<p>2020年3月10是一个特殊的日子,现在距离中考,决定大家命运的时刻,紧剩100天,为了鼓舞士气,使每位同学能够投身于备战中考这场战斗中,我们152班特举办此次中考百日誓师视频会。</p><p> 首先是校领导牛主任给大家的寄语。</p> <p>九年级老师为孩子们带来他们发自内心的誓言。</p> <p>我们可亲的化学老师语重深长寄语孩子们</p> <p>想你们的语文老师给孩子们加油^0^~加油</p> <p>❤️你们的数学老师为孩子们加油呐喊</p> <p>一位大哥哥为你们加油呐喊。</p> <p>学生代表表态发言</p> <p>Dear classmates,</p><p> I’m Cheng Boyuan. High school entrance examination is approaching, only 100 days left, which is a critical period for us. We have no time to lose. As a representative of our class, I set a clear goal for myself: win the first place in our county. To accomplish this goal, I have to overcome my shortcomings, such as failing to finish homework on time, being late for class, putting books out of order. In addition, I will focus my attention on lessons in class, thinking actively. I will be down-to-earth, consolidating what I have learned well every class. I will set a great example for classmates. At the same time, I hope every one of us can realize the importance of the following 100 days. In order not to regret in later life, every one of us need to change completely in mind. We can’t pretend to study hard ,copy homework or be irresponsible for our study. We can’t be crazy to cellphones. Every one of us need to think more about ”why” as well as summarize experience and rules. We must spare no efforts to study during the following 100 days. I believe every one of us can go to our ideal senior high school. Let’s try hard and chase our dreams together !Thank you!</p> <p> 3月10日是个特殊的日子,从今天起中考100天倒计时开始,意味着中考的序幕已拉开,从现在起我们要改变以往懒惰的习惯,华而不实的习惯,一定要充满信心,相信:我能行,一定行。</p><p> 同学们在韩贝贝的带领下庄严宣誓: </p><p> 我自信,我努力,我成功。</p><p> 我自信,我努力,我成功。</p><p> 我自信,我努力,我成功。</p> <p>班主任寄语:</p><p> 你能行,因为经过激烈竞争的你,已经拥有了超强的获胜信念;你能行,因为辛苦三年的你,已经养成了优秀的学习习惯;你能行,因为你爱的老师们,会竭尽所能助你走向成功;</p><p>你能行,因为你是年少有为、拼搏奋进的152班学子!</p><p> </p><p> </p> <p>同学们都积极的制作勉励自己提醒自己的中考倒计时牌,时时提醒自己:时不我待,埋头苦干!</p> <p>同学们,相信老师,相信家长,相信自己。加油!</p>