartoon</p><p>【Peppa pig】</p><p>【BBC dinosaur】</p><p>【音素学习】</p><p><br></p><p>🎮Game</p> <p><b style="color: rgb(237, 35, 8);">👉🏽绘本阅读</b></p> I am a caterpillar. Munch. Crunch. <br>I'm getting bigger! Munch. Crunch.<br>我是一条毛毛虫。吭哧,噶哧,使劲吃!<br>我越长越大!吭哧,噶哧,使劲吃!<br>munch [mʌntʃ] vt. 用力咀嚼;大声咀嚼<br>crunch [krʌntʃ] vt. 压碎;嘎扎嘎扎的咬嚼 Munch. Crunch. Munch. Crunch. <br>That's it. No more food. I am done.<br>吭哧,噶哧,使劲吃!吭哧,噶哧,使劲吃!<br>就这样啦。不能再吃啦。我饱了。(我完成啦) It's time to hang from a stem.<br>I wait, and wait, and wait.<br>是时候该悬挂到枝条上去了。<br>我等啊等啊等啊。<br>hang [hæŋ] vt. 悬挂,垂下。hang from 悬挂在....上<br>stem [stem] & [stɛm] n. (植物的)茎,(树木的)干<br>wait [weɪt]&[wet] v.等;等待 I shiver. I twist. I split my skin!<br>我颤抖着,扭动着,表皮开始脱落。<br>shiver ['ʃɪvə] &['ʃɪvɚ] vi. 颤抖、哆嗦、发抖<br>twist [twɪst] vi. 扭动;弯曲<br>split [splɪt] vt. (使)裂开,撕开<br>skin [skɪn] n. 皮肤;外皮 My old skin falls away. I am soft inside. I am a pupa (PEW-pah).<br>I grow a shell to protect the pupa. I am now a chrysalis (KRIS-ah-lis)<br>我的旧壳脱落,里面软绵绵的。现在,我是一只蛹。<br>我的身体外面,长出一层壳,来保护蛹。于是,我变成了茧。<br>soft [sɒft] & [sɔft] adj. 软的,柔软的<br>pupa ['pjuːpə] & ['pjupə] (昆虫的)蛹<br>shell [ʃel] &[ʃɛl] n. 壳<br>protect [prə'tekt] &[prə'tɛkt] vt. 保护,防卫<br>chrysalis ['krɪsəlɪs] n. [昆] 茧 I keep changing. Soon I'll come out. What will I be?<br>我持续蜕变。很快,我就要破茧而出了。我会变成什么呢?<br>change [tʃeɪndʒ] v.改变<br>soon [suːn]& [sun] dv. 快;不久<br>come out 出现,出来 A butterfly! Push. Crack. Wow! I'm free!<br>My wings are all wet.<br>蝴蝶!我推破外面的茧。哇!我自由啦!<br>我的翅膀还是湿漉漉的。<br>push [pʊʃ] vt. 推动<br>crack [kræk] vi. 破裂;爆裂<br>wing [wɪŋ] n. 翼;翅膀 My wings dry off. They unfold.<br>我的翅膀变干了,我展开双翅。<br>unfold [ʌn'fəʊld] &[ʌn'fold] vi. 展开,摊开 Flap. Flap. Hey! I can fly! Ta-da!<br>啪嗒,啪嗒。嘿!我会飞啦!瞧!<br>flap [flæp] vt. 使(上下、前后地)拍动,摆动,<br>Ta-da 语气词,相当于“哈,瞧” I visit flowers. I drink nectar. Yum!<br>My mouth is like a straw. Sip. Sip. Sip.<br>我在花儿间飞舞。我喝了花蜜。真美味!<br>我的嘴巴就像一根吸管。吸啊,吸啊,吸!<br>nectar ['nektə] & ['nɛktɚ] n. [植] 花蜜;甘露<br>yum [jʌm] int.(感叹词) 极好的;妙的;美味的<br>straw [strɔː] n. 稻草;吸管<br>sip [sɪp] vi. 啜饮, 啜,一点一点地喝 I have a mate. We visit many flowers.<br>我有了一个同伴。我们一起在花丛中嬉戏。<br>mate [meɪt] 同伴<br> We’re not afraid of birds. They know that we taste awful.<br>我们不害怕小鸟。他们知道我们不合他的口味。( 不好吃) Soon I will lay my eggs.<br>很快,我要产卵了。 The eggs have thin shells. Baby caterpillars crawl out.<br>Hi! I’m a caterpillar.Munch. Crunch. <br>卵有薄薄的壳。毛毛虫宝宝从壳里爬出来了。<br>嗨!我是一只毛毛虫。毛毛虫用力地咬树叶,咀嚼起来。<br> What will happen to me next? Do you know?<br>来,说说看,毛毛虫下一阶段会变成了什么呢?你知道吗?<br> 1. In the first stage a girl butterfly lays the eggs on a leaf. About five days after the eggs are laid. A tiny worm-like creature will hatch from the egg. <br><br>首先, 蝴蝶妈妈在叶子上孵卵。大约5天后,一个微小的蠕虫样的生物就从蛋中孵化出来。 2. The second stage is the caterpillar .A caterpillar is sometimes called larva.<br>This is the eating and growing stage. <br><br>第二阶段是毛毛虫,也叫幼虫,这个阶段他们开始进食和生长。 3. Stage three is the chrysalis . Another name for a chrysalis is a pupa. It is mostly brown or green.<br>This is when the caterpillar is done growing. <br><br>第三个阶段是蝶蛹,他们通常是棕色和绿色的。在这个阶段,幼虫停止生长。 4. In stage four, the chrysalis opens. Soon a butterfly comes out. Butterflies are very colorful. <br><br>第四个阶段,蝶蛹打开,一只美丽的蝴蝶就飞了出来,他们非常的美丽。 C is for Caterpillar<br>毛毛虫Caterpillar, 以字母C开头。还有哪些你知道的英文单词是以字母C开头的呢?比如,Car 小汽车,Cat 猫,Cookie 饼干,等等。 用红色和绿色的绒球,做一只毛毛虫!妈妈可以帮忙画上触角和脚。 哈哈,用手指蘸上颜料做手指画,或是用家里的卫生纸纸芯蘸上颜料,也可以画出圆圆的毛毛虫🐛 <p>爸爸的作品,完全是按照我们家养的毛毛虫🐛来的🤔</p> <p>小朋友的创意就需要理解一下了,总喜欢把毛毛虫画好几层🤪</p> 找规律练习纸和红绿色绒球,按图上的规律摆放,鼓励孩子自己独立完成。之后,妈妈可以自己画出或摆出ABAB, AABAAB, ABBABB 等规律,让孩子找出规律,并继续往下摆出绒球。 ACTS ABOUT BUTTERFLIES 1.They are insects.<br>2.They have four stages in their life cycle. Egg, caterpillar (larva), chrysalis (pupa) and butterfly (adult).