

<p>🔺音频:</p><p>粉猪,牛7,奶泡泡,古诗</p><p>🔺视频:journey to the west</p><p>🔺理解性阅读:</p><p>🔺指读: 牛7 2本</p><p>🔺数学:破十法 </p><p>🔺书写汉字</p><p><br></p> <p>Mom: Do you want to do an experiment?</p><p>Kid: Yes!</p><p>Mom: First, let's get some tap water. ✏ Tap [tæp] 水龙头 Tap water: 自来水</p><p>Mom: Next, add some food color (食用色素)into the tap water.</p><p>Mom: Next, we add some hair shampoo. ✏Shampoo /ʃæmˈpuː/ 洗发水</p><p>Mom: What do you think will happen when you add the shampoo? Do you think the shampoo is gonna mix with</p><p>the water?</p><p>Kid: No. It’s not gonna mix with water.</p><p>Mom: Ok. Let's see.</p><p>Kid: No.</p><p>Mom: Look at the glass. There are two different layers. ✏Layer ['leɪr] 层/层次</p><p>Mom: The ______layer is the ____ ?</p><p>(让孩子回答)</p><p>Mom: And the ______ layer is the ____ ?</p><p>(让孩子回答)</p><p>1</p><p>Mom: They didn't mix. Do you know why?</p><p>Mom: Because the shampoo and the water have different density.</p><p>✏ Density /'densəti/ 密度 (名词)</p><p>Mom: Whichever is more dense will go to the bottom.</p><p>✏Dense [dens] 密度大的 (形容词)</p><p>Bottom ['bɑtəm] 水底</p><p>Mom: So tell me, which one is more dense? (哪个密度更大?) The Shampoo or the water?</p><p>Kid: The shampoo.</p><p>Mom: Yeah. That’s why it went all the way to the bottom.</p><p>Mom: Next we’re gonna add some cooking oil.</p><p>Mom: What do you think will happen when you add the oil? Will it mix with the water?</p><p>Kid: I think it’s gonna float.</p><p>Mom: Let’s see. So what happened?</p><p>Kid: It floats! ✏第三人称单数,此处float要加s</p><p>Mom: Yeah. So that means, oil</p><p>is less dense than water, right? Even if you try to mix it. (让孩子试着搅拌,然后等分层恢复)</p><p>Kid: Wow, it still separated out!</p><p>✏ Separate /‘sepəreɪt/ 分离 (在本句 中作为动词使用)</p><p><br></p> <p>如何帮助孩子进一步理解“密度”这个概念?</p><p>其实用形象的方式来让孩子理解,只需要3个步骤:</p><p>1. 首先要让孩子理解一个概念,那就是这世界上的所有物</p><p>体,本质上都是由“粒子”组成的。</p><p>Everything is made of tiny particles that we can’t see. ✏科学词汇: Particle /'pɑrtɪk(ə)l/ 粒子</p><p>2. 密度的概念:一个物体的密度,取决于单位体积内,它的 粒子之间有多大的空间距离。</p><p>How dense the object is, depends on how much space is between those particles.</p><p>✏科学词汇 Dense /dens/ 密度大的 (形容词)</p><p>3. 用两支汤匙的沉浮实验,来帮助孩子加深理解 所需材料:</p><p>一个金属汤匙;</p><p>一个塑料汤匙; 一些圆形的小物体,我用的是做手工的毛球,还可以用玻璃 弹珠等物品代替;</p><p>一个盛水的透明容器。 把勺子和小毛球像下图这么摆放</p><p>金属汤匙的粒子排列得紧密,密度较大;塑料勺的粒子排列 更疏松,密度较小。</p><p>There is less space between the particles of the metal spoon, which means it is more dense.</p><p>There is more space between the particles of the plastic spoon, which means it is less dense.</p><p>接下来,分别把两个汤匙放进水里,看看哪个会沉下去,哪 个会浮起来?</p><p>Put these two spoons into the water, which one is gonna float, which one is gonna sink?</p><p>所有事物都有密度,包括水。</p><p>Everything has density, including water.</p><p>金属汤匙的密度比水大,所以会沉下去;塑料汤匙的密度比 水小,所以会浮起来。</p><p>The metal spoon is more dense than water, so it sinks; the plastic spoon is less dense than water, that's why it floats.</p> <p>About the extension of spring</p><p>What day is it today?</p><p>Today is March 13th.</p><p>Good job.</p><p>Let's see what day it is today?</p><p>It's Friday</p><p>What's the weather like today.</p><p>It is sunny today.</p><p><br></p><p>There are 12 months in a year. Each season has three months.</p><p>March, April and May are spring. June, July and August are summer. September, October and November are autumn. December, January and February are winter.</p><p><br></p><p>Spring is Coming</p><p>All the things are reviving苏醒.</p><p>The world is colorful.</p><p>The trees and grass are green.</p><p>The sun is shinning.</p><p>The wind is blowing.</p><p>The flowers are blooming.</p><p>The grass and the trees are growing.</p><p>The children are singing and dancing.</p><p>The entire world is reviving.</p><p>The snake wakes up.Everything comes to life.</p><p>In spring,days get longer.</p><p>The temperature rises.</p><p>The sun rises earlier in spring. It goes down later.There is more sunlight.</p><p>The weather is <b>warming up.</b></p><p>The icy river has <b>thawed. 融化</b></p><p>The little animals are awakening from hibernation.</p><p>All the tadpoles swimming in the pond!