<p>🥑Listening</p><p>🥕国学:声律启蒙,古诗词一首</p><p>🥕儿歌:牙牙学语第一二三四五六七八九单元</p><p>🥕英文音频:清华幼儿英语第四单元I can fly</p><p>🥕音乐:听小龙老师唱古典</p> <p>🥑Games. </p><p>🥕牙牙学语第八单元《小花猫捞小鱼》拓展3</p> <p>小花猫,真调皮。</p><p>捞呀捞呀捞小鱼。</p><p>左捞捞,右捞捞。</p><p>捞上一条小虾米。</p><p>小花猫,真淘气。</p><p>又来捞呀捞呀捞小鱼。</p><p>左捞捞,右捞捞。</p><p>捞出一条大鲨鱼。(妈妈根据情况改了词,用了什么颜色的小鱼来代替。)</p> <p>🥑日常英文</p><p>🥕去油菜花田里看油菜花</p><p>K:Miya. Do you like the flowers?</p><p>M:Yes. </p><p>K:Can you smell the flowers?</p><p>M:Yes. 说着就鼻子凑过去闻了油菜花</p> <p>K:What color are the flowers?</p><p>M:Yellow. </p> <p>K:Look up at the sky. And make a happy face. I will take a photo for you. </p><p>M:抬头看天空,微笑。😂</p> <p>🥑I can fly之拓展</p><p>🥕Play with the swing. I can fly. </p><p>K:What are you doing Miya?</p><p>M:Flying. </p><p>K:Yes. You're flying in the sky. You can fly here,you can fly there. You are high in the sky. Do you like it?</p><p>M:Yes. Flying,flying,flying…</p><p><br></p> <p>🥕Introducing my friends to Mommy. </p> <p>🥕Some animals can fly. </p><p>Some animals can swim. </p><p>Some animals can run. </p><p>Some animals can hop. </p><p>Some animals can crawl. </p><p>K:Some animals can fly. </p><p>M:说着Miya拿除了猫头鹰</p><p>K:Yes. The owl can fly. Which animal can fly too?</p><p>M:Bee can fly. (说着拿起了蜜蜂让它在空中飞)</p><p>K:And some animals can siwm in the sea. Which animal can swim?</p><p>M:说着拿起了海豚,嘴里说着dolphin can swim. </p><p>K:Yes. The dolphin can swim in the sea,how to swim Miya?</p><p>M:直接趴地上游泳了😂</p><p>K:And the penguin can swim,too. And some animals can run,Which animal can run Miya?</p><p>M:拿起了马</p><p>K:Yes. The horse can run. And the tiger,and the lion can run. </p><p>M:拿起狮子和老虎让它们跑😂。</p><p>K:And some animals can hop. </p><p>M:她拿起了袋鼠</p><p>K:Yes. The kangroo can hop hop hop. </p><p>M:拿着袋鼠hop hop hop. </p><p>K:The bunny can hop too. Hop hop hop. </p><p>M:拿着兔子hop hop hop. 然后突发事件,两个动物模型掉地上了😂</p><p>K:Some animals can crawl. </p><p>M:她主动拿起了蛇和鳄鱼</p><p>K:Yes. The snake can crawl. </p><p>M:妈妈还没说完她就去地上爬去了。</p> <p>🥑Handcraft. </p><p>🥕The birds. </p><p>K:What can you see Miya. </p><p>M:I can see a bird. Hello bird. </p><p>K:Yes. Good. I am a bird. I can fly in the sky. I have wings. I am high in the sky.Where are the wings Miya?</p><p>M:拍拍小鸟的翅膀,然后拿着小鸟去飞了😂</p><p>K:妈妈继续说以增强记忆 can fly in the sky. Wow,the bird is high in the sky. </p><p><br></p> <p>K:Miya,this is a bird. The bird can fly on your finger. Do you want to have a try?</p><p>M:Yes. </p><p>K:Ok,show me you finger. </p><p>M:说着伸出了手指头</p><p>M:Wow ,the bird can fly on Miya’s finger. It is high. </p> <p>🥕Making a bird. </p> <p>Put the branch on the black paper. </p> <p>Make the bird’s nest. </p> <p>Make the tail. </p> <p>Make the bird’s wing and eyes. </p> <p>Put some leaves on the branch. </p> <p>Done. </p> <p>🥑Reading. </p><p>🥕中文</p> <p>她最爱的声律启蒙,看到现实生活中的类似事物,已经可以类比出来。😂</p> <p>🥕英文</p>