<br>3.They have four wings.<br>4.They live as a butterfly, depending on species from a week up to a year.<br>5.The patterns on their wings are made from tiny scales.<br>6.Like bees they eat nectar from flowers.<br>7.Some taste with their feet.<br>8.Images of butterflies can be seen in Ancient Egyptian frescoes in Thebes. They are 3,500 years old!<br>9.But butterflies are older then that, they are dinosaur old. The earliest butterfly fossil found dates back 56 million years ago! Palaeontologists and scientists believe they emerged when flowers did. HOW TO MAKE YOUR GARDEN OR BALCONY INVITING TO BUTTERFLIES Fully grown butterflies need flowers to feed on, so plant some nectar flowers. Do some research to see what butterflies live in your area and what flowers they like to feed on. <br>They like eat and rest in the sun (who doesn’t enjoy eating in the sun?!), so plant the flowers in a place the sun will hit them. <br>Keep the soil moist as they like to drink water from moist areas.<br>Did you know they love eating citrus fruit like oranges and pineapples too. If you have squeezed some oranges for juice and have left over pineapple cuttings, put them back into nature so that they can eat them. Giving back to nature doesn’t have to be complicated.<br> SYMMETRICAL BUTTERFLY ACTIVITY WHAT YOU NEED:<br>Sketchbook or thicker paper<br>Black construction paper (for a body, optional)<br>Glue Stick (optional – for body)<br>Paintbrushes<br>Paint<br>Palette<br>Scissors<br>Pencil INSTRUCTIONS:<br>1.Pull out a sheet of paper from your sketchbook, or you can use any kind of thicker paper you have to hand. Placing it horizontally in front of you, take the left side and fold it in half so the left side touches the right.<br>2.Draw one side of a butterfly on the folded sheet. Make sure that you draw the body of the butterfly on the fold of paper.<br>3.Using scissors, cut out the butterfly, making sure you are cutting both sides of the paper. If your children are confident with a pair of scissors, by all means let them do the cutting. Otherwise, a parent or guardian should do this part.<br>4.Open up the paper and you will see a symmetrically cut butterfly. Yay! Now the fun happens.<br>5.Pick one side of the inside of the folded butterfly to put paint on. It must only be put paint on one side. Once you have picked let your child start to paint it, making sure they put enough paint on it.<br>A NOTE: at this point you can either let them paint one side with a paint brush, or let them squirt paint onto the side straight out from the paint tube. There needs to be enough wet paint on it for it to transfer onto the other side when pressed down, so don’t let them take too long painting otherwise the paint will dry.<br>6.When you are happy with the amount of paint on the one side, carefully have your child fold the paint-less side on to the side with paint. Gently press is down, making sure all the paper is smoothed and pressed. We’d advise making sure you have newspaper down or a splat mat underneath as some paint will ooze out.<br>7.Gently open up both sides and see the beautifully symmetrical butterfly you have created!<br>8.Leave on a safe surface to dry completely.<br>9.Once dry, you can cut out the shape of the butterfly body and apply with a glue stick. <p><b style="color: rgb(237, 35, 8);">👉🏽总结</b></p> <p>由于这个主题相同类型的游戏有点多,一向喜欢新鲜感的娃出现了不配合的情况,针对这种现象我们每天都在临时调整游戏的表现形式,也就慢慢找到了规律:</p> <p>游戏设计三大要点:</p><p>1.参与感,从孩子熟悉的或者喜欢的或者那一刻在玩的游戏入手</p><p>2.成就感,让孩子赢过得成就</p><p>3.有惊喜,让熟悉的游戏感觉不一样</p> <p>有了以上的反思。就有了哆咪最不喜欢的数学类游戏变成了寻宝和剪刀石头布游戏。爸爸是一个感知力非常好的队友。</p> <p><b style="color: rgb(237, 35, 8);">📖阅读时光</b></p>









