<p>1️⃣Listening</p><p>英文:教材0b、粉猪第一季(Mummy pig at work, best friends)</p><p>中文:汉语一,古诗词一首</p><p>2️⃣Reading</p><p>英文:海尼曼B-D混合11本,教材小书</p><p>中文:汉语一小书,摩比爱数学萌芽,逻辑狗</p> <p>3️⃣Video</p><p>英文:0b 20分钟,粉猪第一季30分钟</p><p>中文:汉语一20分钟,凯叔睡前故事15分钟</p> <p>4️⃣Fried trip</p><p>🌸Natural sciences: spring wind </p><p>👩:Today it's a lovely sunny day,do you want to go to garden playing?</p><p>👧: yes 好啊 yeah</p><p>👩: Rainbow, now in spring, think about how we can find the wind?</p><p>👧: 我不知道</p><p>👩: The wind can't be seen and touched, but we can feel the wind through different things.</p><p>For example, observing mother's hair. It will flutter with the wind. The wind in different directions will blow the mother's hair in different directions.</p><p>👧: yes mommy.</p><p>👩:We can see that the branches sway with the wind. The wind of different strengths can produce different amplitudes in the branches.</p><p>👧:哦 这棵树为什么这样啊?(看到有一颗树被几根大木棒支持着)</p><p>👩: yes that’s because the tree need to support and won’t fall down when have the strong wind.</p><p><br></p><p>🎈play the windmill </p><p>👩: Rainbow, show your windmills then you can know the wing was blowing.</p><p>👧: 哇,我的风车在转圈圈</p><p>👩: yes, the wind was blowing your windmills. You can raise a little higher.</p><p>👧: ok 为什么没有了?(风车不转了)</p><p>👩: the wind stopped now. Let’s wait for second. We can go another place, keep walking.后来走到一个比较通风的地方,凤比较大了</p><p>👧: 哇mommy 风车又转了,有风来了对不对?</p><p>👩; yes playing with the wind. Now you can see the bee is winging now. you can pretend the little bee, you can fly here, you can fly there. Wow, you are height in the air.</p><p>👧: Iam little bee, I can fly here, I can fly there, wow, I am height in the air.基本上可以应用I can fly短句</p> <p>🎈play the plastic bag</p><p>👩: Look. There are some plastic bags floating in the air, so the wings was blowing.(看到别人家的菜地里有几个胶袋被风起来)</p><p>See mommy here has a plastic bag, let’s play with it, we can use it to catch the wing.边说边示范如何catch</p><p>👧:我来试试</p><p>👩:yes, you try. Shake the bag up and down hardly. tie it up by hand when you finished.</p><p>👧: ok. 我要打一下bam~bam</p><p>👩: maybe it will be broken. Try to throw it high in the air.</p><p>👧: ok.</p><p>👩: yes , it’s floating in the air then we can know the wind was blowing.</p><p>这个胶袋也可以玩好一会儿了, 又拍打又抛高起来</p> <p>继续向前走的时候发现有一些水在地面上,👧惊呼说:Mommy, it’s muddy puddle! I can jump. I like muddy puddle. 引用粉猪短句</p><p>(看到泥坑有这么大反应么🙃不过可以结合实际应用也不错啦)</p><p>👩yes but you need to wear your boots , baby. Otherwise your shoe will get wet.</p><p>👧: ok mommy, 那我先不jump了, 我要穿boots.(期待你可以整句回答的时候啊)</p> <p>因疫情原因选择就近原则,在自家小区花园放风一下做FT,小区花草树木品种有限,先向物业了解都有什么种类自己提前做功课。</p><p>🌸Plant science</p><p>👩: Rainbow, let’s play a game. We can find different shape of leaves or flowers in the garden and see who can do more, ok?</p><p>👧: ok.</p><p>👩: we can learn different plants at the same time. Let’s go.</p><p>Look, this plant is Osmanthus fragrans [ɒz'mænθəs], you can smell the flower.