<p><span style="font-size: 18px;"> ———吉林省第二实验学校 七年四班</span></p> <p>Fight the Virus!</p> <p> There are tens of thousands of buildings in the city, and all the poor people in the world are happy. From Wuhan to the whole country, the latest information of the epidemic is always moving our heartstrings. </p><p> 安得广厦千万间,大庇天下寒士俱欢颜。从武汉到全国,疫情的最新信息时时刻刻拨动着我们的心弦。</p> <p> We saw the most beautiful and retrograde figure in the fight against the epidemic without gunpowder.</p><p> 在这场没有硝烟的疫情阻击战中,我们看到了最美逆行的背影。</p> <p> Academician Zhong Nanshan, 84, was once again in charge of the expedition and rushed to Wuhan at the first time.</p><p> 84岁的钟南山院士再次挂帅出征,在第一时间奔赴武汉.</p> <p> Medical workers across the country set up a request for war, pressed the fingerprints and rushed to rescue them.</p><p> 全国各地医务工作者立下请战书,按下手印,紧急驰援.</p> <p> They are all fighters.</p><p><br></p> <p> 7.4 赵启涵</p> <p><br></p> <p> 7.4 司谨源</p> <p> 7.4 张姝睿</p> <p> 7.4 朱鸣昊</p> <p> 7.4 裴唯蓥</p> <p> 7.4 方致涵</p> <p> 7.4 张曦丹</p> <p> 7.4 王笑菡</p> <p> 7.4 李芳译</p> <p><br></p> <p> 7.4 陈禹彤</p> <p> 7.4 李可欣</p> <p> 7.4 吴君驰</p> <p><br></p> <p> 7.4 王语桐</p> <p> General Secretary Xi Jinping made important instructions to put the people's health and safety first. Once again, we witnessed the speed of the motherland's strength and China. They are the brightest stars in the night sky. They try their best to pass their hopes on to every Chinese.</p><p> 习近平总书记做出重要指示,要将人民群众的身体健康和生命安全放在第一位,我们再一次见证了祖国的强大与中国速度。他们是夜空中最亮的星,用自己的身体力行、全力以赴,将希望传递给每一个中国人。</p> <p> Similarly, in the face of this national campaign, we need to work together. Don't complain pessimistically, don't believe rumors, don't panic. What we have to do is to protect ourselves, build up the momentum and prepare for tomorrow's run.</p><p> 同样,面对这场全民战役,还需要我们每个人的共同努力。不用悲观抱怨,不要轻信谣言,不需慌乱急躁。我们要做的就是保护好自己,蓄积后劲,为明天的奔跑做好准备。sz</p> <p> When we are enjoying the comfortable Spring Festival holiday, they give up the reunion with their relatives and resolutely return to their posts; when we are afraid of avoiding it and not in time, they are determined to go retrograde and rush to Wuhan; when we are worried about the growing number of cases, they fight against the disease and give us confidence. They have a common name, an angel in white.</p><p> 当我们在享受舒适的春节假期时,他们却放弃与亲人的团聚,毅然返回岗位;当我们恐避之而不及时,他们却义无反顾选择逆行,紧急驰援武汉;当我们为日益増长的病例忧心时,他们却迎难而上与病魔抗争,给我们以信心.他们有一个共同的名宇一白衣天使。</p> <p> Winter is coming. Can spring be far behind? No matter how cool it is, spring will come as scheduled. Let's learn from the most beautiful rebels, let's all become a 'hero', unite as one, form a strong joint force, and win the war without smoke of gunpowder. </p><p> 冬天来了。春天还会远吗?无论经历怎样的酷塞,春天终会如期到来。让我们向这些最美的逆行者们学习,让我们人人做一个“英雄”,众志成城,形成强大的合力,一起打赢这场没有硝烟的战争。</p>