

<p>万思乐学V-learn 小西妈双语工程1901期210Eric打卡。 Day157 1b:Round and round 汉语(二):过家家</p><p>一、Listening:</p><p>国学:本周新学《弟子规》</p><p>英文:1b,Pepper pig,Little critter,海尼曼,牛津树</p><p>中文:汉语(二)</p><p>二、晨读晚诵:《弟子规》</p><p>三、字母学习:复习</p><p>四、扫雷:海尼曼3本</p><p>五、数学:绘本</p> <p>六、Leading center</p><p>M:What can you see on this page?</p><p>B:The bear is holding a pink flower in its hand. There are two little bees, one bee is on th flower. One is flying around the bear.</p><p>M:Can you see the little bees flight track?Can you follow the track with your finger?</p><p>M:Do you know where it will stop? </p><p>B:I don't know. </p><p>M:Let's sing the song together.When the song ends,it will tell you where it wants to stop. </p> <p>七、The bear and the bee. </p><p>M:Teddy bear, Teddy bear turn around! Teddy bear, Teddy bear. Touch the ground! Who are you? </p><p>B:I am little bee. </p><p>M:Why you come here? </p><p>B:Because no one play with me. </p><p>M:But I'm scared of you. Don't close to me.Shoo shoo. Don't touch me. </p><p>B:But I feel lonely. </p><p>M:Then if you would not sting me,I will play with you. </p><p>B:I won't sting you. I only sting who want to steal the honey. </p><p>B:OK, Then I will play with you. </p><p>B:That's great. </p><p> Round and round. ……</p><p>M:Where is the bee? </p><p>B:It's On your tummy.</p><p>借此复习一下身体各部位</p> <p>八、I got you</p><p>M:Eric show me your little bee, please Put it on my palm. I will sing the song.When I finish the song, I will try to catch your bee. So, be careful</p><p>Now let's play this game in pairs. Sit face to face. Let's start</p><p>Round and round……</p> <p>九、Round and round</p><p>M:Eric see. What are these? </p><p>B:There are cards. Oh, and there are two bombs in them. </p><p>M:Where are they?</p><p>B:Here one is pink bomb,and when another is purple bomb. </p><p>M:See what's in the middle? </p><p>B:This is a bottle. </p><p>M:And there are some clips outside. So we should play a game with all these. </p><p> When we spin a bottle. We should chant,but you must be careful if it stops on the bomb. Then you should put a clip on your body. And where the bottle point you should tell what's this? If you get one wrong, then you're gonna get a clip on your body, too. At last let's see who gets more cards who will win.</p><p> Let's start. </p> <p>B:Mom, let's line up the cards so that we can see more clearly who is more and who is less?</p><p>M:That is an good idea. </p><p> So who got more cards? </p><p> How many more cards do I have? </p><p>B:One</p> <p>Reading games by spinning a bottle with chanting It's a good method to choose books or cards to read or practice, it s fair and fanny. </p> <p>这个游戏可以玩好久!</p>