<p>万思乐学V-learn 小西妈双语工程1901期210Eric打卡。 Day155 1b:Clap your hands 汉语(二):木头人</p><p>一、Listening:</p><p>国学:本周新学《弟子规》</p><p>英文:1b,Pepper pig,Little critter,海尼曼,牛津树</p><p>中文:汉语(二)</p><p>二、晨读晚诵:《弟子规》</p><p>三、字母学习:复习</p><p>四、扫雷:海尼曼3本</p><p>五、数学:绘本</p> <p>六、Act it out</p><p>Eric,Let's play a guest game.Frist we should stand face to face, I'll do an action but don't say anything,you need to guess what action I am doing, ok?</p><p>Let's start. </p><p>Pat tummy,tap nose,flap elbows,bend knees,snap fingers,turn around,lift legs,nod head,shrug shoulders,wiggle waist,bend at my waist……</p> <p>七、</p> <p>Let's have a car race. </p> <p>八、Play cat's cradle (双人翻绳游戏)</p><p>Eric,Let's play another fingers game,called cat's cradle.</p><p>First I need a long piece of string,and then I'll tie the two ends together.</p><p>Here are some basic rules: </p><p>1、We hand off the string every turn.</p><p> 2、And we have to be careful not to drop it.</p><p> Let's start with the yarn on your hands </p><p>so I can show you where to grab it.</p><p>Put one end of the loop around the back of one hand.</p><p>把绳套的一端套在一只手的手背上。</p> <p>Twist the loop in front of that palm,把手心前面的圈转一下,</p><p>then put your hand down.然后把手穿过去。</p><p>Wrap the other end of string around the back of your other hand.把绳儿的另一端绕在另一只手的手背上。</p><p> Wow. That's tough.哇。真难。</p><p>We're just getting started!我们才刚刚开始!</p><p> Now take one middle finger 现在伸出一个中指,</p><p>and slide it under the loop in front of your other hand.伸到另一只手前面的圈下面。</p><p> Then do the same with your other middle finger.然后另一个中指也一样。</p><p> What is this shape called?这个图案叫什么?</p><p> The cat's cradle!猫的摇篮!</p> <p>Is that the whole game?We have four shapes to make. Now we turn the cat's cradle into the soldier's bed.</p><p><br></p> <p>How do I do that?</p><p>I'll show you.</p><p> I'll pinch the two X's you made, </p><p>我捏住两个叉子,</p><p>then pull them around to the outside and up through the center.</p><p>然后把它们从中间往上往外翻。</p> <p>You pull your hands out, </p><p>你把手退出来,</p><p>and I'll stretch my hands open again.</p><p>然后我把手再撑开。</p><p>Now you make the candles shape.</p><p>现在你来翻蜡烛。</p><p><br></p> <p>Pinch the two new X's, </p><p>捏住这两个新的叉子,</p><p>and pull them around to the outside and up through the center again.</p><p>然后再把它们从中间往上往外翻。</p><p>Do I pull out my hands?</p><p>我把手退出来吗?</p><p> Yes! I'll make the strings tight.</p><p>是的!我来把绳儿拉紧。</p><p> Look! It's two candles.</p><p>看!两个蜡烛。</p> <p>What shape comes next?</p><p>The manger.牛槽。</p><p>It's like an upside down cat's cradle.它像一个倒着的猫的摇篮。</p><p> You need your pinkies for this one.这个需要用到小拇指。</p><p> You'll hook your pinkies under the two strings in the middle,你要把两个小拇指勾在中间两根绳儿的下面,</p><p>but you'll hook your right pinky under the left string 但是是右手小拇指勾左边的绳儿,</p><p>and your left pinky under the right string.左手小拇指勾右边的绳儿。</p><p> Then you pull your pinkies out to the sides, 然后把小拇指扽到外面,</p><p>making two triangles.成两个三角形。</p> <p>Now take your thumbs and pointer fingers 现在伸出大拇指和食指,</p><p>and put them down into the triangles and up into the center.把它们伸进三角形里然后从中间穿上来。</p><p> Don't let go of your pinky strings!小拇指不要松开!</p><p>I'm trying not to, 我争取,</p><p>but this is tough.不过挺难的。</p><p> I'm going to let go, 我要松手了,</p><p>and you need to pull the strings tight again.你还是得撑住了。</p><p>Now look! It's the cat's cradle again.快看!它又变成猫的摇篮了。</p> <p>Okay. Now what do I do?好的。现在我怎么弄?</p><p> You can make the soldier's bed,你可以翻士兵床,</p><p> then I can make the candles,然后我翻蜡烛,</p><p> then you can make the manger,然后你翻牛槽,</p><p>then I can make the cat's cradle,然后我翻猫的摇篮,</p><p>and we can keep playing 咱们可以一直玩,</p><p>until one of us messes up.直到咱们其中一个人翻坏了。</p><p>Mom: Let's go.</p><p>Who do you think will mess up first: 你觉得谁会先坏:</p> <p>这个就是今天的主要游戏了,没想到小宝还挺快就上手了并且很喜欢玩这个游戏,等爸爸回来以后还主动教爸爸怎么玩!作为一个男孩子,这么喜欢玩这个翻绳游戏,也是我没想到的!</p> <p>记录一下,今天上了网课,老师对孩子的评价挺高的,妈妈听了很是高兴,继续努力啊!</p>