</p><p>👧凑鼻子闻一下桂花,好香啊妈妈</p><p>👩: yes. Osmanthus is one of the top ten famous Chinese traditional flowers. A fragrant plant. Osmanthus can be eaten and used to make osmanthus wine, osmanthus pastries.</p><p>Look at the flowers, it’s very small and light yellow.</p><p>👧我可以摘吗?</p><p>👩Normally not.</p><p><br></p> <p>👩: let’s go to find others. Keep walking. </p><p>👧: ok.</p><p>👩: see this leaf 🍃 do you think it’s like a duck feet?</p><p>👧: 哈哈 不是</p><p>👩: it’s called Schefflera ['ʃeflerə] octophylla ,The most important feature of the flower is a stubby columnar shape. what color do you see in it?</p><p>👧: I can see the green, yellow.</p><p>👩: yes, its flower is pale yellow, with large leaves and yellow patches.</p><p>👧:这个没有味道的,我可以摘一下吗?</p><p>👩:just a little.</p><p>👧: 我要摘两个,一个给婆婆,一个给弟弟😅是个会惦记弟弟的好姐姐</p><p>👩:ok you can show them</p> <p>👩: look. This leaf color is so green and looks fresh. It’s called golden left. </p><p>👧: 那我也要摘几片(还喜欢把摘的弄碎后撒)妈妈你看这个垃圾箱(突然看到这个就跑过去研究了)</p><p>👩: it’s recycling bin.when our clothes/ bags/ toys not use, we can share them and put in this bin, they will reuse by other people.</p><p>👧 这里面是什么啊?我看看</p><p>(在这里研究了几分钟才肯走)</p><p>后来走着走着,Rainbow发现一些很小很小的草,不知道叫什么,摘了一个放袋子里了。</p><p><br></p><p><br></p><p><br></p><p><br></p> <p>👩:Baby, there is some flowers over there. Let’s go and see.</p><p>👧: 这个是什么花啊?好漂亮啊,I like red.</p><p>👩: it’s a red rose. It normally means true love. Can you see the thorn in the steam?</p><p>👧:哪里有啊?</p><p>👩:here, we can’t touch it.</p> <p>👩: baby, come and see the purple flowers</p><p>👧: 这个是什么花啊?</p><p>👩:突然不知道🤷🏻♀️I don’t know let me check online later then tell you. </p><p>👧 我闻一下有没有香味👀</p><p>没有呢妈妈</p><p>👩: can you see here the petals? The purple one is petal. And inside is pistil.</p><p>👧: ok. </p> <p>🎈植物观察完毕,收集好各种树叶带回家洗干净后准备当作画工具。</p><p>👩Rainbow, now we can do painting with the leaves. Can you help to cut the longest leave for two parts?</p><p>👧ok. 这样剪吗?</p><p>👩yes. Just two.</p><p>Ok.We can use glue to stick on the paper directly. </p><p>👧ok </p><p>👩mommy want to make two birds and butterflies. The birds are standing on the tree, and butterfly is flying. Can you draw a sun on the top of right?</p><p>👧OK </p><p>👩It’s done now. </p><p>Then we can pain some colors on the back of leaf, then overprint in the paper directly. You try.</p><p>👧ok 是这样涂在叶子上吗?</p><p>👩 yes baby.</p><p>这个拓印画比较失败,因为找的树叶纹路不明显,比较光滑,下次要找一些大叶子,纹路明显的来做。</p><p><br></p><p><br></p> <p>🌳baby plant </p><p>👩Rainbow, let’s do some planting.</p><p>👧yes 好呀好呀(娃期待已久,前日收到快递时候就想做了)</p><p>👩here is a pot. we can put the dirt in the pot. </p><p>👧ok 我来</p><p>👩 you can use shovel to make the dirt. Then put the seed in it. This is mini tomato seed. We can eat if succeed.</p><p>👧Ok </p><p>👩 then you can watering.</p><p>👧 那它什么时候可以长出来啊?</p><p>👩we should be patient to wait about 2 weeks. And you should remember to do watering everyday. please take care of them.</p><p>👧ok mommy.</p><p><br></p><p><br></p> <p>🔚</p><p>第一次做FT👀,实际操作起来完成了备课的一半内容吧,下周末继续。</p><p>还没熟悉8-10种花的名称,还有草系列/树木等等🤷🏻♀️</p><p>另外parts of plant/ flower/ tree.这个从手工入手吧。</p><p>记录FT好像流水账一样长,累趴了🤦🏻♀️</p><p><br></p>