<p> 2020年伊始,没有了声音,没有了繁华,没有了笑声。一切都好像按下了暂停键。随着病毒的蔓延,我们不能去学校而不得不待在家里。然而,在这场无硝烟的战斗中,我们都是战士。</p><p> At the beginning of 2020,no noise,no prosperities, no laughing. Everything seems to have been pressed the pause botton. With the virus ramping , some of us are stuck at home and can’t go to school. However,we are all fighters in the war without smoke.</p> <p> 多亏了这个网络时代,我们选择用电脑和手机进行网络直播课。这对所有学生和老师来说都是一次新的尝试,但我们在时间的沉淀中慢慢去适应,由开始的担心到最后的放心。</p><p> Thanks to the network times, we choose to have the live lessons with computers and phones. This is a new try for all the teachers and students, however , we are getting used to it in the time of precipitation from worry at the beginning to relief at last.</p> <p> 学生们能按时完成作业,做到对自己负责,对我来说就是最大的安慰。</p><p> It’s a great consolation to me that students can finish their homework on time and be responsible for themselves .</p> <p> 同学们,无数战士他们在日夜不停地奋斗着,无论多累多危险。冬天将会过去,春天也终究会来,让我们一起为所有的逆行者们加油!最美的春天里,“疫”起在校园中遇见!</p><p> So,my dear students, all fighters are still working day and night.No matter how exhausted they are or dangerous it is.Let’s pray for these heroes in harm's way! Then meet at school in the best spring!</p> <p><span style="font-size: 15px; color: rgb(128, 128, 128);">文字:王博</span></p><p><span style="font-size: 15px; color: rgb(128, 128, 128);">审核:郭东平 史小平</span></p>