

<p>理解阅读,牛9 1本 其他2本 i can read 科一两本</p><p>指读:牛3 10本</p><p>复诉 粉猪2 牛3 一本</p><p>动画: 粉猪</p><p>中文:复习第五册三单元,每天十个字卡,古诗两首</p><p>听力:读啥听啥</p> <p>A plant is a living thing. Plants need light,</p><p>air and water to germinatelgrow).</p><p>Plants need plenty of sunlight. Plants use</p><p>sunlight to make their own food. They trap</p><p>light from the sun using their leaves. This is</p><p>called <b>photosynthesis</b>.</p><p>Plants need plenty of water. Their roots</p><p>absorb Water from the soil after it rains.</p><p>Plants also use nutrients from the soil</p><p>They absorb the nutrients using their roots</p><p>Pants need air. They take carbon dioxide</p><p>ftom the air and release Oxygen back nte</p><p>the environment.</p> <p>Plants is the term used for one of the two</p><p>main groups that everything falls into, the</p><p>other group is animals. They are distinguished</p><p>by the fact that plants can't move, whereas</p><p>animals can.</p><p>There are around 300,000- 315,000 types of</p><p>plants in the world, most of them are seed</p><p>plants.</p><p>Some types of plants we know are, trees,</p><p>shrubs, grass, vines, ferns and mosses.</p><p>Green plants are very importantto the</p><p>environment. They are the only known thing in</p><p>the world to change harmful carbon dioxde</p><p>into fresh oxygen by the process of</p><p>photosynthes/s.</p><p>Oxyeen is what humans and other animals</p><p>need to breath.</p> <p>Everything on earth has ife eycle Lfe begins, terows.</p><p>IEreproduces, it dies. But what is a plants life cycle?</p><p>Plants start their lives as tiny seeds.</p><p>Seeds can be as tiny as a grain or as big as a fingernal.</p><p>Some are round while others are flat or tear-shaped.</p><p>Inside is an embryo, which is a tiny plant and the</p><p>endosperm, which are small leaves which supply it with</p><p>food from the food store. The outside of the seed has a</p><p>seed coat which protects the plant.</p><p>Some plants, like ferns, don't produce seeds. They make</p><p>spores. They drop off the plant and eventually make new</p><p>plants.</p><p>Animals often eat seeds as do we.</p><p>Some seeds are caried to new places by the wind.</p><p>seds cannot grow undereath other plants and needa</p><p>Clear space to grow where sunight Can reach them</p><p>easily.</p> <p>光合作用总结陈词,恭喜你小伙子,有进步啦,,下次我们来讲讲植物究竟怎么进行光合作用的吧!</p> <p>为了讲光合作用,编了叶子和种子的故事</p><p>他是根,我是叶子,挺有意思的,语言简单,知识点全在里边,,</p><p>利用小故事讲了叶子的故事。介绍了叶绿体叶绿素,可惜现在我全忘了当时怎么说的,有时间整理一下</p> <p>draw the process of photosynthesis.</p><p>Photosynthesis For Kids</p><p>Ever heard of photosynthesis?</p><p>Do you know what it is?</p><p>What is photosynthesis?</p><p>Right, we’ll keep it simple! Basically photosynthesis is something that a plant does to grow and keep alive. If you think about it, you don’t really see plants eating food like humans and animals do you? That would just be <b>weird</b>. They stay in one place in the ground and make their own food! Wow, they’re pretty clever.</p><p><b>How do plants make their own food?</b></p><p><b>Well we’ve figured out that our plant friends are pretty clever, so how do they make this food of theirs to keep growing healthy and strong? They use water, carbon dioxide and light to do this. See how this process works in the drawing.</b></p><p>Carbon dioxide is a type of chemical and it’s found in the air. Plants breathe it Carbon dioxide and then they breathe out oxygen. But plants are different to us, as we need to breathe in oxygen to stay alive and we breathe carbon dioxide out. Wow, that’s interesting, we’re like complete opposites.</p><p><b>photosynthesis facts</b></p><p>Believe it or not, but plants are a bit smarter than us though and that’s because there’s enough carbon dioxide around for them to live without needing the carbon dioxide that we make, but there isn’t enough oxygen in the world for humans to live if plants didn’t make it for us! Who would have known that we rely on plants so much? So get planting all you can!</p><p><b>How does photosynthesis happen</b>?</p><p>Plants do breathe, like us, but it’s through tiny little holes in their leaves. You can’t see them if you just look at them, you can only spot them if you looked through a microscope. If you saw these little holes through a microscope you’d be amazed!</p><p><b>So how do they get water?</b></p><p>Well if you think about the plants you have at home, you always water them ,don’t you, to keep them alive. Well they drink all that water through their roots. Now that they’ve got water, they then use sunlight from the air, and everything put together creates their food, which are called sugars.