
<p>A lot of people in my life always say it that you are not even deserving to live in the world...</p><p>However, here i stand and live. With years going by, I finally get one point that you are unique in this world even if others treat you bad. I am obliged to say that these days, more than ever, facing and embracing your worst-case scenarios, seeing them as problems to be solved rather than torments to suffer helplessly, can save you no end of self-sabotage.</p> <p>You have to learn to smile during your darkest and most depressed situations, which means that you should swallow your trauma which used to destroy your will power, after which you have to be tougher than ever...</p> <p>I am proving to myself not to anyone else that I am fabulous and ravishing. The whole process is painstaking and heartbreaking while I am still living and growing stronger.</p> <p>Being stronger is from life, but also higher than life. Life has always been good. As long as we love life, we will get the precious gift from life.</p> <p>In my life, I am proud of myself no matter what kind of sadness I might encounter. Life isn't easy as we see it apparently.</p>