</p><p>Mini</p> <p>春天</p><p>It's a lovely sunny day and Let's go for a walk .We can breathe some fresh air,which will make us feel refreshed.</p><p>The spring is coming and the weather is warming up.</p><p>The icy river has thawed. 解冻融化</p><p>The little animals are awakening from hibernation.</p><p>We can see tadpoles swimming in the pond!</p><p>The little trees have begun to sprout and the flowers have bloomed.</p><p>I like seeing the flowers and trees bud and bloom.</p><p>Everything is so dead looking in winter and then things start coming back to life in spring</p><p>I like the warm <b>mild</b> 温柔的weather</p><p>I like the smells in the air, <b>fresh cut grass,tilled earth, blooming flowers</b>新翻的土的味道</p><p>I like being able to open up my s to let fresh air in the house</p><p>I've noticed that the trees are showing signs of green, </p><p>Lawns are greening up in spring草地慢慢绿起来</p><p>赏花</p><p>Go outside to enjoy peach blossoms and plum blossoms, but all plum blossoms fell off after yesterday night rain.</p><p>Look at all the different kinds of flowers in the field.</p><p>Dandelions have tiny yellow petals.They will turn into white seeds.</p><p>Is the rape flowers flourishing now? /ˈflʌrɪʃ/繁荣的</p><p>We can enjoy the view of rape flowers in the field.Rape flowers are in full blossom in March.</p><p><br></p><p>Look. the roses over there have started to grow new leaves. Be careful not to touch the thorns on the rose.Otherwise, you will cut your hand</p> <p><b>Mushroom Substrates for Oyster Mushrooms</b></p><p>There’s a few different choices for what you will use as a growing media, also called a mushroom substrate. While at least one Pleurotus 平菇variety will occasionally grow in dirt, most mushrooms generally don’t grow in soil like other plants, and instead prefer unusual substrates to grow on. Some of the most popular types are listed below.</p><p>Saw</p><p>coffee ground</p><p>sawdust</p><p><br></p><p><b>Watering Your Substrate</b></p><p>Before you <b>inoculate接种?</b>, you need to make sure your substrate is properly prepared — and that includes making sure <b>it’s holding all of the moisture it will need to grow your batch of mushrooms.</b> While you may be able to<b> lightly mist the exterior of your grow bag with water,</b> the vast majority of the <b>fungal真菌的</b> growth will happen on what’s right inside that bag.</p><p><br></p><p><br></p><p>Oyster mushrooms are possibly the easiest variety of mushroom to grow.</p><p><br></p><p>They are super quick, relatively resistant to competitor organisms and they can grow on a wide range of substrate materials.</p><p>We'll cover how to grow Oyster mushrooms &amp; what equipment you'll need below, but the basic process is quite simple and can be broken up into 3 main phases:</p><p>1) <b>Inoculation:</b></p><p>Oyster mushroom spawn is mixed with the substrate material (often straw or sawdust, but a range of other materials can also be used; see below).</p><p><br></p><p><b>This growing medium is then usually placed into bags with small holes or air filters in them for air exchange.</b></p><p><br></p><p>2) <b>Incubation</b></p><p>The bags are then placed in a warm (20-24C/68F-75F) dark room to incubate and begin the first phase of growth.</p><p>Only 10-14 days are needed for the spawn to grow a full web of root-like threads of <b>mycelium菌丝</b> and colonise the growing substrate.</p><p><br></p><p>3) <b>Fruiting</b></p><p>Once the growing medium is fully colonised by the spawn, it is time for the mushrooms to start fruiting.</p><p>The bags are exposed to autumn-like conditions with <b>fresh oxygen, high humidity, low level light &amp; often cooler temperatures.</b></p><p>This signals to the mycelium that it's time to start producing mushrooms and small pins begin to emerge.</p><p><br></p><p><b>A crop of mushrooms can be harvested three times before the mycelium becomes exhausted,</b> with a new crop of mushrooms manifesting every 7-14 days during this time.&nbsp;</p> <p>Oyster mushroom pins begin to emerge from holes in the bag....</p> <p>Oysters mushrooms, ready to harvest just 7 days after starting to grow out of the bag</p>









