万思乐学V-learn小西妈双语工程2001期162号Angela 20200312打卡Day11

Jennifer Song

<p>👧🏻基本情况:3岁</p><p>清华英语0a- lollipop</p><p>牙牙学语-1卷白菜</p><p><br></p><p>📍Listening:</p><p>1.清华英语0a</p><p>2.牙牙学语</p><p>3.绘本《你好,安东医生》</p><p>4.婷婷唱古诗《静夜思》《悯农》</p><p><br></p><p>📍Reading:</p><p>英文:15本GK分级,《Biscuits visits the big city》,《watch me grow》</p><p>中文:《大个子圣诞老人和小个子圣诞老人》《一周一首古诗词》</p><p><b style="color: rgb(237, 35, 8);">总结:</b>读圣诞老人时姐姐问谁给圣诞老人送礼物,妈妈说他们不收礼物,他们专门送礼物,姐姐说那她送圣诞老人礼物,真是有爱心。然后妈妈大大夸赞了姐姐会考虑别人,姐姐笑的很开心,<b style="color: rgb(237, 35, 8);">想要娃哪里好就使劲夸哪里,嗯!</b></p> <p>📍Game:</p><p>1. 先看SSS的"brush your teeth"再给粘土牙齿刷牙</p><p>目标:</p><p>👉🏻复习牙齿叫法(incisor. Canine. Molar)</p><p>👉🏻练习数数(20颗牙,上下各10颗)</p><p>👉🏻学习刷牙方法(up&amp;down, round and round, from left to right, along the gum lines)</p><p>How do we brush teeth?</p><p>1.Squeeze a little toothpaste on your toothbrush.Let me check the water temperature.It's just right. </p><p>2.Brush your teeth up and down.round and round.from left to right.in the morning and night.We brush along your gum lines and all tooth surfaces to remove the food and germs. We also brush the back surface of your teeth and along the gum lines. Next, brush the bottom of your top teeth and the top of your bottom teeth. </p><p>3.If you don’t brush your teeth, your teeth will turn black.If you don’t brush your teeth well, you’ll also have bad breath. &nbsp;If you don’t take care of your teeth, you’ll get cavities.Now rinse and spit. Remember not to swallow the toothpaste, it’s not food.You can also brush your tongue gently.</p><p>Why care for your teeth?</p><p>If teeth are not taken care of, holes and unhealthy gums can cause your mouth to become very sore, making it difficult for teeth to do what they're supposed to do.</p><p>Remember your teeth:</p><p>1. help you to chew food to help you grow</p><p>2. help you to speak clearly</p><p>3. help you to look your best, especially when you smile</p><p><b style="color: rgb(237, 35, 8);">总结:手工做的大大的很直观,很有刷牙的感觉。内容比较多,可以每天刷牙时候说一点,复习周再让娃教小动物刷牙来查看掌握程度。偶然听到别的小朋友唱儿歌,姐姐马上跟着一起,她不感兴趣得事情可以给她看小朋友视频很能带动她</b></p> <p>2.How does it taste? </p><p>目标:</p><p>👉🏻知道五种味觉</p><p>Look. Guess what are these. Let me pour them out. This is white. It is sugar. Take a little and tell me how it tastes. It's sweet. What color is this one? It's brown sugar. Taste It. It's sweet too. Do you like sweet food? Do you like salty/sour/bitter/umami 鲜 food? There are five basic tastes: sweet. sour.bitter.salty. Umami. Do you like salty, sour…food? What food is sour/sweet/bitter/umami/ salty? </p><p><b style="color: rgb(237, 35, 8);">总结:因为懒没按原计划拿各种调味料制成神秘食物给姐姐尝,活动变成简单的认识白砂糖和红糖加讨论,所以简单的完成</b></p> <p>3.Different flavour lollipops</p><p>目标:</p><p>👉🏻复习水果单词</p><p>I can make all kinds of lollipops. I can make apple flavoured lollipops. What flavour lollipops can you make? </p><p><b>apple苹果、peach桃子、lemon柠檬、pear梨、orange橙子、banana香蕉、grape葡萄、plum李子、apricot杏、tangerine柑橘、papaya木瓜、coconut椰子、pineapple菠萝、cherry樱桃、watermelon西瓜、grapefruit柚子、mango芒果、nectarine油桃、honeydew melon哈密瓜、dragonfruit火龙果、loquat枇杷、strawberry草莓、kumquat金桔、star fruit杨桃、kiwi fruit弥猴桃、honey peach水蜜桃、longan桂圆,龙眼、avocado牛油果、litchi荔枝、</b>mangosteen山竹、guava番石榴、cranberry酸莓、raspberry山霉、fig无花果、lime酸橙、date枣、durian榴梿、muskmelon香瓜,甜瓜、navel orange脐橙、pomegranate石榴、red bayberry杨梅、cantaloupe美国香瓜、haw山楂、areca nut槟榔果、oleaster沙枣、olive橄榄 </p><p><b style="color: rgb(237, 35, 8);">总结:因为她不能集中而责怪她,其实让凭空讲出10个水果好无趣确实为难她了,后面用不同颜色蜡笔假装棒棒糖,卖起棒棒糖,用场景加深印象效果好很多,提醒自己时刻把内容变得好玩生动,提醒娃没有错,有错一定是妈的错🤪</b></p> <p>📍其他:</p><p>古诗:看书听唱诗➕妈妈图解➕走窗边看灯光感受</p><p><b style="color: rgb(237, 35, 8);">总结:古诗词的书刚到,配合婷婷读诗的音频很不错,一周一首光用同样方式有点枯燥,还要像双语工程一样玩不同花样才行(1.看视频 2.听故事 3.搭场景 4.人肉演绎 5.画画 )。</b></p>









