<p>从Lesson 14开始,故事开始涉及较多关于Floppy的做梦,内容如同科幻故事,涉及的生词会更多,大家可要仔细阅读哦!</p> <p>让我们先看视频,来了解一下整个故事吧!</p> <p>解决了故事中的生词,我想现在阅读起来应该更加方便了,那就抓紧看哦👇</p> <p>No. 14: 有点小腼腆的Nick,今天的表演却非常洒脱,看来还有很多潜质都没有很好的发挥,加油!注意第68页中A fireball hit them.中的hit,非sit。</p> <p>No. 44: Tiana的表演让FISH想到了机器猫的百宝箱,可爱的玩具把Floppy和Zog演绎的惟妙惟肖,还有那个插有两根吸管的spaceship,创意满分,造型满分!语言表达也非常棒,FISH要给Tiana点个大赞,坚持认真的学习态度,你一定会更棒!</p> <p>现在请大家有感情的再朗读一下故事吧!</p> <p>故事创编👇,有兴趣可以朗读一下哦!</p> <p>The Spaceship </p><p>One day, Floppy was at the library. Floppy went to sleep and he began to dream. He dreamed about spaceship.</p><p>A spaceship landed. “Wow!” said Kipper. “A real spaceship!” A white dog looked at Floppy. An alien came out. “I am Zig,” he said. “And this is my dog, Zog.” Floppy looked at Zog. He liked Zog.</p><p>“Hello Zog!” said Floppy.</p><p>“Let’s go into space," said Zig.</p><p>“Oh yes!" said Kipper.</p><p>“Oh no!" said Floppy. They went into the spaceship. Kipper was happy. Whoosh! The spaceship took off. It flew up into space. Floppy was afraid. He barked and barked.</p><p>“What’s that?" said Kipper.</p><p>“Oh no!" said Zig. “Fireballs!"</p><p>Floppy looked at the fireballs. Zig was unhappy. Whoosh! Suddenly,there were fireballs all around them. </p><p>“Help!" said Zog.</p><p>“What can we do?" said Kipper.</p><p>“The fireballs fly fast!"</p><p>“I don’t know," said Zig.</p><p>Crash! A fireball hit them. The spaceship began to spin round. Everyone spin round too. Floppy was afraid again. Zig and Kipper bumped heads.</p><p>“Oh my head!" said Kipper.</p><p>“Oh my head!" said Zig. Zig and Kipper’s heads were hurt. Zig felt sick. Floppy saw a very big fireball. It was going to hit them. Zig and Kipper could not see the fireball. Floppy wanted to take off the fireball.</p><p>“Help!" said Floppy.</p><p>“We’re in danger!" said Zog.</p><p>“I don’t know what to do." Kipper touched his head.</p><p>“I know what to do," said Floppy.</p><p>“I can fly the spaceship."</p><p>So Floppy would fly the spaceship. Zog looked at Floppy. Zoom! Floppy flew the spaceship out of danger.</p><p>“Phew! Just in time," he said.</p><p>Kipper and Zog were happy.</p><p>“The fireballs can’t hit us!" said Zog. They went back to the earth.</p><p>“Well done, Space Dog Floppy." said Zig. “You saved us!"</p><p>“Floppy can fly the spaceship, why can’t I?" thought Zog. Zog was unhappy.</p>