</p><p>Photosynthesis</p><p>In order to make all this happen, plants have </p><p>something in their leaves called <b>chlorophyll</b> /ˈklɔːrəfɪl/ which they need to make all this fancy stuff happen.</p><p>While all this is going on, the process is called photosynthesis, and then oxygen is made. </p><p>But the plant doesn’t need all that oxygen ,so off it goes into the air and lucky for us, we can </p><p>then breathe properly and stay alive.</p><p>Photosynthesis = ‘photo’ + ‘synthesis’/ˈsɪnθɪsɪs/ 结合体</p><p>Now here’s a quick explanation of photosynthesis for you. If you think about the word photosynthesis and you make two words out of it, you get ‘photo’, which means light, and ‘synthesis’ which means putting together. So in simple </p><p>terms, plants use light to put things together. Ah, so that’s where the word comes from.</p><p>Plants make their food,they make food in their leaves.Photosynthesis give us oxygen to breath.Plants need water,minerals and light.Plants need dioxide.Plants need energy from the sun.They make oxygen for eveyone.</p> <p>Why plants are green?</p><p>Sure, plants are green because their cells</p><p>contain chloroplasts which have the</p><p>pigment chlorophyll which absorbs deep-</p><p>blue and red light, so that the rest of the</p><p>sunlight spectrum is being reflected,</p><p>causing the plant to look green.</p> <p>Glucose is a type of sugar that gives you energy.</p><p>Chlorophyll is a green substance in plants which enables them to use the energy from sunlight in order to grow.</p> <p>粉猪。总拉长音,我真是受不了啦啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊</p> <p>This science experiment is fun and easy to do. It is designed to teach us how sound travels from one end to another. With the help of a long string and two plastic cups, we create our working telephone. They will have fun carrying out this activity as learning how sound waves are created and how sound travels through air.&nbsp;</p> <p>This is because when we talk into each other into this cup. The bottom of cup vibrates or move back and forth. When any object moves it causes movement in the air. This movement is called sound waves, the vibrations travel though the sting, so you can hear the sound waves and can therefore hear what I said .Talk as much as you like and have fun ,no charges.</p> <p>Ears</p><p>Did you hear something? Maybe the sound you heard was as quiet as your cat licking her paws. Or maybe it was loud, like a siren going by. Sounds are everywhere, and you have two cool parts on your body that let you hear them all: your ears.</p><p>Your ears are in charge of collecting sounds, processing them, and sending sound signals to your brain. Your ears also help you keep your balance. So if you bend over to pick up your cat, you will fall down — or even worse — fall on your cat. Meow!</p><p>The ear is made up of three different sections: the outer ear, the middle ear, and the inner ear. These parts all work together so you can hear and process sounds.</p><p><br></p><p>A signal is a gesture, sound, or action which is intended to give a particular message to the person who sees or hears it.</p> <p><br></p><p>Let's learn about ears. Our ears are on the sides of our head. They are shaped like cups. This special shape helps them to catch sounds.</p><p>Our ears have many parts. The eardrum vibrates when sounds hit it.The cochlea耳蜗 /ˈkɒklɪə/ changes the sounds into signals and sends them to our brain. The cochlea is the spiral-shaped part of the inner ear. 耳蜗 That is how we hear.</p><p>Our ears can hear thousands of different sounds. Sounds are measured in units called decibels. Fireworks are very loud. They are beautiful too. How do we know? We use our incredible ears and eyes.</p><p><br></p><p>6.</p><p>The most usual system is that of the decibel scale.</p><p>最常用的系统为分贝标度系统。</p><p>www.dictall.com</p><p>7.</p><p>The noise pollution reached a high decibel level</p><p>噪音污染达到了很高分贝</p> <p>Read lips</p><p>We make shapes with our mouth. The other guess what she is saying.</p><p>Players try to guess words and phrases by observing the lip movements of other players.</p><p>The lipper can not make any sound or gesture.</p> <p>Sound</p><p>Human and animals use sound to recognize and communicate with each other. Besides sound, there are other ways to communicate such as body lauguage and sign language.</p><p>All sound is caused by the vibration.</p><p>Touch your throat to feel the vibration. When you shout out loud, You can feel the vibration of your throat.</p> <p>玩了hide and seek. 都五岁了,藏猫猫就还在一个地方藏,是不是sa 我都演不下去了🐽🐽</p>